Trying to run KDE 6 Plasma with Wayland....

Anything in particular? There were a few replies.

There's direction to use a more appropriate address, for KDE:
Caution: it's portrayed as an email address for the KDE team, and not listed at, however this does not mean that it's received by the five KDE/FreeBSD maintainers alone. Anything that reaches the address will be published, at a different server.
I invested a lot of time but never got kde to work under Wayland. Neither version 5 nor 6.
So maybe it required fixes 🙁
I was able to make it work. KDE 5 and Wayland. However I was not able to get a higher screen resolution than 1024 x 768?
My monitor is 2k 2560 x 1440 max resolution. After lots of trial I gave up.
That said in the little 1024 x 768 low resolution window it was running nice and promising.
I was able to make it work. KDE 5 and Wayland. However I was not able to get a higher screen resolution than 1024 x 768?
My monitor is 2k 2560 x 1440 max resolution. After lots of trial I gave up.
That said in the little 1024 x 768 low resolution window it was running nice and promising.

I was suspected that it could have worked with KDE 5. Do you want to document the steps that you have taken to make it works ? maybe we can find even some trick to improve the resolution (do ut des).
I tried KDE6 with Xorg... Compiled all the packages from ports, but still need to troubleshoot. Posted a couple vids/screenies on my user profile. I personally decided to hold off Wayland for now, just have KDE6 running properly.

My Wayland errors are similar to what OP posted.

I know how to do the research, just too frustratingly busy IRL to put in that kind of effort at this time...
I tried KDE6 with Xorg... Compiled all the packages from ports, but still need to troubleshoot. Posted a couple vids/screenies on my user profile. I personally decided to hold off Wayland for now, just have KDE6 running properly.

My Wayland errors are similar to what OP posted.

I know how to do the research, just too frustratingly busy IRL to put in that kind of effort at this time...

I have the working parameters necessary to run KDE 6 + Wayland on FreeBSD 14.1,obtained from the FreeBSD ML. Unfortunately this project now has a lower priority than the research of the regression that stopped the functionality of my GPU passthru for the Windows vms.

I want to finish this project,so I've asked some clarifications on the ML and Jan replied,he tried to help me telling that KDE 6 with Wayland will work on FreeBSD.

He said :

> ==> sysrc seatd_enable="YES"
> Plasma cannot use seatd without :

So,I need to make you some questions :

1) Should I make the installation of plasma5-kwin from ports even if I want to install KDE Plasma 6 ?
2) How should I apply the patches ? Can someone tell me what's wrong in the procedure that I have followed below ?

I've downloaded these two files :


I copied Makefile to : /usr/ports/x11-wm/plasma5-kwin
I copied cheribsd.patch to : /usr/ports/x11-wm/plasma5-kwin/files

and after that,this is what I did :

# cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/plasma5-kwin
# mv Makefile Makefile_
# cp '/home/marietto/Desktop/cheribsd.patch' .
# cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/plasma5-kwin/files
# cp '/home/marietto/Desktop/Makefile' .
# cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/plasma5-kwin
# make

but,unfortunately :

make: "/usr/ports/x11-wm/plasma5-kwin/Makefile" line 74: Malformed conditional (!${ABI:Mpurecap})
make: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
make: stopped in /usr/ports/x11-wm/plasma5-kwin

Something in the procedure is not correct.
The real problem is that I'm not able to patch the Makefile :


Because the lines that I should add and remove don't match.
1) Should I make the installation of plasma5-kwin from ports even if I want to install KDE Plasma 6 ?
KDE 5 stuff cannot be installed side-by-side on the same host as KDE 6. The FreeBSD-KDE team knows that much. Reason being - 5 and 6 have components with same names installing into same places. If you have x11-wm/plasma6-kwin, you cannot install x11-wm/plasma5-kwin on the same host.

