
  1. aragats

    Solved RS-232 over Ethernet?

    Is there any simple way of forwarding a serial port over Ethernet? Thanks for ideas!
  2. korund

    Network interfaces aren't picking up media on boot

    Dear all, I've moved my lovely server to the datacenter and now pulling my hair out while trying to understand why both of /dev/igb interfaces aren't picking up Ethernet connection on boot. Tested with both 10.3-REL and 11.0-REL. When system is booted, running ifconfig | grep status over iKVM...
  3. M

    pppconf - small utility for configure PPPoE

    Hi! My name is Bogdan Nikolaev, i'm from Eysk, Russia. I'm writed small program for very easy configuring PPPoE connection - pppconf. What is works? Simple, pppconf ask few questions and create valid ppp.conf file. Program written in C and can be compiled using GCC at least version 4.2.1...