Introduce yourself, tell us who you are and why you chose FreeBSD

I know you're saying Wine isn't an option for you, but I have to say that in my experience it was very easy to install Ableton Live 9 on FreeBSD via Wine. I'm not going to say that all external devices will be recognized on FreeBSD, but what I can say is that I've built an extensive sample library and they all worked fine in Ableton. I was able to make many songs through Ableton Live on FreeBSD. The sound quality of Ableton Live 9 was surprisingly good on FreeBSD via Wine, and by that I mean it was perfect for me, always. Ableton is seen by many as the best DAW. But since Ableton was so good and easy to get working through Wine, I suspect many other DAWs will work well or perfectly on FreeBSD.

You also have Ardour, LMMS and Audacity that work perfectly on FreeBSD and these are decent DAWs.

Furthermore, I also know that Reaper and Bitwig work natively on Linux, so getting these apps to work on FreeBSD probably shouldn't be too difficult, although I don't have any specific knowledge of them. This may be more difficult than what I think.

And a sound card is usually not necessary on FreeBSD, depending on your motherboard and what you want to do. You can configure FreeBSD in bit-perfect mode and disable vchans and you'll have better sound than what comes out of most sound cards. There is also a setting in FreeBSD to keep the latency of your sound apps below 5ms, or real-time sound.

Windows does require a sound card, but this is because it is a commercial product. Windows deliberately made their system's sound stack very bad by default and made sure that DirectSound was no longer direct, making the sound quality quite horrific since Vista.
Thank you very much for your extensive reply!
I already had a lot of these thoughts too.
I'm using Ableton Live since version 9 and currently v11, as it is the best DAW out there (in my opinion too).
My personal reason for not using wine is because I don't wanna mix-up 2 different systems.
As long as I have different machines for different purposes, there's no need for me to do so.
Maybe one day I'm going to change my setup completely, considering your suggestions, but for the moment it's still okay for me.
I have tried "midi-piano -> freebsd -> usb-audio" but it was a waste of time.
With linux i could do "a bit" because it does not need jack-audio.
But for serious stuff you are really fastened to Windows and there exist alternative drivers to directsound.
I'm using Ableton Live since version 9 and currently v11, as it is the best DAW out there (in my opinion too).
Maybe one day I'm going to change my setup completely, considering your suggestions, but for the moment it's still okay for me.
I was using the latest version of Ableton 9 Live, the version with all the updates, and it was the 32-bit version. It was maybe the best experience with Wine I've had so far. All the basic features of the app itself worked well and it never crashed or anything like that.

I already mentioned I think you have Ardour, LMMS and Audacity which are also pretty good audio apps and they are easily installed.

But you have some other decent apps you can use on FreeBSD:

I would say that producing music professionally using FreeBSD is much easier than what people might imagine :)
I was using the latest version of Ableton 9 Live, the version with all the updates, and it was the 32-bit version. It was maybe the best experience with Wine I've had so far. All the basic features of the app itself worked well and it never crashed or anything like that.

I already mentioned I think you have Ardour, LMMS and Audacity which are also pretty good audio apps and they are easily installed.

But you have some other decent apps you can use on FreeBSD:

I would say that producing music professionally using FreeBSD is much easier than what people might imagine :)
Thanks a lot for your response! I will keep it in mind and definitely take a look at your suggestions soon.

My name is Porter but I go by Chip which is a nickname that I went by as a kid because other kids and adults would mispronounce my first name. With that out of the way , I have been using FreeBSD on and off for a good chunk of my Teenage and young adduct life. I like FreeBSD because of the fact that you can save old computers that would otherwise be sent to landfill and breath new life into them.
Mew mew everykitty!

My FreeBSD Beginnings:
I started using FreeBSD as a teenage kitten, after I heard about it. This was in 1998. I had already used linux and found it somewhat difficult to admewnister (configuring startup services, setting up network, etc...) and when I tried FreeBSD it was super simple! Fast forward to 2005 and I begin using FreeBSD for all the things.

In 2006 I set up super-routers that could also act as CUPS print servers, mewsic players, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Making a long story short:
I now daily-drive FreeBSD on my System76 Gazelle (gaze14) that I got in Mewvember 2019. I use FreeBSD for all the things, including FreeBSD itself. I like FreeBSD so much, I use FreeBSD while using FreeBSD. NAME ONE OTHER SYSTEM WHERE THIS IS PAWSSIBLE!

About me:
I'm a kitty! I wuv feline kitty beasts, they're so cute and warm and fuzzy and stuffs. I use cat puns all the time, it's just how I talk.