CHERI BSD is merely a port of FreeBSD for a special processor. It will NOT help with KDE co-installability issues. I don't expect the co-installability issues to be resolved with a snap of OP's fingers.
Below there are the full instructions given to me by Jan :

Mario Marietto <> writes:
> ==> pkg install plasma6-plasma kde6-devel

Drop kde6-devel. It's obsolete and pulls other KDE stuff besides Plasma
like KDE Gear (aka applications) that can be used even on GNOME, XFCE, etc.

> ==> pkg install --glob "plasma6-*"
> ==> pkg install --glob "kf6-*"

Unnecessary: already pulled by plasma6-plasma.

> ==> sysrc seatd_enable="YES"

Plasma cannot use seatd without :

> ==> sysrc -f /etc/rc.conf kld_list+="nvidia-modeset nvidia-
> drm linux linux64 i915kms ext2fs mac_priority"

nvidia-drm already loads nvidia-modeset. Moreover, loading
nvidia-modeset before nvidia-drm may not work.
According to
you also need "sysctl hw.nvidiadrm.modeset=1"

> export __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia
> export XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland
> export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/$USER/.xdg
> export CLUTTER_BACKEND=wayland
> export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland
> export LIBGL_DRI3_ENABLE=1
> export XKB_DEFAULT_RULES=evdev
> export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland-egl
> export BEMENU_BACKEND=wayland
> export WLR_DRM_NO_ATOMIC=1
> export XCURSOR_THEME=whiteglass
> #export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct

Looks like a cargo cult. Not only many of these are default but some may
even break Xwayland support in apps that don't support Wayland natively
yet such as emulators/wine*

> [ -d $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR ] || mkdir -m 700 -p $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
Manually setting and creating XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is obsolete on FreeBSD >= 14
via pam_xdg(😎.
Besides, Plasma uses ConsoleKit2 which overrides XDG_RUNTIME_DIR and (if
the value is same) destroys existing contents. GUI apps started before
Plasma with different XDG_RUNTIME_DIR wouldn't be accessible from within
Plasma and may cause other issues.

> exec dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session startplasma-
Plasma requires ConsoleKit2 session, so prepend ck-launch-session
> but I get the following errors :

Do you have /dev/dri/card0 ? If not debug drm-kmod or nvidia-drm-kmod.
After that check if Wayfire works before going on Plasma journey. DEs
like Plasma are a pinnacle of complexity, so even experienced users can
easily drown in pilot errors.
Plasma/Wayland 6.1.1 works fine for me but I've only tested under Sway.
If standalone Plasma/Wayland fails it's likely due to ConsoleKit2 again.

And he attached a screenshot showing that it works. It seems that plasma6-plasma should / could be installed with plasma5-kwin. So,according with the Jan instructions,now I should apply the patches. But I don't know how to do it.
Below there are the full instructions given to me by Jan :

And he attached a screenshot showing that it works. It seems that plasma6-plasma should / could be installed with plasma5-kwin. So,according with the Jan instructions,now I should apply the patches. But I don't know how to do it.
Do you realize that there was no outright confirmation that 5 and 6 can be installed together?

You were only told to drop the kde6-devel. Dropping it does NOT make it possible to install 5 alongside 6.

Please provide the screenshot that you saw on the ML. I strongly suspect OP misunderstood the screenshot.
… It seems that plasma6-plasma should / could be installed with plasma5-kwin. …

Not normally. From the attached log, one of fifty-six conflicts:

- plasma6-kwin-6.1.2 [FreeBSD-ports] conflicts with plasma5-kwin-5.27.11_1 [installed] on /usr/local/bin/kwin_wayland

… screenshot that you saw on the ML. …

Attachments are publicly archived, however things such as shots are not immediately visible (as shots):


  • 1721291890860.png
    48.1 KB · Views: 20
  • 1500020-007-plasma6.txt
    80 KB · Views: 30
… kde6-devel should also install plasma6-plasma …

Also, if kde6-devel is omitted, then applications such as Konsole will be missing.

