What do you do to cure when you feel mentally ill or depressed ?

I am not an expert in the field, but if I felt depressed and ill, I would try to gather information and write a list of possible reasons. I would look into health as well as life in general. I would ask close friends what they have noticed. Much like looking into system logs. I would then look for immideate solutions for the smaller obvious fixable issues and then seek help for solutions to try and change long term issues and maybe a plan for meeting personal goals.

I see some potential errors in this approach :

1) if you are not a psychologist,you will not be able to understand the reason or find a cure by yourself

2) if you ask to your friends you may or not may find the right person that will address you to the right road. Not everyone accept to trust in a psycho when there is a psychological problem.

3) you can't look inside the system log : your mind is not like FreeBSD ; it is much more complicated. And most important : unless you are a psycho,you will not understand where to look to find the errors.

4) for the psychological problems there could be no immediate solutions. Most of the time the solution could be in a long term

5) to look for help,it's ok. But who do you think can help you ? You can't cure your body by yourself. This is even more valid for the psychological problems when they are acute.

6) for serious mental problems,you will soon understand that you have to plan most of your life from scratch.
I see some potential errors in this approach :

1) if you are not a psychologist,you will not be able to understand the reason or find a cure by yourself

2) if you ask to your friends you may or not may find the right person that will address you to the right road. Not everyone accept to trust in a psycho when there is a psychological problem.

3) you can't look inside the system log : your mind is not like FreeBSD ; it is much more complicated. And most important : unless you are a psycho,you will not understand where to look to find the errors.

4) for the psychological problems there could be no immediate solutions. Most of the time the solution could be in a long term

5) to look for help,it's ok. But who do you think can help you ? You can't cure your body by yourself. This is even more valid for the psychological problems when they are acute.

6) for serious mental problems,you will soon understand that you have to plan most of your life from scratch.
You believe that these statements are solid enough to rest here without being mocked like a database?

Of course only psychologists can solve problems and find cures. How foolish of anybody else to think otherwise.

"Hey man, my girl broke up with me and I have been feeling depressed lately."
"Myman, you gotta see your psychologist asap."

Couldn't resist, not particularly fond of gatekeeping at any level or instance. :p
What do you do to cure when you feel mentally ill or depressed ?

I do physical activity that re-energize my body, this helps me to get out from bad mood and to avoid a therapist... For instance now I am swimming one hour two days a week and the results, even on my body, are terrific!
Of course only psychologists can solve problems and find cures. How foolish of anybody else to think otherwise.

The psycho does not solve anything. You can solve your mental problems going to the psycho and maybe even to the
psychiatrist. (I don't know how it works in the USA,but here in Italy,psychologists cannot prescribe pills).
The job you have to do is in tandem (AKA folie à deux (French for 'madness of two').

Even today I wonder why if you break a bone you go to the doctor, but if you break a cog in your brain you think you can fix it by yourself. For sure here I'm not talking about "transient mental crises".
The psycho does not solve anything. You can solve your mental problems going to the psycho and maybe even to the
psychiatrist. (I don't know how it works in the USA,but here in Italy,psychologists cannot prescribe pills).
The job you have to do is in tandem (AKA folie à deux (French for 'madness of two').

Even today I wonder why if you break a bone you go to the doctor, but if you break a cog in your brain you think you can fix it by yourself. For sure here I'm not talking about "transient mental crises".
I would go rather far from saying a depressed mind would be a broken mind.
It's about teaching out techniques, I know less about what psychologists bring to the table, more of therapists.

You can gain a lot of techniques exercising yourself and you can learn from others as well.

It sounded illogical to state that there was only one way to obtain information.
I would go rather far from saying a depressed mind would be a broken mind.

Correct. Infact I've talked about a single cog broken in your mind :D
You can look for all the informations you want. But what you should learn the tecniques.
And it's very hard to be able to keep the right distance and objectivity (maybe also called "intellectual honesty" between your "self" and the single cog that's broken.

