
  1. monkeysap

    X error screens not found despite configuring X and having correct drivers freeBSD 14 - RX480 + Ryzen 2200

    Hey everyone, I scoured what feels like a million forum posts and followed the handbook to a T but I'm still running into an error. I was hoping someone here could help me out. I'm guessing it has something to do with the integrated graphics from my CPU tripping up X? I'm not sure, hence me...
  2. GoNeFast_01

    Xinitrc file and Xterm Geometry Issues

    I am facing an odd issue and I would like to get some feedback from others who might have faced the same issues, or that have found a solution. On my .xinitrc file Step 1: I start Xrandr to a couple of screams and arrange their position for example: xrandr --output DP-0 --fb 7680x1440...
  3. F

    Solved Screen Tearing on KDE X11 with Intel Iris Xe Graphics (TigerLake-LP GT2)

    Hello, I previously used Linux and switched to FreeBSD yesterday. I installed KDE Plasma, Intel display and graphics drivers and configured Xorg to stop the screen tearing but none really worked. Wayland is broken for me so it's not really an alternative. I tried running Xorg -configure and...
  4. Q

    Is accelerated graphics possible with i915kms on FreeBSD 13 and 14 [32-bit]?

    I just installed FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE i386 some days ago on a ThinkPad x201i with i3 (M 330) cpu [integrated graphics]. I did the following as Handbook suggested: - doas pkg install xorg drm-kmod - added kld_list="i915kms" on /etc/rc.conf (also tried absolute path) - ran startx from tty as...
  5. S

    What are comparisons of Xenocara with Xorg, and perhaps Wayland

    I have never used Xenocara, and haven't used OpenBSD. What are benefits or comparisons for Xenocara over Xorg? I've heard about security benefits. What about ease of configuration for file or driver access? Also, are there desktop performance benefits? Or are there improvements in dependencies...
  6. birdie

    The no future of X.org, FreeBSD becomes headless?

    RedHat announced two days ago they are abandoning X.org starting 2025. This is a done deal, there are no ifs. Not a single BSD distribution including FreeBSD, NetBSD or OpenBSD, not a single remaining UNIX including AIX and Solaris has released any statements in regard to that. What are you...
  7. wblock@

    mesa-dri 23.1.8 and Radeon 570 and "failed to build shader variant"

    Hello again, all. My desktop system is running 13-stable with a Radeon 570 card, and was working great. Today, I updated ports, including mesa-dri. Now, X starts and appears to work, but with a display so corrupted it is basically just colors and patterns. Like a modulus is way off. The mouse...
  8. twllnbrck

    Can't start X - WARNING: Kernel has no file descriptor comparison support

    With my last pkg upgrade (via poudriere) x11-servers/xorg-server was updated to v21.1.9,1. After rebooting I cant start X anymore, all I see is a black unresponsive screen. I can go back to tty with ctrl+alt+bksp. There is no indicated error in /var/log/Xorg.0.log. I got a warning switching...
  9. First_Law_of_Unix

    Anyone got laptop Dell Inspiron 13 7000 AMD Raven Ridge Radeon Vega Series GPU working on FreeBSD 13.2?

    Hello, I’m trying to get GPU on dell laptop to work. Laptop details: I installed; pkg install drm-kmod I also added on rc.conf: kld_list=“amdgpu” Nothing works after reboot, same heavily pixelated display. Also “startx” doesn’t work either showing error about screen not found. View...
  10. dr3mro

    USB Wireless Mouse Issues.

    I have a Mi wireless usb mouse and it works just fine on both windows and Linux but in FreeBSD 14.0Rc3 XFCE desktop I have one issue that is when I click to drag Item it loses the grep and it behaves as if I have moved the cursor without dragging the icon or the window that I am trying to move...
  11. P

    Solved Trying to get GTX 980 working with Xorg

    Hey guys, I'm currently installing freebsd in a kvm virtual machine, with a gtx 980, however, I'm unable to get Xorg working as it errors with "no screens found (EE)" when i try startx. Currently, I have done: pkg install nvidia-driver nano /etc/rc.conf -> added the line...
  12. skyenosaur

    no X because Failed to load module "amdgpu"

    Hello everyone, I am attempting to get into FreeBSD but so far it has not been going well. I finally managed to get a booting installation on the third machine i tried it on, but now I am breaking my teeth on Xorg. I am a seasoned linuxer and I thought I could handle it but I am so lost right...
  13. freebsd_user

    Solved How to NVIDIA in Hybrid Mode?

    Hi, My laptop is an Optimus capable and there is no way to select Intel, NVIDIA, or Prime graphics from the BIOS. I am using Nvidia GTX 1660Ti Mobile and FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE-p3 (64-bit) with X11. # pciconf -lv | grep -B3 display vgapci1@pci0:0:2:0: class=0x030000 rev=0x05 hdr=0x00...
  14. freebsd_user

    Blank screen unresponsive cursor on laptop while external display is fine for NVIDIA with Optimus, Xorg

    My laptop is an Optimus capable and there is no way to disable Intel graphics from the BIOS (I am also willing to use both whenever suits). I followed the handbook and also tried all relevant posts for this issue with NVIDIA, but nothing worked. I was only able to reach to a blank screen with a...
  15. V

    Solved xsetkbmap does not persist after resume

    I have the following commands in .xinitrc ``` setxkbmap -layout us,ara -option grp:win_space_toggle setxkbmap -option caps:escape ``` and they are working fine, however when I resume the system after suspend they don't work anymore and I have to execute them again from the terminal. any work...
  16. giulianopz

    How to use custom EDID with X Server?

    Hi all, I've just installed FreeBSD (+ X Window System & GNOME) on a HP Prodesk 400 G1. It's an old minipc connected to an external monitor (with 1920x1080 resolution) via a VGA-HDMI converter. The converter works only in one direction, from the pc to the monitor, so the X Server cannot read...
  17. K

    No keyboard/mouse after fresh install

    Hello, I have tried several times to install FreeBSD on my Dell computer but I have a problem. Once the system installation is complete, I install xorg and then KDE. I install following the FreeBSD documentation. Throughout the installation, my keyboard and mouse work fine. When I reboot after...
  18. F

    ffmpeg x11 screen recording crash

    I have a single line script to record screencasts on my laptop using ffmpeg. It was working fine last month, but today I updated the packages and each time I try to record the screen, the X server crashes into tty. Here's the ffmpeg script: #!/bin/sh ffmpeg -video_size 1920x1080 -framerate 30...
  19. tetsuo

    Solved Bad video performance in FreeBSD 13.2 with Intel graphics and X11

    Hello, I am having bad performance in my laptop's FreeBSD installation, after installing `drm-kmod`, xorg works but it's lagged, like it has high CPU usage (the CPU usage is normal) and the RAM usage is also normal. Here's my Xorg.0.log http://ss.suragu.net/f/ymoi7/xorglog.txt and my the only...
  20. R

    Other Compositor for Xorg (Fvwm)

    Some Window Managers have problems with the common compositors (Compton, Xcompmgr, etc.). For example, transparency and shadows don't work well in Fvwm. For those who want an elegant desk without losing resources and speed, Picom is an excellent choice. Picom is a standalone compositor for...