
  1. Angel Hess

    How to forward all traffic including www and all wildcard *. to domain?

    How to forward www. and all wildcard *.domain.extension to domain.extension that has one single ssl cert that is not a wildcard cert and not a cert for www, only a ssl cert for domain.extension? Because www is the old stupid standard that is still what is usually needed in web server...
  2. K

    FreeBSD 13.2 + PHP 8.x problem

    Hello, I installed fresh Freebsd 13.2 32bit and have problem with any php (8, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3). After installing apache24 + any version of php + mod_php apache not starting, no any error in /var/log/apache logs, only httpd.core in /usr/local around 6mb. Something is wrong with file...
  3. Angel Hess

    FreeBSD and SSL

    I have used certbot for many years and have never found a good configuration that I like that does auto updates. I am using wildcard domains with command certbot certonly --manual -d domain.com -d '*.domain.com' so the normal automatic update can not be used unless you use an additional script...
  4. superdanglyde

    CodeIgniter 4 not working on FreeBSD with PHP, PHP-FPM, Apache, and MySQL

    I have uploaded a CodeIgniter 4 website that's working perfectly fine on web hosting and local server into a FreeBSD server running with PHP, PHP-FPM, Apache, and MySQL. The virtual hosts has been set up to use the 'public' directory as the root. But when accessing the website via the domain...
  5. Rob215x

    Solved Apache can't locate ssl_module, undefined symbol ssl_module

    Hey, I did some searching and found some similar results but they were from years ago. I'm running FreeBSD 12.4-RELEASE-p1 Earlier today I had apache24-2.4.57, php81-8.1.18, and py39-certbot-2.4.0,1 all working great!! I did all my updates. No errors. BUT now Apache wont start... #...
  6. pathiaki

    FOSwiki, FreeBSD 13.2, Apache 2.4, FCGI

    I guess I sent this to the wrong forum. I have a default Apache 2.4 setup on a new FreeBSD 13.2 VM. I'm trying to get FOSwiki to run. I can get default cgi-bin/test-cgi to interpret and it works fine. I'm trying to get the latest version of FOSwiki, 2.1.7 to install. They have an Apache 2.4...
  7. F

    PF Apache + Ngingx reverse proxy

    Hi, guys! For a while I used for my whmcs setup composed by apache + mod_php as backend and nginx as reverse proxy. I was thinking i'm safe until someone with few proxies succeed to open enough connections and apache eaten whole amount of RAM (2GB). Any idea how to block this kind of...
  8. m17km4n

    Solved Apache24 error AH00112

    Hi all, I didn't find any answers to my problem, so i'm looking for some help. I'm using FAMP set up in a jail with truenas. Since i removed somes directories from /usr/local/www/apache24/data/ and also deleted the vhosts pointing to them. when I do service apache24 restart it shows errors...
  9. R

    Why I can't use a Load Balancer configured in Apache ?

    Hello everyone, as you can see in the title, I'm having some trouble trying to make a load balancer on one of my FreeBSD servers. I don't know why but the configuration that I'm giving to apache looks fine, because it's giving me a "syntax ok" when I restart the service, but asks me if the...
  10. Norbert Szczybelski

    FreeBSD bhyve VPS/Jail Hosting on single IP address.

    Good Evening. :) Are You Web Developer? Working in Computer Service? Got only one IP address? You can start your own hosting server that will expand your offer. Most of important things here are OpenVPN for Jail and bhyve SSH access and HAProxy for SNI extension based routing. Your...
  11. S

    FAMP with Apache 'authnz_ldap' module?

    Hi all. I'm a FreeBSD newbie and trying to set up FAMP to run some web services. I've successfully set up WordPress already for example. But now (for a different service), I need these two apache modules: 'ldap' & 'authnz_ldap' and it seems they are not there after I install using 'pkg...
  12. P

    how to do a freebsd or a linux distro with an integrated web server

    I don't know if it's in the right category, but I can't find any material explaining how I can make my own linux or freebsd distro that comes with an integrated web server and an html page by default within var / www
  13. Buck

    Properly setting scp permissions for www and user access

    I need to set up permissions properly on a web folder for two users and apache's www user. The hierarchy looks like so: /var/www/ contains several folders for several websites managed by user1. /var/www/special/ contains a special website folder managed by user2. Therefore, I need user1 to be...
  14. Itproman

    Solved Apache24 Mysql PHP install problem

    Apache 24 install,configuration and start successful. Mysql install is the problem: pkg install mysql57-server mysql57-client Error message: http://http://pkg.freebsd.org/FreeBSD:11:amd64/latest/All/pkg.FreeBSD.org/FreeBSD:11:amd64/quarterly/All/mysql57-server-5.7.17_3.txz: Not Found I...
  15. aragats

    Solved Shrunk images when tethering

    [EDIT] The title is renamed from: "Apache: shrunk images - bug or feature?" I've noticed a strange thing. I have a FreeBSD 11.0 server with www/apache24 installed with pkg and very basic configuration. When I access a web page from my laptop using my phone's Internet tethering, the images are...
  16. T

    Recommended multi-server FBSD hosting configuration

    I'm building out a hosting environment for my customers. I typically use Linux but FreeBSD offers some features of interest to my customers. I've used FreeBSD before (version 9), but my experience is limited. The hosting architecture I'd like to setup is (focusing on two servers): Server 1...
  17. F

    Jails, webserver and website

    Hello, NB question here: Setting up FreeBSD on a VPS. Some howto's have Apache running on the host, and the website in a jail. Other howtos have Apache running in a jail. My question, from a security point of view, is it better to run Apache in it's own jail? Would I put my Wordpress website in...
  18. David Okwii

    suexec with fast cgi failing after upgrade

    Hello About two weeks ago, I upgraded by box that hosts several sites from FreeBSD 9.x to 10.x. The server was configured with suexec in-order to ensure that php scripts run as certain users, not as www. However, after the upgrade, suexec is broken. All sites now run as apache user www instead...
  19. ailmanki

    port mod_xsendfile

    mod_xsendfile does by default drop the header "Content-Encoding". And unfortunately it does not add it either. So one cannot serve for example gzip files. Quote from https://tn123.org/mod_xsendfile/beta/ : The Content-Encoding header - if present - will be dropped, as the module cannot know if...
  20. rtwingfield

    End of script output before headers

    I can finally execute a "Hello world" Perl script from a command line (have encountered numerous problems with upgrade to perl5-5.24.0), but when called from a Firefox browser session, the following errors are reported: [Thu Jun 02 04:47:00.927168 2016] [cgi:error] [pid 73280] [client...