
  1. DaLynX

    general/other Help troubleshooting slowness of freebsd guest on proxmox host

    Hello, I am running a small proxmox server with two friends. We each have an individual vm (mine running freebsd, two others linuxes) no complain on that side. I am also running a small shared services freebsd vm that hosts an nginx reverse proxy, a postfix relay and a mediawiki instance. I...
  2. J

    jails iocell fetch failed to build tree when installing updates

    Hi, It's about iocell, a jail manager, I have problem when run command `iocell fetch`, it successfully fetched the base.txz but got problem when patch it, the error message is just "failed to build new tree", no logs found in dmesg, is there a specific log file for iocell? iocell version...
  3. nxg

    iocage: template not found (but it's there!)

    Greetings. I'm trying to create an iocage jail using a template, but... # iocage create -t servicetemplate ip4_addr= defaultrouter= interfaces=vnet0:jpriv vnet=on -n motherhen Template: servicetemplate not found! Created Templates: servicetemplate The...
  4. S

    pkg in jail not working

    Need help: I have just created a new jail 'ha' with 'iocage' on a new FreeBSD 14.0-REALEASE maschine (metal): iocage create -r 14.0-RELEASE --name ha ip4_addr="em0|" Everything worked as expected. Now I want to install some packages inside the jail. No chance: root@ha:~ # pkg...
  5. byrnejb

    jails py39-iocage-1.2_10 export returns non-zero status

    When I attempt to export a stopped iocage managed jail I am getting this error: # iocage export mx132& [1] 80640 [root@vhost03 ~ (master)]# Exporting dataset: zroot/iocage/jails/mx132 Exporting dataset: zroot/iocage/jails/mx132/root warning: cannot send...
  6. uchman

    Solved slow network speeds with jail (and vnet) on FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE

    I upgraded my home server to FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE yesterday and since then i'm experiencing really slow speeds to my jails (bhyve guests are not affected). I use iocage and vm to handle my jails and here is a sample from ifconfig: em0...
  7. C

    Cannot get SFTP work in FreeBSD 12.4 Jails

    Hi, I am new to this forum. In FreeBSD 12.3 Jail, I can easily to activate SSH server my the following command: sysrc sshd_enable=YES && \ service sshd start After that, I import my public key to user and I can use SSH / SFTP to connect to the Jail. However, in FreeBSD 12.4, my steps can only...
  8. byrnejb

    Solved freebsd-version and uname report different versions of FreeBSD

    We have an iocage administered jail that was recently updated to 13.2 from 13.1. However, we see this: [root@vhost02 ~ (master)]# iocage list +-----+--------+-------+--------------+--------------------------------+ | JID | NAME | STATE | RELEASE | IP4 |...
  9. spmzt

    Solved Allocating a physical interface with vnet + iocage

    Hi, Does anyone know, How I can allocate my vmx interface into jail with vnet in iocage? I can do it in ezjail with this variable: export jail_test_vnet_interface="vmx1" I think it may not support this feature without a bridge.
  10. B

    Broken Upgrade from 13.0-RELEASE to 13.1-RELEASE

    I recently upgraded my server from FreeBSD 13.0 RELEASE to 13.1 RELEASE. I followed the instructions in the handbook, but I'm having issues, especially with iocage. When I attempt to run iocage, I get this error: # iocage /lib/ version FBSD_1.7 required by...
  11. kr0m

    Solved Cant start iocage jail with IPv6 disabled kernel

    I am trying to compile a minimal kernel for my old server, I don't use IPv6 so I decided to remove from kernel image, all seems to work correctly except iocage. I have confirmed that INET6 is not present in my custom kernel: sysctl kern.conftxt|grep INET options INET And I have configured...
  12. byrnejb

    jails Set up iocage jail with two vnet interfaces

    On a FreeBSD-12.3p5 host I have an iocage administered jail for which I would like to configure two separate i/f. I have this setup working for a bhyve administered vm on that host but I also need a jail. Here is what I have: rc.conf: cloned_interfaces="bridge0" ifconfig_bridge0="addm igb0...
  13. L

    Migrated JAILs from TrueNAS 11.3 to JAILS over FreeBSD 13 with VNET and now IPFW inside JAIL not work: kldload ipfw - not permitted

    In jail under TrueNAS 11, was mail server that can block IPs by IPFW rules. Now I move JAIL to FreeBSD 13.1, and detect that same JAIL with same settings, not allow to load IPFW inside jail. kldload ipfw kldload: can't load ipfw: Operation not permitted For JAILs managemnt use iocage...
  14. byrnejb

    Solved service reports cannot find /etc/rc.conf

    root@mx32 ~]# freebsd-version 12.3-RELEASE-p2 [root@mx32 ~]# uname -a FreeBSD 12.3-RELEASE-p1 FreeBSD 12.3-RELEASE-p1 GENERIC amd64 I have recently begun to see this in one of our (iocage managed) jails while logged in via ssh. # service postfix status /etc/rc.conf: $...
  15. byrnejb

    Solved isc-dhcpd running in a freebsd 12.3p5 jail

    I have a problem getting dhcpd to run inside a iocage controlled jail. Following various bits and pieces found on the web I have successfully configured a jail with a VNET interface.. This appears to work as I can ping into and out off the jail from internal and external addresses. For...
  16. thecodechemist

    Wireguard in iocage jail: Failed to create TUN device: open /dev/tun: no such file or directory

    Hi, I'm having issues with running wireguard in an iocage jail on FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE-p10. The weird thing is, I also had issues with this on my TrueNAS Core system (12.2-RELEASE-p15), but after enabling the allow_tun option for the jail it now runs just fine there. Here's some config data...
  17. rafael_grether

    Solved Best Jail management tool (new private IP address is needed?)

    Hello all, I have a FreeBSD 13 on AWS EC2. I will install the Matrix homeserver (synapse), but for security reasons, I will do it in a Jail. And I plan to have another Jail for other service as well (like IRC Server). What is the best Jail Management Tool in your opinion? Iocage? The second...
  18. byrnejb

    jails IOCAGE Syntax to clone a jail from a snapshot?

    I wish to clone a jail from a snapshot of another using iocage-1.2.5 on a host running FreeBSD-12.3-RELEASE. I searched for snapshots of the jail that I wish to clone: iocage snaplist dns38-2 . . . +-----------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+-------+-------+...
  19. byrnejb

    OpenSSL 1.1.1h in base. OpenSSL 1.1.1l installed.

    I have a FreeBSD host updated to 12.2p11. # freebsd-update fetch src component not installed, skipped Looking up mirrors... 2 mirrors found. Fetching metadata signature for 12.2-RELEASE from done. Fetching metadata index... done. Inspecting system...
  20. spork

    jails Can't unmount zfs datasets in jail

    I'm stumped here - trying to delegate a zfs dataset to a jail (using another pool) within iocage... My config has what appear to be all the proper settings to allow a root user in the jail to manage zfs, and it all seems to work, but I cannot unmount any datasets. Here's the config: {...