
  1. unknownuser

    phpmyadmin won't work from within jail

    Hello guys, I am here once again. It has been two long days since I have been working on getting phpmyadmin up and running under a FreeBSD 10.3 jail. Essentially I am using the same exact configuration I use on the FreeBSD HOST apart from the IP's . My goal is to run phpmyadmin as vhost on a...
  2. S

    Chroot / Jail Service (Apache, Postfix, Squid)

    HI everyone I am started building my own Firewall / Router. I'm planing to run applications like Squid Proxy etc on it. I'm am new to BSD so I don't know the proper way to do this. I'm only experienced with Linux (Ubuntu / Centos). For better security I want to Chroot every service. As far as I...
  3. S

    FAMP Installation for Wordpress 4.4

    FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE Apache24 MySQL 5.5 PHP-5.6 Installed Wordpress 4.3.1_1 from pkg repository, no issues in getting it set up and running. WordPress 4.4 gets released and I upgraded, then my installation couldn't create or write files (via WordPress FTP implementation; couldn't...