Why did you stopped using FreeBSD ?

banned, deleting entire mailing lists and forums because they don't agree with the speech happening in them (after they banned such speech from the on-topic technical forum where it belongs to stop the "flame wars" and "haters" aka don't point out the horrible decisions we're getting paid to make).
I got banned from the FreeBSD Discord for telling people to stick to the topic and to fess up when they're clearly betraying how uninformed they are!

There's still tons of people who don't understand why Al Gore did in fact make Internet possible - he paid the US Army for it, dammit. Without Al Gore's money, there'd be no Internet, plain and simple. The unfortunate urban legend shows how a great story can go from a short and precise summary of a long, complex process (that ultimately resulted in the money paid to US Army) to a joke that is ultimately an incorrect retelling of the story.
The internet now mainly just serves as an archive of information and I'm downloading all of it and storing it in my personal archives while I still can. Mainly old applications, doujin works, books, audio files and some video. I also produce music and video with FreeBSD too. I got that workstation converted over from Gentoo finally a few months back. Although I find myself having less and less time to partake in such hobbies. Even when I do find the time it's very hard to share it with anyone these days (same issue in the FOSS community is happening in all the other ones where I share art/content).
I think that just the story of creation of Internet is a nice idea for manga/anime... kind of like Ergo Proxy... even if people don't quite figure it out...
Why are people going along with things like systemd and all the other horrible shit that's plagued GNU-land over the last 2 decades? Are people really this dumb and lazy? Or is it that they just don't care?
I have experienced that people do not care at all, anymore.
At least the majority of people in my living environment.
My only friend I have was a linux system administrator, and hacker, but virtual reality has turned him into a windows user, because he has no choice.
Succumb to one thing and other unpleasant things will follow, I guess.

I do seriously wonder what people 200 years in the future will learn about this time period of computing in their history archives.
Seriously, I cared like about 10 years ago, and tried to change peoples point of view about privacy, and show people ways they can be more anonymous or even pseudonymous, and careful, but googling for terms is their new way. Using google sheets, or zoom.
Leaking personal data all the time is also a thing they just do not care, and that is the future generation of new IT experts...

I also produce music and video with FreeBSD too.
That is good news to hear.
I have a question then.
Can you explain me the difference between a DAC/AMP and a audio interface?
My understanding is that both devices have a audio chip.
A audio chip converts digital signals to analog ones, but is not a DAC doing the same thing?
You can plug in headphones into an audio interface, and upping the volume, too in an audio interface.
But an AMP is doing the same thing.
So, I am quite confused.
The only difference I found is that audio interfaces have a smaller latency than DAC/AMPs.
Sometimes I think is FreeBSD that does everything to stop me to us it...

I am still using it on the main workstation, besides the lack of some software and the hardware compatibility issues, the only reason I could stop using FreeBSD is because the upgrade system, it is powerful but implemented very poorly IMHO.
Sometimes I think is FreeBSD that does everything to stop me to us it...

I am still using it on the main workstation, besides the lack of some software and the hardware compatibility issues, the only reason I could stop using FreeBSD is because the upgrade system, it is powerful but implemented very poorly IMHO.
After 20 years of Linux I find the update tools refreshing. The ability to roll back and update is very clean and has never presented any issues. The handbook makes it a very clear process. I've yet to have an issue with the update tools for the system. Additionally pkg has been equally solid in it's functions.
I'm not stoppped using FreeBSD, but 2 years ago, Samba4 on FreeBSD has problems with MSOffice files works sooooo slow, and if this is FreeBSD only bug (as I explore - this is a oplocks2 related problem, it seems that it disappeared on FreeBSD), I will migrate to Linux + Samba for such cases.
Sometimes I think is FreeBSD that does everything to stop me to us it...

I am still using it on the main workstation, besides the lack of some software and the hardware compatibility issues, the only reason I could stop using FreeBSD is because the upgrade system, it is powerful but implemented very poorly IMHO.
What would you recommend then ?
The only sane options left I see right now would be NetBSD or OpenBSD.
Do not blame me on this, but I think Redox OS also makes good progress, being completely written in Rust, and not partly.
Redox + Qemu could also be something to consider.

If software is not there then it eventually can get ported, right ?
If not then virtualization could be an option, too with bhyve for example.
If software is not there then it eventually can get ported, right ?
That's the problem - it might need to be rewritten in Rust entirely. Otherwise there would be a translator from C/C++ to Rust, and if that existed we would have all the benefits without the hassle to rewrite it.
Why does my 10Gbps internet connection, 8-core CPU, dedicated GPU and ultra fast storage devices crawl along booting and rendering webpages like my old K6 system with a VGA adapter and 32MB of RAM did in 1997? Is this really progress?
Disable JavaScript. Websites are littered with this slag: both where it is needed and where it is not. Every year websites are written and adapted for smartphones.Change your browser to a lightweight one. Isn't it?
Why does my CPU come with Minix?
Very interesting. Can you give me a link? Never heard of CPU+Minix.

I once saw a slog on a forum about how the Chinese Cisco soldered a small microcircuit the size of a grain of wheat. And they compared the board (with this "bookmark") with the original - without the "bookmark". There was a lot of noise.

