
  1. Espionage724

    ZFS rsync Input/output error (5) from ZFS -> to NTFS (ntfs-3g)

    I have 2 drives; 1 main NAS, and 1 spare drive. Sometimes I copy the main drive to the spare, re-format the main drive, and copy the spare contents back to it (last I did it was ext4 spare copy to ZFS main). Generally did it no problem ext4 and NTFS for years with Linux. My notes for formatting...
  2. Young

    ZFS [HOW-TO] UFS to ZFS on a Live System

    Since there is no tutorial how to migrate a UFS installation to ZFS, I'll give my 5-cent contribution. Done this procedure yesterday at my home server that I run several services like Nginx + PHP, Samba, Transmission, Plex, Bhyve VM's, etc. You'll need a new disk that can hold all your data...
  3. L

    rsyncd.conf location?

    The documentation for rsyncd.conf states the daemon's configuration file is /usr/local/etc/rsyncd.conf, yet I only see /usr/local/etc/rsync/. Inside that directory I see /usr/local/etc/rsync/rsyncd.conf. Which is correct? In systemd, I can see where the configuration file is. Is there an...
  4. D

    Simple backup protocol for home user.

    I'm new to FreeBSD and have just installed a 12.1 release 32-bit version with Mate desktop, OpenOffice, Thunderbird and Firefox are all installed, and even the printer is working. So before I inevitably mess things up, I am looking for some pointers on how best to go about backing up the...
  5. M

    slow rsync speeds for LAN transfer but not remote transfer

    I'm trying to transfer a bunch of movies (.mv4; ~400mb each) from my freebsd server to my mac on my local area network, with: rsync --progress -vvr . The transfer is excruciatingly slow (75kb/s) I can download files with my internet...
  6. S

    Ransomware Protection & Secret Backup Server using Rsync

    Hi, I need an advise and correct direction to my problem. I am a new FreeBSD user. Our recent Windows 10 machine was hit by a Ransomware and it spread to other machines on Network also. To protect that in future, I added a new HDD on the system and installed FreeBSD 12.0 x64 using HyperV on it...
  7. daBee

    Password in Script

    Hi folks. I'm in a situation where I want to use rsync to back up the whole system to a LAN mounted volume. This requires a password for the remote workstation it's mounted on. Is there a way to provide a password without hard coding it in a bash script on the FreeBSD box? I'm hoping there's...
  8. Vincent See

    Solved rsync: link_stat No such file or directory (2)

    Hi guys! I tried looking everywhere for a solution, I even tried buying additional ram for my freebsd server. When I upload files from my Mac Laptop, I can upload just fine. But when I download the files from the server it returns Vincents-MacBook-Pro:~ vincentsee$ rsync -avhPX...
  9. scorpizz

    Rsync link-dest problem

    Question: Is there a special way to use symbolic links in Rsync "--link-dest" ? Setup is a rsync deamon running on the FreeBSD server with a path to a module storage. On the client, rsync is executed with the following command: rsync -ah --hard-links --link-dest=../test /home/user...
  10. N

    looking for old ports/packages

    Hi, I am looking for following version ports cmake-3.7.2 cmake-modules-3.7.2 git-2.12.1 sqlite3-3.18.0 ruby21-2.1.10_1,1 rsync-3.1.2_6 Above listed ports are not available on I checked all releases and quarterly folders but same version ports are not...
  11. L

    Rsync group ownership using modules

    OK, I have a client (booker) and server (fourroses). I want to run a script on booker that uses rsync to copy files to fourroses and keep all user and group ownership attributes the same. I have had success maintaining file attributes running rsync in regular instead of daemon mode. But I...
  12. M

    Solved rsync on FreeBSD Live-CD - possible?

    Hello. I have virtual drive with UFS partitions, I need to boot Live-CD and use rsync to COPY files from remote server to this virtual HDD ("clone" the system). I want to boot from this virtual HDD (I'm using Virtualbox). So the only one obstacle is that none of the .iso-files (*dvd1.iso and so...
  13. J

    Rsync with module problem

    I installed net/rsync on two identical FreeBSD 10.2 machines using pkg. One will act as "the server" and the other will act as "the client". The server is running rsyncd and with the following configuration file: pid file = /var/run/ uid = nobody gid = nobody use chroot = no max...
  14. Ajax

    ZFS rsync can't make socket

    I'm trying to rsync some files from another FreeBSD 10.2 machine (from UFS) to the local ZFS filesystem and always getting an error. rsync: mknod "/usr/zfs/backup/" failed: File name too long (63) rsync...
  15. el cid

    Solved Unknown why my FreeBSD NAS is synchronizing with another FreeBSD NAS?

    I have two FreeBSD (rel 9.3) NAS, I recently took on this new position and found out that these two NAS are synchronizing data (specifically to /mnt/Store folder) but I can't seem to find where/how this is being synced? I have looked in Rsync, /etc/fstab, but no go. I know this folder...