Can you give me an honest answer to this question :

Why if you break a bone you go to the doctor, but if you break a cog (maybe two) in your brain you think you can fix it by yourself ? and how do you think to fix it ? by reading only ? to read is ok,but then,what ? if you read about how to fix a broken bone,you will be able to fix it ? Maybe yes,if it is a mild break. But do you want to run the risk ? Do you like doctors / psychologists,in general ?
If a wave rolls in, I consciously "block" my brain from this tsunami - I distance myself and isolate myself as much as possible from the external perimeter of the irritant (aggressor, instigator of calm). How exactly... I cut off the rotten communications and highways through which the irritant gets into the brain. At such moments, I can draw my favorite porn fakes, watch the stupidest and most idiotic videos and films, listen to dirty, stupid and sloppy music, which kind of "unlocks" (opens and returns) my brain to a balanced state. This is, as a rule, music like "Minor Threat", "Verbal Abuse", "Rudimentary Peni". I walk in the fresh air (alone, without companions). More precisely, I do not walk, but wander around abandoned industrial zones and facilities, railroad tracks, wastelands, where there are no public irritants. The smell of sleepers, diesel fuel, kerosene heals me. Yes, this is also like another “schizophrenia”, a mental state (someone here would say “disorder”), but it is “comfortable” and “natural” for me.
This is my personal and deep EXISTENTIAL behavior and reaction to irritants.
This stage is the stage of dirty “exorcism”…

I take a bottle of whiskey, smoked salmon, 2 cans of pomegranate “Schweppes” with me. I sit down on the rail, pour a glass. I have a snack. I continue to wander. Strange, right? But it helps.
Why? Most likely, it is a “return to youth”, when I was more anarchic, socially intolerant, politically incorrect… at 20, we read books by anarchist philosophers, listened to the same music, drank the same whiskey, smoked tobacco…

What heals my soul, brain and body? It is Creativity (warms the soul), Sloppiness (warms the mind) and Whiskey (warms the body). These are my friends.

P.S. It never helped: to go to the philharmonic to see a abstruse play or to the theater to see an opera, ballet. I do not understand these “subtleties”. And I am not going to pretend that this is “elitist”, “aristocratic”, “intellectual”. There are also concepts - “unity with nature”, “relaxation with nature”, “restoring the aura through nature”).
I do not know, I confess. It exhausts me more than it brings me to the nominal state.
Correct. Infact I've talked about a single cog broken in your mind :D
You can look for all the informations you want. But what you should learn the tecniques.
And it's very hard to be able to keep the right distance and objectivity (maybe also called "intellectual honesty" between your "self" and the single cog that's broken.

Can you give me an honest answer to this question :

Why if you break a bone you go to the doctor, but if you break a cog (maybe two) in your brain you think you can fix it by yourself ? and how do you think to fix it ? by reading only ? to read is ok,but then,what ? if you read about how to fix a broken bone,you will be able to fix it ? Maybe yes,if it is a mild break. But do you want to run the risk ? Do you like doctors / psychologists,in general ?
I will do my best to summarize an internalised story time:
What you do is generalisation. You propose the proposition that the mental care system run the most adequate treatment for
patient health.

I will refer to what I declared before:
The main goal for patients of governmental health care is to get the patient back to work.
In physical health care this is to mend a broken bone and rehabilitate for work.
In mental health care this is to serve pills that have the reported and tested effects of making the mind of the person more agreeable
and therefore also ready for possible follow up treatment.

But this agreeableness also generates the possibilities of having the patient work during the individual duration (up to two years for SSRI)
that the pills still have effect before it starts to were off. Which again goes in line with clinic goals for patients.

In Sweden it's rare and at times impossible to be provided treatment from psychiatrists.
The psychiatrist's role is to help diagnose a patient for a treatment plan (what meds to test first)
and journal him/her over to the doctor.

Psychiatrists do consulting of people that have consulting as part of their treatment plan
and we also have work-psychiatrists that act as a resource if you need support from The Employment Assistance Agency,
that is ... if it is in your Employment Assistant Plan.

It's fully unrelated to whether a person "likes" doctors or psychologists.
Those are the treatment plans.
Even today I wonder why if you break a bone you go to the doctor,
Well, I don't. I break a bone in my foot, I walk on. After a good fortnight, as it still hurts and stays swollen, I go to a doctor. We look at the x-ray together, and see that it has already grown stable - not 100% perfect, but good enough, so we decide to leave it as it is - and I do still walk 30km a day with baggage.

