Trying to run KDE 6 Plasma with Wayland....

i think its possible to install KDE 6 on Freebsd 14.1 on bare metal

but its probably not worth it at the moment
due to the bugs i mentioned

if shutdown and the file manager dont work
then i would think other things like desktop widgets would probably have issues as well
KDE6 on FreeBSD 14.1 works fine on bare metal if you use Xorg. In fact, usable as a daily driver, if not for the clock widget missing.

Dolphin doesn't work either way, but it's not a showstopper on my metal. I only get dolphin.core in my /home/astyle directory, and the rest is fine, no crashes.

Shutdown works fine on my metal, so I'd leave that weird string alone, it's not a showstopper for me.
whats interesting is that you can run an entire wayland desktop in a jail
and have it displayed on the host as a native wayland window

the only drawback is you are limited to one window
i changed the audio backend in Firefox to oss in the jail which works
and the audio from youtube plays on the host without using pulseaudio

however for the audio devices to show up in KDE you have to start pulseaudio on the host

pulseaudio --start --daemonize 2>/dev/null

and start kde with pipewire


pipewire -v &
exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session ck-launch-session startplasma-wayland

otherwise the audio devices arent listed in system settings
or in the sound applet in the panel

so it looks like KDE uses pipewire and pulseaudio for system audio
sound applet in the panel

Bug 258579 (closed).

sysrc sysrc seatd_enable=YES

Typo (nit).

sysrc kld_list+="i915kms nvidia-modeset nvidia-drm linux linux64"

If you load nvidia-drm manually, then does nvidia-modeset load automatically?

Dolphin crashes at start on KDE Plasma 6.1.2 X11

Mentioned in IRC long ago, not acknowledged, I'm not aware of a report, I assume that devs are aware.
Sound works fine on my metal, I can record it, and I checked my hardware for the first time, looks fine on my end.
(For recording, it did take a hack that was described in this another thread a couple years ago: Thread complex-internal-microphone-on-freebsd-13r.86181/). KDE Wayland was able to see my audio hardware fine, and test it, too. I get same results in both the Wayfire on-metal (when I just call up KDE's systemsettings) and in the compositor window.


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