root@mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd:~ # pkg iinfo konsole
pkg: No package(s) matching konsole
root@mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd:~ # pkg install --yes kde6-devel
Updating FreeBSD-ports repository catalogue...
FreeBSD-ports repository is up to date.
Updating FreeBSD-base repository catalogue...
FreeBSD-base repository is up to date.
Updating local-poudriere repository catalogue...
Fetching meta.conf: 100%    178 B   0.2kB/s    00:01   
Fetching data.pkg: 100%   40 KiB  41.0kB/s    00:01   
Processing entries: 100%
The provides database is up-to-date.
local-poudriere repository update completed. 141 packages processed.
All repositories are up to date.
The following 19 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
        dconf-editor: 3.38.3_3 [FreeBSD-ports]
        dolphin-devel: 24.01.90 [FreeBSD-ports]
        gwenview-devel: 24.01.90_1 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kate-devel: 24.01.90_1 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kde6-devel: [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-extra-cmake-modules: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-frameworks: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-kapidox: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-kcalendarcore: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-kcontacts: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-kdav: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-kdnssd: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-kimageformats: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-kpeople: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-kplotting: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-syndication: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-threadweaver: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        konsole-devel: 24.01.90 [FreeBSD-ports]

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
        unixODBC-2.3.12_1 [FreeBSD-ports]