I recently bought a motherboard without a name. Based on Intel. There is nothing about the manufacturer on the board. Only a QR code (more on that later). A ship flying over the waves is drawn on the cardboard box. I knew what I was buying. But my guesses were confirmed by one simple trick: I simply installed FreeBSD, loaded (under root!) the environment and Firefox. As soon as I opened the browser (I had never been online before), Amazon and the marketplace site (the QR code of which was stuck on the motherboard itself) were "stuck" to the shortcuts. I don't go to Amazon or the marketplace of the Chinese company. This is how they foist "shortcuts" on you for a small price.
That is good news to hear.
I have a question then.
Can you explain me the difference between a DAC/AMP and a audio interface?

An audio interface is more for production. A DAC/AMP is more for consumption. An audio interface generally (always?) has a DAC/AMP in it.

An audio interface allows you to do things like plug in a midi device, guitar, microphone etc. and get low latency input. So when you press a key on a keyboard or strum on the guitar you hear the sound in your headphones with little/no lag. Preferably on studio quality monitors or headphones (I use DT990 250ohm headphones for mastering these days). A DAC does none of these things. A DAC/external sound card just takes output from a computer (generally over USB) and amplifies it to drive an output device. For example, my headphones can not be driven by any onboard sound or PCI sound card that I know of. Due to the fact that they're 250ohm.

Rule of thumb: If you're not into production you don't need an audio interface. Get a DAC is that if the case. You don't absolutely need high ohm headphones/speakers either the 80ohm models can produce wonderful sound without requiring as much power. But generally the higher ohm ones will sound better when paired with the right equipment driving them. But there is a lot of snake oil being sold to audiophiles so you really have to do your research.

Even though I have expensive headphones and monitors I don't listen or even mix on them all of the time. Everything I produce gets double and triple checked on some old 2.1 PC speakers I bought in the 90s being driven by a PCI sound card (my motherboard is just old enough to still have a slot for that) and I check everything on crappy laptop speakers too. Laptop speakers are a massive increase in quality compared to something like cell phone mono/crappy ear buds, old 2.1 PC speakers is a massive jump compared to the laptop's built-in speakers, 250ohm headphones being driven by audio interface/DAC is a massive jump compared to that. 99% of people that listen to my work will probably never hear it as I intended it to be heard. 99% of content is produced for the lowest common user (e.g. idiots blaring rap music at full volume on busted cell phone speaker in public on the train). You get the idea.

If you're asking if you need an audio interface AND a DAC/AMP the answer is no. Something like a Scarlett or an MOTU M2 will probably drive anything you have laying around. Although you can't ever be sure if they're supported driver wise outside of the main two platforms those type of devices target (Windows, Mac, maybe Linux). In my case the audio interface I had does work in the *BSDs. But I'm not going to name or suggest it here because it's fairly expensive and I got it for free and I'm not even sure you can buy it any longer (it has A LOT of inputs). I'm not sure if any of the ones I named have proper driver support. Try and see. If there is a Linux driver it probably won't be too much trouble to port it over (or pay someone to port it).

After you get it working have fun obsessing over low latency in the kernel. :) Check out the places where the Gentoo studio (or whatever it's called now) guys hang out. They generally have the answers you're probably seeking.
Unfortunately AMD CPUs are infested with the same crap. The "Platform Security Processer" (PSP).

Intel's ME is indeed based on MINIX 3.0. AMD's is some unknown proprietary code.
So, do you think the PSP is sending Lisa Su our encryption keys, and our online activity log, and eventually our keystrokes, too ?
I know we have all a right for privacy, well being, etc, at least we are made to believe that crap. 😅

I would say if you really want a crap free CPU then get a laptop from purism.
These laptops CPUs have all that proprietary crap removed.
The only drawback is that they are using Intels power saving CPUs, but at this point, who cares.
You can even build to some extend your cancer free laptop through their site.
And they have security purposed smart phones, too.
I would recommend them.



I just don't understand why they shoved the distribution with systemd and Gnome3?
Gnome3 can't exist adequately without systemd. Or is it only in RedHatLinux or OracleLinux? Or am I wrong?
And secondly: the prices for mini-PCs are simply sky-high. I'm not ready to pay $699 (price for March 2020). Now, probably, it's even more expensive.
For that kind of money, you can assemble a quiet PC with the maximum used top processor, install FreeBSD. And the memory will be more than 8 GB ... in my country for
699 dollars you can buy Dell Vostro 15 3530 (2023 year model) + licensed Windows 11 Pro.
What are we overpaying for? I still don't understand from the article.

The Librem Mini runs PureOS, which is classed as a "fully free" Linux distribution based on Debian and uses the GNOME desktop. It only includes software and apps that are free/libre and open source. Add to that Purism's secured boot process called Pureboot, and Librem Key for managing passwords, providing multi-factor authentication, and BIOS integration to stop tampering, and you have a very secure and open little desktop machine.
I will add that there is a social network called "BASTYON".
I have never heard anyone discuss this network here.
Although the network is positioned as non-commercial, free, independent and uncommitted from politicians, banks, corporate capital, etc.
But here's what I mean: the network sells "free", "wiretapping and surveillance-proof" smartphones based on a
"free" system.
Would you buy one?
I'm attaching the link.
https://bastyon.mobi/en/ - smartphone.
https://bastyon.com/index - network.



