
  1. Don ZioMario

    What do you think about the foundation of a FUG ?

    Hello. who among us does not remember the LUGs that were born all around the world in the nineties ? These Linux User Groups started to disappear from the late '2000s. I never heard someone talking about the FUG (FreeBSD user groups),at least in italy. And I don't deny that I would like to...
  2. I

    [Event] FreeBSD at SCALE Conference in Southern California - March 9-12, 2023

    Hi FreeBSD Friends, SCALE is back in Southern California on March 9-12, 2023. We are a community and volunteer run open source event held each year in the Los Angeles area. This year we have keynotes by Ken Thompson (creator of Unix and Go), Arun Gupta (Intel and CNCF), and Kitty Yeung...
  3. decuser

    Thanks for being a helpful and friendly community

    Today, I am reflecting on my experiences with online support channels over the years and recently. This board has been prominent in both timeframes. As I look back on the years, it's amazing how much help I've needed, asked for, received, and even given :). I for one, appreciate this board and...