Xfce XFCE4.20: keyboard layout. The flag images "disappear": UA, RU.

Regularly (but not systematically) during work the flag images "disappear": UA, RU. See the picture. Although the layouts are switched, they work. The UA, RU flags "disappear". The US flag does not disappear.
In the terminal, switching layouts also works normally:
How to fix:
Method 1: deleted UA, US and RU became visible. Added the UA layout again and all the flags appeared again.
Method 2: logout from XFCE and re-login.
Method 3: reboot.

Where and how does such a nuisance arise?
The keyboard layout is switched via the Win key.
The keyboard is a no-name, wireless, bought at a grocery market for a small price.


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I acquired the same problem recently after the update. The flags (or the text, depending on the setting) disappear from the panel and the menu when I click on the panel. The only one remaining is the English (US). This happens every time after suspend/resume. The simple fix that works is to edit the list of keyboards by adding and deleting another layout, but that's very irritating. As someone who writes in several languages, I have to go through this procedure often enough to hate it. The Xfce version is 4.20, and the GTK version is 3.24.43.
I had the same issue at suspend/resume in XFCE using a swedish keyboard.
The solution that resolved my issue was adding a file


with this content:

Section "InputClass"
Identifier "KeyboardDefaults"
MatchIsKeyboard "on"
Option "XkbLayout" "se"
Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
This happens every time after suspend/resume.
Thank you. I'll turn off all "energy efficiency". I don't really need it. The processor consumes 25 watts, all the hardware consumes little.
The solution that resolved my issue was adding a file
I wrote it down in my notebook. I'll do the same on the backup PC. Thanks for the recommendation.