
  1. rockzombie2

    Building obs-studio with CEF support

    I've been trying to build multimedia/obs-studio with CEF support but I keep getting an error saying that it can't find the library. I've tried running it with doas make CEF_ROOT_DIR="/usr/home/chris/src/cef_binary_94.4.10+g38a7995+chromium-94.0.4606.81_linux32/Release" install but this is the...
  2. rockzombie2

    Running into build errors when trying to build chromium with pulseaudio support

    Hello! So I've gotten part way through building chromium via doas make MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE=yes install clean. Now I'm encountering this error and I'm not sure what is the root cause of it. Any suggestions on how to debug? Traceback (most recent call last): File...
  3. christhegeek

    Solved I have a problem opening links (generated pdf documents) from our government websites i can open them on chromium but not in firefox

    I have a problem opening links (generated pdf documents) from our government websites i can open them on chromium but not in firefox I got only the html code for a web page that says that my session has ended . The same problem i have in other government sites too.
  4. np1

    Chromium is missing from packages

    Hi, Chromium quarterly build is failing Error is `c++: error: unable to execute command: Killed` Can somebody reach the folks at or, asking them to...
  5. vlig

    FreeBSD 12.1 amd64. Packages disappeared from repository

    Hello! I'm on the latest pkg repository. pkg search firefox, telegram-desktop, vlc, chromium produces no result (just 2 choices for chromium, but not the browser). I guess there is much more absence of packages. Where are they??? UPD. I have firefox, but after system updating, it refused to...
  6. M

    Using Chromium web browser 83.0.4103.106 unable to read Yahoo Mail

    Hi Currently, I am using FreeBSD 12.1 and having issues with Yahoo mail. I can login to my yahoo mail account without any problems with Chromium web browser. But I cannot seems to access and read my mails from my yahoomail account. However, I did not have any issues while using Firefox. I...
  7. wolffnx

    chromium or iridium, which use?

    Hi to all, I'been used Iridium for a while, and now I'notice 2 big diferences with Chromium -Chromium is faster that Iridium -Chromium is up to date in your personal opinions..what think about iridium? worth it using it? side to side with Chromium
  8. rockzombie2

    chrome sync not working

    I'm having a weird issue with chrome. I installed it via pkg install chrome, and for some reason, the sync is not working. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced anything like this before? It doesn't seem like a known issue and I'm not sure how to go about trouble shooting something like this...
  9. M


    Is anybody interested in creating a port for this (preferably with libva support for HW accelerated video)? ungoogled-chromium @ GitHub ungoogled-chromium (for Arch Linux with the VAAPI patch) @ GitHub There is an open issue for adding FreeBSD support but that hasn't found more interest since...
  10. NapoleonWils0n

    Manifest v3 and the future of ad blocking on Chromium

    According to 9to5google Google is deprecating the blocking capabilities of the webRequest API in Manifest V3, not the entire webRequest API (though blocking will still be available to enterprise deployments). So the question is will adblocking extension like umatrix and ublock origin continue...
  11. NapoleonWils0n

    Chromium 73 enable dark mode

    Chromium 73 will now use the systems gtk 3 dark theme Open the chromium settings and under Appearance select: Use GTK+ Then quit chromium install a dark gtk3 theme # pkg install gtk-arc-themes create ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini vi ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini enable Adwaita-dark...
  12. NapoleonWils0n

    Chromium 73 picture in picture video now working

    Chromium 73 has just been released today and picture in picture mode for video is now working To use pip right click on a video playing on youtube twice, the second time you right click you will see a picture in picture option which will pop the video out of the browser window If you are...
  13. NapoleonWils0n

    chromium 71 is out picture in picture crashes

    Hi All Chromium has finally been updated from version 68 to 71. So I thought I'd try out the picture in picture, basically on a youtube page you right click twice on the video and then you get an option to open the video in PIP mode. That then opens the video in its own window which then...
  14. B

    Auto installation of a web browser without permission

    I have afraid of got a virus or so. I have two web browsers: firefox and konqueror. I don't know why the hell, when I tried to launch konqueror, it shows me a message that I can't run Chromium as root. I never installed chromium. I never uninstalled Konqueror. When I try to reinstall konqueror...
  15. Nicola Mingotti

    Stabilize Chromium with "Tomo Method"

    I found in bugzilla a nice method to stabilize Chromium very frequent hangs. To me it worked, I still have some issues with WhatsApp but in general, a big step forward ! In short, the procedure is: 1] disable v8 caching 2] shutdown chromium 3] remove ~/.cache/chromium 4] restart chromium...
  16. Nicola Mingotti

    Solved Issues with mainstream Browsers

    Hi guys, I have some problems with the two browsers Chromium and Firefox provided with FreeBSD-11.1. I installed by package and the releases I am using are : firefox-58.0.2,1 chromium-63.0.3239.132 I post this to know if you experience the same issues, if you confirm I will fill...
  17. Nicola Mingotti


    Hi, I am running FreeBSD-11.1 and installed "chromium" from package. When I start "chromium" from the shell I see this errore message repeated many times. But the browser works well. Do you know want it is ? [0225/] Not implemented reached in bool...
  18. trzczy

    Youtube streaming in Chromium

    I have no FreeBSD installed yet so I cannot find it out myself. Is it possible to watch youtube streaming in Chromium in FreeBSD? Please distinguish between streaming and typical video. I mean streaming. When I tested it lately on Windows XP in Chrome videos worked fine but streaming. There was...
  19. M

    How to install chromedriver on FreeBSD

    Hi there people. I've been searching Google up and down without results on how to install chromedriver on FreeBSD for selenium in python. The last thing I found was use linux_base but I cannot install that as when I try kldload linux it says operation not permitted. It's a rented shell so I...
  20. J

    Mouse buttons crashes on KDE

    Good afternoon, I am using FreeBSD 10.2 as my second desktop operating system and I have found some mouse problem in KDE4. Everything works ok after boot, but in several minutes (sometimes in 5 minutes after boot, sometimes it works well for several hours and it crashes after that) mouse...