A Call for FreeBSD Artwork


We've been having a discussion over in freebsd-doc concerning splash screens (these funky pics people like to display when the OS is booting). A section on configuring these will shortly become part of the FreeBSD Handbook and the general feeling is we need more original artwork. (A few FreeBSD related splash screens can be found on the Net, but we really need new stuff)

So, if any of you has created (or is willing to create) any splash screens, please note your intention here or send us links to your work.
In fact, any type of artwork would be welcome, since we are seriously lacking in this section.
Depending on how this goes, some of it may also be linked or become available through this page:


Well .. here I am ..

Ime@ .. should I translate the .html (flyer) files and send them over to you, or do you have some plain text files to work on and then use them as you see it fits?

gnemmi said:
Well .. here I am ..

Ime@ .. should I translate the .html (flyer) files and send them over to you, or do you have some plain text files to work on and then use them as you see it fits?


Thanks a lot for the offer! Daniel Seuffert should already have sent you more information how to translate the flyers the best way. :)
I just replied to it =D

BTW: Is there a place to which I can send some of the FreeBSD wallpapers I've collected from all over the net? They are not so many .. but it might be good to have a place to gather them all and have ppl send their new work over to.

See ya !
killasmurf86 said:
speaking about ascii boot manager, why is it defaul FreeBSD, not beastie, which is far more attractive?

I think for the same reasons for the new logo.
ale said:
I think for the same reasons for the new logo.
The answer is the same for both --some people are offended :OOO by cartoon devils. So in the interest of appealing to the widest possible audience, FreeBSD chose to play down 'beasty'.
maybe you can link it here somewhere (create an appropriate thread?)...
killasmurf86 said:
speaking about ascii boot manager, why is it defaul FreeBSD, not beastie, which is far more attractive?
Because in some countries radicals think it's the devil and people do not want the devil running their computers.

So there is a default that offends no one.
Well '92 is wrong... but It looks quite sexy.


  • splash.jpg
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