When I travel Indonesia, the boat to the island with the next doctor runs only once a week.
Reality check: when God created us in hir image, they did not create the doctors alongside. We could survive without them for the longer part of our history.

Tip: figure out why the Hohenheimer called himself Paracelsus.

This is about disposessment and reclaiming. We want to configure our compute machines by ourselves, instead of getting spoonfed with garbage from Apple and Google. The very same goes for our body, and even more so for our mind. It belongs to us, not to some latin-speaking priests.
I do physical activity that re-energize my body, this helps me to get out from bad mood and to avoid a therapist.
Bad mood/feeling down != depressed. A lot of you don't seem to understand the difference.

Well, I don't. I break a bone in my foot, I walk on. After a good fortnight, as it still hurts and stays swollen, I go to a doctor. We look at the x-ray together, and see that it has already grown stable - not 100% perfect, but good enough, so we decide to leave it as it is - and I do still walk 30km a day with baggage.
So, you got lucky. What if it wasn't setting correctly, not even a little bit? Then what?
Reality check: when God created us in hir image, they did not create the doctors alongside. We could survive without them for the longer part of our history.
Sure, if you don't take life-expectancy in account. You do understand most of them died before the ripe old age of 2? Even if you somehow managed to survive through childhood you're still looking at an estimated life-expectancy in the 30s.
but if you break a cog (maybe two) in your brain you think you can fix it by yourself ? and how do you think to fix it ?
No. The first question is: who defines that it is broken?

Government forced me to go into the madhouse for political reeducation. More specifically, they wanted me to learn to stop smoking pot and become a capitalist zombie (didn't work out well).

In former Soviet they had a specific kind of Schizophrenia, Sluggish Schizophrenia that people were diagnosed with who were
against the political norms and forms.
No need to go Soviet. Famous American psychiatrist figured out that lazyness in negro slaves is a specific mental illness that can be cured by whipping them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dysaesthesia_aethiopica

So ZioMario, be careful, because you're standing on really really burnt soil.
Claiming ex-cathedra to have a competence will not work here; You need to bring substantial arguments.
My recommendation is that current Western medicine is the best approach:
- get one professional for blah-blah
- get one professional for gulp-gulp

Re-evaluate the approach after 3 months.

If you don't have health insurance covering this move from the US to Germany. If you can't find appointments with professionals move from Germany to the US, eh :)
So, you got lucky. What if it wasn't setting correctly, not even a little bit? Then what?
This "what if" is exactly what I call the collective neurosis of modern western society: they produce abstract fears and then try to buy insurances, instead of right-here right-now doing what has to be done.

There is a nice stance in "The 13th Warrior":
Herger the Joyous:
The All-Father wove the skein of your life a long time ago. Go and hide in a hole if you wish, but you won't live one instant longer. Your fate is fixed. Fear profits a man nothing.

Basically, any "what-if" implies a kind of randomness. But, if you consider the entirety of creation as a conscious system, then there is no such randomness.
The problem is, modern man perceives himself as alone and up against nature, instead of perceiving himself as a part of nature.

Sure, if you don't take life-expectancy in account. You do understand most of them died before the ripe old age of 2? Even if you somehow managed to survive through childhood you're still looking at an estimated life-expectancy in the 30s.
Yes, absolutely. This is how we lived for a million years, and we tend to ignore it, and instead consider our modern ways as "normal" - while our modern ways in fact cancel out natural self-regulations and produce crisis over crisis.
Basically, any "what-if" implies a kind of randomness. But, if you consider the entirety of creation as a conscious system, then there is no such randomness.
And yet people who believe that all fate is already set in stone by $DEITY, tend to wait for the green light before crossing the street...
Claiming ex-cathedra to have a competence will not work here; You need to bring substantial arguments.

When someone is very convinced about his / her ideas,there will not be any argument that could make a breach between the wall. In this case any psycho will avoid accurately to bring up his / her own arguments to avoid the head-on confrontation that will only damage the relationship.
And yet people who believe that all fate is already set in stone by $DEITY, tend to wait for the green light before crossing the street...
That again is a western thinking pattern (it is not present in eastern Asia): if one thing is not true, then that implies that the opposite must be true. I think this is flawed.

