If you're looking for a history of file permissions (or figuring out if one set of permissions is better than another for a specific reason), it may be simpler to just go with syslog and cron facilities offered by FreeBSD. ZFS and git are awesome tools, but maybe pick less cumbersome tools for the task?
BTW, git does care about file permissions - if you learn enough about it, you'll discover how that even works.
From what I've read, git only cares about the executable permission, for the user. It makes sense: it's not designed for restricting access but for collaboration. But if you can point me in the direction of setting it up so file permissions are respected, that would be awesome.
Example that would mimic my use case...
There's a file end-world-hunger.md, accessible by groups admin, editor, participant, volunteer, sponsor
John is part of one of those groups on the machine being git remote.
He clones the repo. He has access to the file and many others.
But the metadata is not on the file itself (unless I'm wrong; that data is kept in the filesystem representation of that file).
Now the file lives in ~john/prj. Whatever permissions that folder has, will take over permissions the file had in the original location (if git doesn't represent the permissions). That is, it would obviate the original metadata. Git clone will write files as if they were new.
And that's within the same machine. Could be John is running Mac or Windows where the permission system would be totally different.
I haven't tested this; but if John adds stuff to end-world-hunger.md and pushes to remote, the file might keep the permissions it had originally. That'd be good.
But say there's another file not for John to see 'editor-only-file.md'. Unix permissions make this file invisible to John in the unix filesystem.
But editor-only-file.md is tracked by git. When an editor creates that file and 'git add editor-only-file.md', only filesystem permissions prevent John from seeing it. If John pulls after that commit has been pushed to remote, he will get that file. No matter what the orig. filesystem permissions were.