Number of packages to be installed: 18
Number of packages to be reinstalled: 1

The process will require 78 MiB more space.
26 MiB to be downloaded.
[1/19] Fetching kde6-devel- 100%    1 KiB   1.3kB/s    00:01   
[2/19] Fetching kf6-kimageformats-6.3.0.pkg: 100%  156 KiB 160.0kB/s    00:01   
[3/19] Fetching kate-devel-24.01.90_1.pkg: 100%   10 MiB  10.4MB/s    00:01   
[4/19] Fetching kf6-kdav-6.3.0.pkg: 100%  111 KiB 113.7kB/s    00:01   
[5/19] Fetching konsole-devel-24.01.90.pkg: 100%    2 MiB   2.0MB/s    00:01   
[6/19] Fetching kf6-kapidox-6.3.0.pkg: 100%   83 KiB  84.9kB/s    00:01   
[7/19] Fetching kf6-frameworks-6.3.0.pkg: 100%    2 KiB   2.0kB/s    00:01   
[8/19] Fetching kf6-kpeople-6.3.0.pkg: 100%  160 KiB 163.6kB/s    00:01   
[9/19] Fetching dconf-editor-3.38.3_3.pkg: 100%  601 KiB 615.0kB/s    00:01   
[10/19] Fetching kf6-kplotting-6.3.0.pkg: 100%   50 KiB  50.8kB/s    00:01   
[11/19] Fetching dolphin-devel-24.01.90.pkg: 100%    4 MiB   4.6MB/s    00:01   
[12/19] Fetching kf6-threadweaver-6.3.0.pkg: 100%   80 KiB  81.5kB/s    00:01   
[13/19] Fetching kf6-extra-cmake-modules-6.3.0.pkg: 100%  561 KiB 574.0kB/s    00:01   
[14/19] Fetching unixODBC-2.3.12_1.pkg: 100%  547 KiB 559.9kB/s    00:01   
[15/19] Fetching kf6-syndication-6.3.0.pkg: 100%  192 KiB 196.9kB/s    00:01   
[16/19] Fetching gwenview-devel-24.01.90_1.pkg: 100%    7 MiB   7.1MB/s    00:01   
[17/19] Fetching kf6-kdnssd-6.3.0.pkg: 100%   86 KiB  88.4kB/s    00:01   
[18/19] Fetching kf6-kcontacts-6.3.0.pkg: 100%  312 KiB 319.9kB/s    00:01   
[19/19] Fetching kf6-kcalendarcore-6.3.0.pkg: 100%  335 KiB 343.0kB/s    00:01   
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/19] Installing kf6-kcontacts-6.3.0...
[1/19] Extracting kf6-kcontacts-6.3.0: 100%
[2/19] Installing kf6-kimageformats-6.3.0...
[2/19] Extracting kf6-kimageformats-6.3.0: 100%
[3/19] Installing kf6-kdav-6.3.0...
[3/19] Extracting kf6-kdav-6.3.0: 100%
[4/19] Installing kf6-kapidox-6.3.0...
[4/19] Extracting kf6-kapidox-6.3.0: 100%
[5/19] Installing kf6-kpeople-6.3.0...
[5/19] Extracting kf6-kpeople-6.3.0: 100%
[6/19] Installing kf6-kplotting-6.3.0...
[6/19] Extracting kf6-kplotting-6.3.0: 100%
[7/19] Installing kf6-threadweaver-6.3.0...
[7/19] Extracting kf6-threadweaver-6.3.0: 100%
[8/19] Installing kf6-extra-cmake-modules-6.3.0...
[8/19] Extracting kf6-extra-cmake-modules-6.3.0: 100%
[9/19] Installing kf6-syndication-6.3.0...
[9/19] Extracting kf6-syndication-6.3.0: 100%
[10/19] Installing kf6-kdnssd-6.3.0...
[10/19] Extracting kf6-kdnssd-6.3.0: 100%
[11/19] Installing kf6-kcalendarcore-6.3.0...
[11/19] Extracting kf6-kcalendarcore-6.3.0: 100%
[12/19] Installing kate-devel-24.01.90_1...
[12/19] Extracting kate-devel-24.01.90_1: 100%
[13/19] Installing konsole-devel-24.01.90...
[13/19] Extracting konsole-devel-24.01.90: 100%
[14/19] Installing kf6-frameworks-6.3.0...
[14/19] Extracting kf6-frameworks-6.3.0: 100%
[15/19] Installing dolphin-devel-24.01.90...
[15/19] Extracting dolphin-devel-24.01.90: 100%
[16/19] Installing gwenview-devel-24.01.90_1...
[16/19] Extracting gwenview-devel-24.01.90_1: 100%
[17/19] Installing kde6-devel-
[17/19] Extracting kde6-devel- 100%
[18/19] Installing dconf-editor-3.38.3_3...
[18/19] Extracting dconf-editor-3.38.3_3: 100%
[19/19] Reinstalling unixODBC-2.3.12_1...
[19/19] Extracting unixODBC-2.3.12_1: 100%
==> Running trigger: desktop-file-utils.ucl
Building cache database of MIME types
==> Running trigger: gtk-update-icon-cache.ucl
Generating GTK icon cache for /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor
==> Running trigger: glib-schemas.ucl
Compiling glib schemas
Warning: Schema “org.florence” has path “/apps/florence/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.florence.controller” has path “/apps/florence/controller/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.florence.behaviour” has path “/apps/florence/behaviour/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.florence.window” has path “/apps/florence/window/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.florence.colours” has path “/apps/florence/colours/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.florence.layout” has path “/apps/florence/layout/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “” has path “/apps/florence/style/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.freedesktop.ibus” has path “/desktop/ibus/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.freedesktop.ibus.general” has path “/desktop/ibus/general/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.freedesktop.ibus.general.hotkey” has path “/desktop/ibus/general/hotkey/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.freedesktop.ibus.panel” has path “/desktop/ibus/panel/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.freedesktop.ibus.panel.emoji” has path “/desktop/ibus/panel/emoji/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.crypto.cache” has path “/desktop/gnome/crypto/cache/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.crypto.pgp” has path “/desktop/gnome/crypto/pgp/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.seahorse” has path “/apps/seahorse/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.seahorse.manager” has path “/apps/seahorse/listing/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.locale” has path “/system/locale/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy” has path “/system/proxy/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy.http” has path “/system/proxy/http/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy.https” has path “/system/proxy/https/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy.ftp” has path “/system/proxy/ftp/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy.socks” has path “/system/proxy/socks/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
root@mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd:~ # bectl list -c creation | tail -n 6
1500020-002-base-ports    -      -          36.6M 2024-07-14 06:33
1500020-003-kde6          -      -          2.34G 2024-07-14 07:24
1500020-004-base          -      -          2.79G 2024-07-16 08:47
1500020-005-base          -      -          2.81G 2024-07-17 03:02
1500020-006-base          R      -          366G  2024-07-17 17:47
1500020-007-plasma6       N      /          675M  2024-07-18 09:19
root@mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd:~ #
Also, if kde6-devel is omitted, then applications such as Konsole will be missing.

