Solved What did you think of the FreeBSD Discord channel

It was this one, that showed up on my phone feed ...
vermaden said:
According to Wordpress stats I got about 110 entries from this:

Another one that was your content later showed up on my phone too.
I see a large amount of stress and anxiety among the younger people who are constantly using group chats and social media. And I can't do anything about it. But I keep whining!

That's sure part of it and the companies behind those tools certainly won't see this as a problem as people being practically glued to their product equals profit.

Then there is the (supposedly accidental - i am not buying it) way how suggestion/feed algorithms play into building bubbles where contradicting information is simply invisible to the user thereby helping to form one sided world views. That is seriously bad but it's in those companies best interest as they want to reaffirm their users not challenge them which might set off an impulse to look elsewhere.

The shape of things to come is also already quite visible on platforms like Youtube or Facebook where the communicated information more or less is being (even if using automated systems - which might actually be almost worse) curated right now.

It's an open secret that a lot of creators on Youtube self censor. Many of them try to give a funny spin to it but it really isn't. It's not even all about the sweet, sweet monetization anymore but rather how just saying the wrong word will not only make your video be algorithmically calculated into irrelevancy but also partly being hidden away even from your active subscribers (if it isn't just simply deleted). With Youtube pretty much being a monopoly there is little those people can do but try to adapt to it.

Then if you post some unpopular opinion on Facebook your post might at least be tagged as being the mental diarrhoea of some random loony. Who decides that? Right some agency hired by Facebook to pretty much act as ministry of truth. You either comply with whatever is right in their opinion or you get singled out.

And the list goes on and on. These are dangerous developments in my opinion as it puts a lot of power to not only influence but practically form public opinion in the hands of entities that have no reason or at least seriously can't be trusted to handle it in a responsible manner and not just for their own advantage.
ministry of truth
For those who are not familiar with the matter (specially younger people): "ministry of truth" is a reference to the Orwell's 1949 book. In reality, "ministry of truth" aka "ministry of propaganda" is not a fictional construct. Famous examples: Bolsheviks propaganda in USSR (Agitprop) and GDR.
Huh? Yes? You can talk to multiple people at once but how is that important or makes me miss the point? Could you please elaborate on this?
The point that you are missing stands right below my introductory note.

Example, if my customer asks me for my contact details for any kind of communication channel he prefers, I won't discuss this, but simply install the piece of software he wants in order to talk to him/her. I do this even if it is the biggest bullshit in the world - for example one customer asked me to give him technical assistance with the Signal IM. I simply installed it and did the service. I know, that ignorance and arrogance do not go down well, neither with customers nor with women. You may loose both on a single day.
How many of us use the social media plugin/links at the bottom of each page here? Discord? FreeBSD must have been on gitter, slack, matrix, mastodon, etc too (::) You never know where you will see it.

Ministry of Truth (Propaganda) === Public Opinion
The point that you are missing stands right below my introductory note.

I see. Well, i wouldn't actually say that i miss the point of there being external pressure.

Example, if my customer asks me for my contact details for any kind of communication channel he prefers, I won't discuss this, but simply install the piece of software he wants in order to talk to him/her. I do this even if it is the biggest bullshit in the world - for example one customer asked me to give him technical assistance with the Signal IM. I simply installed it and did the service. I know, that ignorance and arrogance do not go down well, neither with customers nor with women. You may loose both on a single day.

A business relationship obviously is somewhat of a special case as has been mentioned by a previous poster already. What you do in your private life is entirely up to you though. Sure, not going with the flow will absolutely have consequences (and not only of the pleasant kind that is - if it didn't we probably wouldn't be having this discussion at all).

As for that other part: I could say something but i'll just bite my tongue ;)
This has actually bothered me since Discord was created. Am i the only one who thinks their misleading usage of the word server is annoying?
Same here! I had same problem with X server, When I was reading its documents. I have problem with its name (Discord) too. I tend to type Dischord instead of Discord.
This has actually bothered me since Discord was created. Am i the only one who thinks their misleading usage of the word server is annoying?

It could be to muddy the water and make people question the concept of "running your own server" and "running your own server on Discord".

That way when they read things like "it is always safer to run your *own* server", they get confused and incorrectly assume they already are following this advice.