Other places you might have seen me:
FreeBSD Discord (
The Twitters (
I'm also on The Reddits, but not as active there.
Recently joined FreeBSD family. I have some experience with Arch Linux but after couple of years wanted something new to tinker with. FreeBSD looks like something I want to stick with for some time. (Especially having Arch as VM for other work - thanks VirtualBox).
Well bhyve could be a good alternative to Virtualbox.
It's decent, but at present VirtualBox can do some stuffies that bhyve cannot. bhyve is extremely good at what it does, and it's a low-pawprint hypurrvisor, but VirtualBox has some capabilities bhyve does not. It's best to review your needs versus the capabilities of each, and make a decision from there.

Also, it is pawssible to use the same hard disk file for both, so you can shutdown and restart it to switch hypurrvisors.
It's decent, but at present VirtualBox can do some stuffies that bhyve cannot. bhyve is extremely good at what it does, and it's a low-pawprint hypurrvisor, but VirtualBox has some capabilities bhyve does not. It's best to review your needs versus the capabilities of each, and make a decision from there.

Also, it is pawssible to use the same hard disk file for both, so you can shutdown and restart it to switch hypurrvisors.

Do you do this everywhere?
Mew mew everykitty!

My FreeBSD Beginnings:
I started using FreeBSD as a teenage kitten, after I heard about it. This was in 1998. I had already used linux and found it somewhat difficult to admewnister (configuring startup services, setting up network, etc...) and when I tried FreeBSD it was super simple! Fast forward to 2005 and I begin using FreeBSD for all the things.

In 2006 I set up super-routers that could also act as CUPS print servers, mewsic players, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Making a long story short:
I now daily-drive FreeBSD on my System76 Gazelle (gaze14) that I got in Mewvember 2019. I use FreeBSD for all the things, including FreeBSD itself. I like FreeBSD so much, I use FreeBSD while using FreeBSD. NAME ONE OTHER SYSTEM WHERE THIS IS PAWSSIBLE!

About me:
I'm a kitty! I wuv feline kitty beasts, they're so cute and warm and fuzzy and stuffs. I use cat puns all the time, it's just how I talk.

Other places you might have seen me:
FreeBSD Discord (
The Twitters (
I'm also on The Reddits, but not as active there.

When did you first decide to do this?
Yep. Rippin' around the world-wide hyper-sphere on my galactic digital surf board obviously meant I would eventually end up here...

On a more relevant note, I just realized that I must have a fondness for the color red, because I started on Redhat 9.

It's really none of your damn business to know what I do on my computers, though.
Mew mew everykitty!

My FreeBSD Beginnings:
I started using FreeBSD as a teenage kitten, after I heard about it. This was in 1998. I had already used linux and found it somewhat difficult to admewnister (configuring startup services, setting up network, etc...) and when I tried FreeBSD it was super simple! Fast forward to 2005 and I begin using FreeBSD for all the things.

In 2006 I set up super-routers that could also act as CUPS print servers, mewsic players, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Making a long story short:
I now daily-drive FreeBSD on my System76 Gazelle (gaze14) that I got in Mewvember 2019. I use FreeBSD for all the things, including FreeBSD itself. I like FreeBSD so much, I use FreeBSD while using FreeBSD. NAME ONE OTHER SYSTEM WHERE THIS IS PAWSSIBLE!

About me:
I'm a kitty! I wuv feline kitty beasts, they're so cute and warm and fuzzy and stuffs. I use cat puns all the time, it's just how I talk.

Other places you might have seen me:
FreeBSD Discord (
The Twitters (
I'm also on The Reddits, but not as active there.

Wonderful to read. Thanks for posting.
I noticed the discord group, is there a matrix group too?
Sorry for the off topic question.
Actually I don't mind that kitten talk either, as long as the posts are on topic it just adds some color to the forum. Like dialects are adding color to every language...
Kitten talk is not a problem per se. I like it in "certain places", which we need not discuss here. On the one side, it adds to the color. On the other side, it takes from the professionalism here. Where do we draw the line?
We don't allow "text-speak", or other languages besides English. This "kitten talk" falls in the same category as "text-speak".

Keep in mind that we have plenty of users on the forums that use translator software. Or other text-to-speech tools.

That makes sense! ?

By the way having a kitty-talk doesn't mean the person behind is unprofessional or doesn't know the subject!

However sticking on the rules is better for all, although a shrewd use wouldn't create any issue in my humble opinion.

Thanks for the heads-up!?