Alain De Vos : FreeBSD has plenty of text editors in ports, and Kate definitely has support for F# (Fsharp) and Scala. Why are you so hung up on VSCode? KDE offers KDevelop. It may take time to learn, but it's a very reasonable equivalent (in terms of features) to VSCode that is actually in ports... If you don't like KDE, there's plenty of other alternatives in ports. Sometimes, you just gotta ask, and be willing to try. Well, you can always try Emacs, that is definitely in ports (
definitely supports F#, Scala, and can keep you plenty busy
editors/kate has my direct endorsement as a recommendation,
editors/emacs is simply something else that I happen to know about that also checks the language support boxes.
As for the topic of this thread: I have a laptop where I was unable to install FreeBSD because of a weird N-key keyboard. I even have a thread about that (
Thread installing-13-0-release-on-a-new-laptop.84302). After a while, I just did my homework and bought a laptop that actually works with FreeBSD, a Lenovo Thinkbook 14 G4. I'm using it right now to write this post, it's got 14.2-RELEASE, and everything is compiled from ports, from ground up.
Back in 2003/2004, I tried to install FreeBSD, and backed off because I could not get Xorg going reliably. Came back in 2017, and saw that the Xorg matter was finally cleaned up. Ultimately, ZFS is what won me over, and now, FreeBSD is my daily driver thanks to working, up-to-date Firefox. Everything else - I can live with what FreeBSD has to offer, and it's not bad at all, I see no reason to look around. It would take something that impressed me to the same extent that ZFS did in 2017.