Delay in FreeBSD 14.0 release schedule

I vaguely remembered that I needed COMPAT_FREEBSD11 for some reason, so adding to that 13 was a good call.
If I recall correctly the NVidia driver requires it too. I had some other issues with other ports/packages too, but I can't remember. In any case, GENERIC has COMPAT_FREEBSD4 through COMPAT_FREEBSD13 included, so you're not going to run into that issue.
Sticking to GENERIC should always be default, though there is obviously a reason I've manually added COMPAT_FREEBSD13 ;) I have few large ports to recompile still, though there was only one port that didn't reinstall cleanly and will probably end up being a bug report. Looks good so far.

One more thing portsnap is gone from base, and will be a casualty of make delete-old-libs. Not much of a difference if one is already building from src though.
It is currently ALPHA, so some hiccups should be unsurprising if not expected. Report them to the mailing lists to get addressed.

Re: packages I had no issues with delete-old-libs after a pkg upgrade -f following the handbook.
Oh, I suspect we have some people here that have been running 14.0-CURRENT, primarily for the graphics drivers. Now would be a good time to switch your source branch to stable/14. Or else you're going to end up with 15.0-CURRENT if you update from main.
Oh, I suspect we have some people here that have been running 14.0-CURRENT, primarily for the graphics drivers. Now would be a good time to switch your source branch to stable/14. Or else you're going to end up with 15.0-CURRENT if you update from main.
Oh thanks, I should probably look into doing so as I am running 14.0 for the Graphics drivers!
So portsnap was going to be removed from base because of move to git.
So it was rewrote to use git.
Still somehow it was still removed from base even though it worked.
What is it that someone has against portsnap?

Are they a GIT nazi and insist gitup is now only tool you are to use?

From a user standpoint this seems like ridiculous grandstanding.
For regular users, and those who aren't submitting changes, for ports, Portsnap is better. It takes 5 minutes to extract the ports tree, and takes little time to update. Git takes over an hour to update the ports repository. This is after git was claimed to have been improved.

It's a relief that Portsnap will at least be available in ports. It not being in base, is going to affect how many people use the more practical program. The difficulty to learn basic tasks and time it takes to update ports using git, is going to discourage a lot of potential new users from FreeBSD. People want to use the system, and learn its essentials, not some program which is a task to learn on its own.

Try using git, and it's not easy. The definitions of it aren't self explanatory. You can stumble over the commands you want to use, because the description doesn't match what you're looking for.
What is it that someone has against portsnap? is the freely available through Creative Commons book on Git. Even if all you need is the first 3 chapters for most purposes, it's not easy. Simply downloading ports tree for that task, isn't so bad. The rest of the tasks, you can't even find what you want even when looking at the desired commands.

It may be because they insist on when uploading bug fixes to update ports. The less complexity and the less unnecessary dependencies there are, would omit the need for an exactly completely updated ports tree for the programs to compile correctly each time.

If they can't make a Git type of program run with the ease of Portsnap in speed and simplicity for those who simply want the Ports tree, that's not a good decision to leave Portsnap out of base.
"gitup ports" is OK, you don't have to use all of git, I don't think. gitup doesn't feel (I haven't done any scientific measurements!) as fast as portsnap, and I miss the local INDEX file.

But guess there are only so many maintainers to look after things so unless someone steps in and does the work ...
Git takes over an hour to update the ports repository

For fun I tried pulling down a fresh copy from git. If you are just trying to get the current state (and update in the future), be sure to use --depth 1 and --single-branch when doing the initial clone, because you likely don't want to download the entire history of the portstree to your local system.

Future updates (git pull) should be much less than an hour, too.

With this, a fresh clone took less than 30s on my box:
# /usr/bin/time git clone --depth 1 --single-branch testing
Cloning into 'testing'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 192788, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (192788/192788), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (180691/180691), done.
remote: Total 192788 (delta 11274), reused 117507 (delta 5634), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (192788/192788), 83.07 MiB | 5.84 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (11274/11274), done.
Updating files: 100% (156764/156764), done.
26.31 real 7.35 user 4.71 sys

Now, I will be the first to admit that this set of options is not obvious to a new user.
I like portsnap... especially that it makes extracting a specific port into your existing tree MUCH easier than trying to use git to slurp that port out. Not impossible, but a lot of work nonetheless.
When they added portnap 'auto' it pretty much fulfilled my needs. I hate change.

Just for the record. I don't use gitup yet. For years I used git-lite. Hate bloat.
I don't mind git the protocol. It's github and their posture changes.
They gained mass adoption. Now they need to generate revenue.
For fun I tried pulling down a fresh copy from git. If you are just trying to get the current state (and update in the future), be sure to use --depth 1 and --single-branch when doing the initial clone, because you likely don't want to download the entire history of the portstree to your local system.

Now, I will be the first to admit that this set of options is not obvious to a new user.

That would be the same as git clone -b main --depth 1? I've read somewhere that if you would include portsnap database disk usage to the downloaded ports tree, total disk space allocation is similar to the git repo.
Git takes over an hour to update the ports repository.
Really? That doesn't sound normal. For the test, I just updated my ports tree, which was last updated about one month ago. git pull took exactly 27 seconds to complete... ok, this computer uses quarterly ports, so there's not that much to update, but also on other machines tracking latest ports it never took more than a few minutes for me, even for the initial checkout.

For regular users, and those who aren't submitting changes, for ports, Portsnap is better.
I don't think so. Portsnap can't deal with quarterly branches, which every now and then is a source of avoidable problems for users, who often aren't aware that portsnap downloads latest ports while pkg tracks quartely by default. Git is just a better default option, and is not complicated to use either (new users will just follow the relevant handbook section).
What does Github have to do with this?
Nothing with portsnap but the fact that I can't seem to consistently view files there makes me mad.

Seems Firefox works fine but SeaMonkey and Otter seem to be really be messing with me.

So bad it lead me to make wrong post while trying to help someone.
I just can't figure out what is happening there. Totally blank pages where there should be files.
I give up on them. They are pulling strings somehow...
Just show files. That is all they need to do.
i don't want to login. Just view files.
The initial install of ports using git took a long time. It would be on 1% then 2% for a while. I mis-wrote, because updating through git was pretty quick.

Do we really need INDEX though?
INDEX is useful for psearch. That's a good way to find programs, and it lets you do a search of the longer description as well, though it's better to limit those searches to relevant categories. That's easier to use than FreshPorts and better than pkg search.

I like the option to have INDEX included, without having to rebuilt it each time. It would be enough if it's updated once a day, and can be updated further by the user in less time than making a full INDEX. This would be doable in git, perhaps with the ignore files function. But with an upcoming release, I'll stick with portsnap and psearch in ports when it comes to basic ports/pkg use.

Portsnap can't deal with quarterly branches
The only setback of Portsnap. I don't see why there can't be a way to make the branch a choice in that utility.

One issue on current production releases is that the default for packages is quarterly, and the only option for portsnap is latest. It's easy to adjust the packages to latest, but it's something we had to learn and have to remember to do.