root@mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd:~ # pkg iinfo konsole
pkg: No package(s) matching konsole
root@mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd:~ # pkg install --yes kde6-devel
Updating FreeBSD-ports repository catalogue...
FreeBSD-ports repository is up to date.
Updating FreeBSD-base repository catalogue...
FreeBSD-base repository is up to date.
Updating local-poudriere repository catalogue...
Fetching meta.conf: 100%    178 B   0.2kB/s    00:01 
Fetching data.pkg: 100%   40 KiB  41.0kB/s    00:01 
Processing entries: 100%
The provides database is up-to-date.
local-poudriere repository update completed. 141 packages processed.
All repositories are up to date.
The following 19 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):

New packages to be INSTALLED:
        dconf-editor: 3.38.3_3 [FreeBSD-ports]
        dolphin-devel: 24.01.90 [FreeBSD-ports]
        gwenview-devel: 24.01.90_1 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kate-devel: 24.01.90_1 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kde6-devel: [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-extra-cmake-modules: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-frameworks: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-kapidox: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-kcalendarcore: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-kcontacts: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-kdav: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-kdnssd: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-kimageformats: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-kpeople: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-kplotting: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-syndication: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        kf6-threadweaver: 6.3.0 [FreeBSD-ports]
        konsole-devel: 24.01.90 [FreeBSD-ports]

Installed packages to be REINSTALLED:
        unixODBC-2.3.12_1 [FreeBSD-ports]

