Shell Change text colors in Ion shell?

How would I change the text color in shells/ion shell?

The color for some texts is too similar to the background on my display.

From the directory, /usr/local/share/doc/ion/:
## Customizing your prompt

- Define the PROMPT function to be called whenever the prompt needs to be drawn. Simply print the prompt to stdout in the function (printf or git branch directly)

- Variables are defined with all the colors (see the namespaces manual page for all details). This means you don't have to deal with all the escape codes directly. No more `\x033[33;m`, instead it's `${color::yellow}`.

variables/ has a lot of information on color schemes for Ion.

When I switch to a shell that I already have my desired color scheme, then move back to Ion, Ion keeps the color scheme that I wanted. I want this to be the default, without resorting to doing this.

What's the configuration file to adjust my color scheme for Ion?

Ion shell behaves more robustly and smoother than sh and csh. The cursor prompt even responds quicker, which I didn't think was possible.