I got banned from the FreeBSD Discord for telling people to stick to the topic and to fess up when they're clearly betraying how uninformed they are!banned, deleting entire mailing lists and forums because they don't agree with the speech happening in them (after they banned such speech from the on-topic technical forum where it belongs to stop the "flame wars" and "haters" aka don't point out the horrible decisions we're getting paid to make).
There's still tons of people who don't understand why Al Gore did in fact make Internet possible - he paid the US Army for it, dammit. Without Al Gore's money, there'd be no Internet, plain and simple. The unfortunate urban legend shows how a great story can go from a short and precise summary of a long, complex process (that ultimately resulted in the money paid to US Army) to a joke that is ultimately an incorrect retelling of the story.
I think that just the story of creation of Internet is a nice idea for manga/anime... kind of like Ergo Proxy... even if people don't quite figure it out...The internet now mainly just serves as an archive of information and I'm downloading all of it and storing it in my personal archives while I still can. Mainly old applications, doujin works, books, audio files and some video. I also produce music and video with FreeBSD too. I got that workstation converted over from Gentoo finally a few months back. Although I find myself having less and less time to partake in such hobbies. Even when I do find the time it's very hard to share it with anyone these days (same issue in the FOSS community is happening in all the other ones where I share art/content).