Number of packages to be installed: 18
Number of packages to be reinstalled: 1

The process will require 78 MiB more space.
26 MiB to be downloaded.
[1/19] Fetching kde6-devel- 100%    1 KiB   1.3kB/s    00:01 
[2/19] Fetching kf6-kimageformats-6.3.0.pkg: 100%  156 KiB 160.0kB/s    00:01 
[3/19] Fetching kate-devel-24.01.90_1.pkg: 100%   10 MiB  10.4MB/s    00:01 
[4/19] Fetching kf6-kdav-6.3.0.pkg: 100%  111 KiB 113.7kB/s    00:01 
[5/19] Fetching konsole-devel-24.01.90.pkg: 100%    2 MiB   2.0MB/s    00:01 
[6/19] Fetching kf6-kapidox-6.3.0.pkg: 100%   83 KiB  84.9kB/s    00:01 
[7/19] Fetching kf6-frameworks-6.3.0.pkg: 100%    2 KiB   2.0kB/s    00:01 
[8/19] Fetching kf6-kpeople-6.3.0.pkg: 100%  160 KiB 163.6kB/s    00:01 
[9/19] Fetching dconf-editor-3.38.3_3.pkg: 100%  601 KiB 615.0kB/s    00:01 
[10/19] Fetching kf6-kplotting-6.3.0.pkg: 100%   50 KiB  50.8kB/s    00:01 
[11/19] Fetching dolphin-devel-24.01.90.pkg: 100%    4 MiB   4.6MB/s    00:01 
[12/19] Fetching kf6-threadweaver-6.3.0.pkg: 100%   80 KiB  81.5kB/s    00:01 
[13/19] Fetching kf6-extra-cmake-modules-6.3.0.pkg: 100%  561 KiB 574.0kB/s    00:01 
[14/19] Fetching unixODBC-2.3.12_1.pkg: 100%  547 KiB 559.9kB/s    00:01 
[15/19] Fetching kf6-syndication-6.3.0.pkg: 100%  192 KiB 196.9kB/s    00:01 
[16/19] Fetching gwenview-devel-24.01.90_1.pkg: 100%    7 MiB   7.1MB/s    00:01 
[17/19] Fetching kf6-kdnssd-6.3.0.pkg: 100%   86 KiB  88.4kB/s    00:01 
[18/19] Fetching kf6-kcontacts-6.3.0.pkg: 100%  312 KiB 319.9kB/s    00:01 
[19/19] Fetching kf6-kcalendarcore-6.3.0.pkg: 100%  335 KiB 343.0kB/s    00:01 
Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting)
[1/19] Installing kf6-kcontacts-6.3.0...
[1/19] Extracting kf6-kcontacts-6.3.0: 100%
[2/19] Installing kf6-kimageformats-6.3.0...
[2/19] Extracting kf6-kimageformats-6.3.0: 100%
[3/19] Installing kf6-kdav-6.3.0...
[3/19] Extracting kf6-kdav-6.3.0: 100%
[4/19] Installing kf6-kapidox-6.3.0...
[4/19] Extracting kf6-kapidox-6.3.0: 100%
[5/19] Installing kf6-kpeople-6.3.0...
[5/19] Extracting kf6-kpeople-6.3.0: 100%
[6/19] Installing kf6-kplotting-6.3.0...
[6/19] Extracting kf6-kplotting-6.3.0: 100%
[7/19] Installing kf6-threadweaver-6.3.0...
[7/19] Extracting kf6-threadweaver-6.3.0: 100%
[8/19] Installing kf6-extra-cmake-modules-6.3.0...
[8/19] Extracting kf6-extra-cmake-modules-6.3.0: 100%
[9/19] Installing kf6-syndication-6.3.0...
[9/19] Extracting kf6-syndication-6.3.0: 100%
[10/19] Installing kf6-kdnssd-6.3.0...
[10/19] Extracting kf6-kdnssd-6.3.0: 100%
[11/19] Installing kf6-kcalendarcore-6.3.0...
[11/19] Extracting kf6-kcalendarcore-6.3.0: 100%
[12/19] Installing kate-devel-24.01.90_1...
[12/19] Extracting kate-devel-24.01.90_1: 100%
[13/19] Installing konsole-devel-24.01.90...
[13/19] Extracting konsole-devel-24.01.90: 100%
[14/19] Installing kf6-frameworks-6.3.0...
[14/19] Extracting kf6-frameworks-6.3.0: 100%
[15/19] Installing dolphin-devel-24.01.90...
[15/19] Extracting dolphin-devel-24.01.90: 100%
[16/19] Installing gwenview-devel-24.01.90_1...
[16/19] Extracting gwenview-devel-24.01.90_1: 100%
[17/19] Installing kde6-devel-
[17/19] Extracting kde6-devel- 100%
[18/19] Installing dconf-editor-3.38.3_3...
[18/19] Extracting dconf-editor-3.38.3_3: 100%
[19/19] Reinstalling unixODBC-2.3.12_1...
[19/19] Extracting unixODBC-2.3.12_1: 100%
==> Running trigger: desktop-file-utils.ucl
Building cache database of MIME types
==> Running trigger: gtk-update-icon-cache.ucl
Generating GTK icon cache for /usr/local/share/icons/hicolor
==> Running trigger: glib-schemas.ucl
Compiling glib schemas
Warning: Schema “org.florence” has path “/apps/florence/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.florence.controller” has path “/apps/florence/controller/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.florence.behaviour” has path “/apps/florence/behaviour/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.florence.window” has path “/apps/florence/window/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.florence.colours” has path “/apps/florence/colours/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.florence.layout” has path “/apps/florence/layout/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “” has path “/apps/florence/style/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.freedesktop.ibus” has path “/desktop/ibus/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.freedesktop.ibus.general” has path “/desktop/ibus/general/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.freedesktop.ibus.general.hotkey” has path “/desktop/ibus/general/hotkey/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.freedesktop.ibus.panel” has path “/desktop/ibus/panel/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.freedesktop.ibus.panel.emoji” has path “/desktop/ibus/panel/emoji/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.crypto.cache” has path “/desktop/gnome/crypto/cache/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.crypto.pgp” has path “/desktop/gnome/crypto/pgp/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.seahorse” has path “/apps/seahorse/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.seahorse.manager” has path “/apps/seahorse/listing/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.locale” has path “/system/locale/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy” has path “/system/proxy/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy.http” has path “/system/proxy/http/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy.https” has path “/system/proxy/https/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy.ftp” has path “/system/proxy/ftp/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
Warning: Schema “org.gnome.system.proxy.socks” has path “/system/proxy/socks/”.  Paths starting with “/apps/”, “/desktop/” or “/system/” are deprecated.
root@mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd:~ # bectl list -c creation | tail -n 6
1500020-002-base-ports    -      -          36.6M 2024-07-14 06:33
1500020-003-kde6          -      -          2.34G 2024-07-14 07:24
1500020-004-base          -      -          2.79G 2024-07-16 08:47
1500020-005-base          -      -          2.81G 2024-07-17 03:02
1500020-006-base          R      -          366G  2024-07-17 17:47
1500020-007-plasma6       N      /          675M  2024-07-18 09:19
root@mowa219-gjp4-zbook-freebsd:~ #