Usually it is Microsoft typically pulling this trick (i.e (mis)naming C# as their vendor lockin Java is one of the bigger examples).
Usually it is Microsoft typically pulling this trick (i.e (mis)naming C# as their vendor lockin Java is one of the bigger examples).
Choosing C# (Do dièse) and F# (Fa dièse) was Microsoft way of showing middle finger to the theory of music.
Love it or hate it, finally FreeBSD is on the Discord! I read the announcement on the Valuable News – 2020/09/28. What do you think of the FreeBSD Discord channel? Please share your thought. Thanks!
This is the link to the FreeBSD channel on the Discord:

I think the idea of such a channel is not bad at all, i would even prefer to have only one FreeBSD related channel than to lump them all together, because im in fear there are small children who often like to write Use this or use that like the linux community does.

My opinion about Discord in general (Looks like its also the topic here) : For writing it is quite nice but for talking with someone i don't like the quality somehow (feels like the old skype days even it has opus codec) and you don't have control over everything because it is hosted on foreign servers.

When I am playing or just talking with friends i use Teamspeak. I have been using it for 8 years and it has never disappointed me.
When I am playing or just talking with friends i use Teamspeak. I have been using it for 8 years and it has never disappointed me.

Yes, Teamspeak is a nice piece of software even though it is proprietary. Mumble has never really managed to catch up with it. I guess it'll still hold it's ground for some time as it's older userbase seems pretty loyal but in the long run i fear it won't be able to survive against Discord.
It's not only the fragmentation. I also wonder if embracing such technology is a wise move in the broader scope. Open source (at least for a big part) survives on DIY...
And it's not just that the technology is being embraced, it seems to me intercommunication using open protocols, which is the very foundation of the Internet, is under attack. Everyone wants you to use their crappy closed app because mobile Web is so awful. All my relatives abroad want me to install Whatsapp because their national telecommunications companies are so awful.

I refuse. Email me if you want to reach me. Unless you're paying, in which case I'll install whatever you like, but it's gone the moment you're no longer paying me.

I'll hang around in FreeBSD Dischord...
Another Punk Rock fan? Excellent!
Is it normal i only see welcome messages ?
After clicking on the FreeBSD Server icon on the left side: can you see Categories (SERVER, USERLAND, DEVLAND, etc) and sub/channels (general, ports, doc, etc)?
Let me know if it doesn't work that way.
Alain De Vos I'm on the Discord right now. Same ID/Nick name. Select my name on the right hand side and message over there. Let's what's going on.
You miss the point. Communication is 2-way (or even X-way). If you want to talk to anybody then you need to use the software which the others are using. If your aversion to a piece of software is that huge, your only choice is not to communicate.
Or use the "bad" channel only to teach the partner about better alternative channels.
Hi all, many years ago, when I started learning 4.9 BSD, I was lucky to have a mentor guide me through setup and a very elementary level of use. Then, life intervened and a major career change too. Thus, after I retired I'm back with my favorite OS!! Nevertheless, I cannot remember how to open and become engaged in the IRC chat channels. I have installed irc through a pkg install. But, how do I open it? I'm using MATE. Any help, syntax or examples will be greatly appreciated.
Hi all, many years ago, when I started learning 4.9 BSD, I was lucky to have a mentor guide me through setup and a very elementary level of use. Then, life intervened and a major career change too. Thus, after I retired I'm back with my favorite OS!! Nevertheless, I cannot remember how to open and become engaged in the IRC chat channels. I have installed irc through a pkg install. But, how do I open it? I'm using MATE. Any help, syntax or examples will be greatly appreciated.

Well, unless you tell us what client you installed it will be quite hard to tell you how you have to start it. If you want something graphical i'd recommend irc/hexchat. If you prefer CLI i think irc/irssi is popular. If you go for irc/hexchat there should be a popup the first time you run it (i figure it would be in your application menu or something? - sorry, i have no clue about MATE) where you can select a network. Choose freenode. With irc/irssi i think irssi -c -n yourname should get you connected.

Once your on the server you should register your nickname (see for instructions). Once that's done you can join the relevant channels with /join #freebsd or /join #freebsd-social. You can also join without registering but only the #freebsd-social one as the other requires registration. Good luck ;)