doxygen = pkg bomb

Circular dependencies are going to exist. Especially if you turn on incompatible options by enabling everything everywhere. There's a reason why some options are off by default. The system isn't "smart" enough to detect you enabled an incompatible option two, three levels deep in the dependency chain that causes it to loop back. It'll detect it's looping by presenting you with an error; "circular dependency detected" and refuse to build, but it's not going to stop you from selecting those options that caused it to loop in the first place.
Actually, FreeBSD does offer a way to do a 'dry run' without actually installing stuff. I haven't played with that, but I know the option exists - I did read the manuals. You do have to be willing to backtrack to where you turned on a bad option. And it's actually possible to automate that kind of graph traversal - which is what graphics/graphviz is for in the first place!
3. which of the options is a wrong decision?
JACK is absolutely needed.
DOXYGEN for jack is considered useful to necessary.
So SDL for zziplib is the only remaining - and from what I get, that does something with media for something that reads zip-files. Not that I would like to use that (so I can get rid of it), but this does not look useless and might be desired.
1. Do doxygen first. For reasoning, and more complete explanation on how to do that right, see my earlier post, #19.
2. Do zziplib next. Compile it without SDLdependency.
3. Compile SDL with zziplib as a dependency. Pay attention to the direction of dependency, and what gets done first.
4. Compile JACK. At this point, you can specify SDL as a dependency.