The missing applications can be replaced,I think...

Do you have /dev/dri/card0 ? If not debug drm-kmod or nvidia-drm-kmod.
After that check if Wayfire works before going on Plasma journey. DEs
like Plasma are a pinnacle of complexity, so even experienced users can
easily drown in pilot errors.

Do you have /dev/dri/card0 ? If not debug drm-kmod or nvidia-drm-kmod.
After that check if Wayfire works before going on Plasma journey. DEs
like Plasma are a pinnacle of complexity, so even experienced users can
easily drown in pilot errors.
Yeah, I get the same error messages. I strongly suspect they are due to the plethora of environment variables (as mentioned in post #34) not being set properly. I suspect that the bash script (startplasma-wayland) is expected to set them. But once the bash process setting all those ENV variables exits, I'd think that all those ENV variables get wiped away. I don't know that for sure, it's just an educated guess on my part.

It would take some time-consuming troubleshooting to verify if I'm correct or not, I know that much.
Looking at the log,I found this line :

org.kde.startup: "kdeinit5_shutdown" QList() exited with code 255

so,kde plasma 6 is using kdeinit5. Is kdeinit5 tied to plasma5-kwin ? I suspect it is. This brings me to this statement :

my bet is that it is not needed to install kde5_kwin. It is already invoked at some point by the kde 6 stuff.

This means that what's needed is to find the way to patch it with the patches proposed by jan.

This is the road that I want to follow.
Busy with setting up laptop for my 6 yo, I got KDE6 with Wayland running, but I wanted to change theme to Scratchy, but nothing really seems to happen. Which files should I be looking at for errors and or clues why this doesn't work?


Do you think that's a good idea to write a tutorial for us ? we can't help you since we haven't been able to do what you did. You are alone. If you want to be helped,logic suggests that we should reach your level before to be able to help you.
Looking at the log,I found this line :

org.kde.startup: "kdeinit5_shutdown" QList() exited with code 255

so,kde plasma 6 is using kdeinit5. Is kdeinit5 tied to plasma5-kwin ? I suspect it is. This brings me to this statement :

my bet is that it is not needed to install kde5_kwin. It is already invoked at some point by the kde 6 stuff.

This means that what's needed is to find the way to patch it with the patches proposed by jan.

This is the road that I want to follow.
Yeah, something is messed up if log output from installation of kde6 mentions components that look like they belong to kde5.

Just use this idea to guide you: 5 and 6 cannot be installed side by side.

So use a pure 6 installation, and figure out where references to 5 come from.