I just don't understand why they shoved the distribution with systemd and Gnome3?
Gnome3 can't exist adequately without systemd. Or is it only in RedHatLinux or OracleLinux? Or am I wrong?
And secondly: the prices for mini-PCs are simply sky-high. I'm not ready to pay $699 (price for March 2020). Now, probably, it's even more expensive.
For that kind of money, you can assemble a quiet PC with the maximum used top processor, install FreeBSD. And the memory will be more than 8 GB ... in my country for
699 dollars you can buy Dell Vostro 15 3530 (2023 year model) + licensed Windows 11 Pro.
What are we overpaying for? I still don't understand from the article.
I also do not understand why they decided to create a distribution based on Debian with systemd and Gnome3, but that does not really matter, because you can reinstall your OS of choice.

The thing there is, you can buy another laptop, or PC components, but you will have a CPU with the proprietary manufacturer binary blob, and a closed source BIOS (backdoors on CPU and BIOS).
This is not the case with librem laptops.
You also have kill switches for WiFi, and camera.
The main selling point is the added privacy which you get by buying their laptop.
An audio interface is more for production. A DAC/AMP is more for consumption. An audio interface generally (always?) has a DAC/AMP in it.

An audio interface allows you to do things like plug in a midi device, guitar, microphone etc. and get low latency input. So when you press a key on a keyboard or strum on the guitar you hear the sound in your headphones with little/no lag. Preferably on studio quality monitors or headphones (I use DT990 250ohm headphones for mastering these days). A DAC does none of these things. A DAC/external sound card just takes output from a computer (generally over USB) and amplifies it to drive an output device. For example, my headphones can not be driven by any onboard sound or PCI sound card that I know of. Due to the fact that they're 250ohm.

Rule of thumb: If you're not into production you don't need an audio interface. Get a DAC is that if the case. You don't absolutely need high ohm headphones/speakers either the 80ohm models can produce wonderful sound without requiring as much power. But generally the higher ohm ones will sound better when paired with the right equipment driving them. But there is a lot of snake oil being sold to audiophiles so you really have to do your research.

Even though I have expensive headphones and monitors I don't listen or even mix on them all of the time. Everything I produce gets double and triple checked on some old 2.1 PC speakers I bought in the 90s being driven by a PCI sound card (my motherboard is just old enough to still have a slot for that) and I check everything on crappy laptop speakers too. Laptop speakers are a massive increase in quality compared to something like cell phone mono/crappy ear buds, old 2.1 PC speakers is a massive jump compared to the laptop's built-in speakers, 250ohm headphones being driven by audio interface/DAC is a massive jump compared to that. 99% of people that listen to my work will probably never hear it as I intended it to be heard. 99% of content is produced for the lowest common user (e.g. idiots blaring rap music at full volume on busted cell phone speaker in public on the train). You get the idea.

If you're asking if you need an audio interface AND a DAC/AMP the answer is no. Something like a Scarlett or an MOTU M2 will probably drive anything you have laying around. Although you can't ever be sure if they're supported driver wise outside of the main two platforms those type of devices target (Windows, Mac, maybe Linux). In my case the audio interface I had does work in the *BSDs. But I'm not going to name or suggest it here because it's fairly expensive and I got it for free and I'm not even sure you can buy it any longer (it has A LOT of inputs). I'm not sure if any of the ones I named have proper driver support. Try and see. If there is a Linux driver it probably won't be too much trouble to port it over (or pay someone to port it).

After you get it working have fun obsessing over low latency in the kernel. :) Check out the places where the Gentoo studio (or whatever it's called now) guys hang out. They generally have the answers you're probably seeking.
Sadly the Motu M2 absolutely does not work with bitperfect audio mode...
But I have found on the ASR forums that either the Topping A70 Pro or Topping E70 9028 Pro are good choices so, I decided to buy and test the Topping A70 pro given that it has the same chip as the SMSL DO400, and they all are from the same company.
I have a partly defective SMSL DO400 device at home, which I will send back today, but basing on my tests bitperfect mode works very well with that device.
The SMSL DO400 could drive my Focal Utopia 2022 80 OHM impedance headphones, so I guess the Topping A70 Pro will do it, too.
Nope; website looks too scammy at quick glance and has 10+ trackers for something supposing to be less-tracky
So I’m thinking: is it a coincidence or is my conspiracy thought overpowering me again?
# whois bastyon.mobi
And at the exit (visualized the team's output in graphics)... Note how the two buildings ("Microsoft" and "Fidelity") are connected by "bridge".
And I'm wondering: is it a coincidence or is my conspiracy thought getting the better of me again?
Do they have hosting on the same platform as Microsoft and Fidelity? This is most likely the closest provider in the Fidelity building.
Couldn't you find a more "ideologically neutral" hosting bastion.mobi?


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