There seem to be two options:
A) everything is random, aka blind fear
B) some deity has already fixed the fate, aka blind believe

I think there is a third option, that is to stop acting like one were blind.
When someone is very convinced about his / her ideas,there will not be any argument that could make a breach between the wall. In this case any psycho will avoid accurately to bring up his / her own arguments to avoid the head-on confrontation that will only damage the relationship.
Well then You're saying psychology is not a science?
Because in science we have an understanding of well founded and substantiated arguments, which stand for themselves and are independent of relationship issues. And that is how we work here.
My recommendation is that current Western medicine is the best approach:
- get one professional for blah-blah
- get one professional for gulp-gulp

Re-evaluate the approach after 3 months.

If you don't have health insurance covering this move from the US to Germany. If you can't find appointments with professionals move from Germany to the US, eh :)
Lol'd. Spot on summary. :)
No. The first question is: who defines that it is broken?

Government forced me to go into the madhouse for political reeducation. More specifically, they wanted me to learn to stop smoking pot and become a capitalist zombie (didn't work out well).

No need to go Soviet. Famous American psychiatrist figured out that lazyness in negro slaves is a specific mental illness that can be cured by whipping them: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dysaesthesia_aethiopica

So ZioMario, be careful, because you're standing on really really burnt soil.
Claiming ex-cathedra to have a competence will not work here; You need to bring substantial arguments.
Thank you for sharing an obligatory good read that will have its place among all other dark 'scientific' practices I wish to repress. x)
And yet people who believe that all fate is already set in stone by $DEITY, tend to wait for the green light before crossing the street...
Amusing that they are so hesitant to get to the "Utopia" that they claim exists!

Twain's Letters from the Earth is a delightful read. A quick excerpt from Letter 2:

"For instance, take this sample: he has imagined a heaven, and has left entirely out of it the supremest of all his delights, the one ecstasy that stands first and foremost in the heart of every individual of his race -- and of ours -- sexual intercourse!"​
"It is as if a lost and perishing person in a roasting desert should be told by a rescuer he might choose and have all longed-for things but one, and he should elect to leave out water!"​
"His heaven is like himself: strange, interesting, astonishing, grotesque. I give you my word, it has not a single feature in it that he actually values. It consists -- utterly and entirely -- of diversions which he cares next to nothing about, here in the earth, yet is quite sure he will like them in heaven. Isn't it curious? Isn't it interesting? You must not think I am exaggerating, for it is not so. I will give you details."​
"Most men do not sing, most men cannot sing, most men will not stay when others are singing if it be continued more than two hours. Note that."​
"Only about two men in a hundred can play upon a musical instrument, and not four in a hundred have any wish to learn how. Set that down."​
"In man's heaven everybody sings! The man who did not sing on earth sings there; the man who could not sing on earth is able to do it there. The universal singing is not casual, not occasional, not relieved by intervals of quiet; it goes on, all day long, and every day, during a stretch of twelve hours. And everybody stays; whereas in the earth the place would be empty in two hours. The singing is of hymns alone. Nay, it is of one hymn alone. The words are always the same, in number they are only about a dozen, there is no rhyme, there is no poetry: "Hosannah, hosannah, hosannah, Lord God of Sabaoth, 'rah! 'rah! 'rah! siss! boom! ... a-a-ah!"​
"Meantime, every person is playing on a harp -- those millions and millions! -- whereas not more than twenty in the thousand of them could play an instrument in the earth, or ever wanted to."​
Yes, I guess, SirDice. Deep pathological depression can only be treated chemically in the brain. Some scientists have already proven that this is so.
Some “borderline” despondency and depression can be treated without doctors. How I treat it – I wrote above.
We must take age into account when talking about disorders. It determines a lot. A teenager will more likely commit suicide from unhappy love. You can’t buy a pensioner for that. A pensioner will most likely commit suicide because of depression caused by cancer, a strong phobia from losing all the property and assets that he earned all his life.

“Sluggish schizophrenia” in the USSR was mentioned here. Yes, there was such a topic. I confirm, as a former citizen of the USSR. The psychiatric hospitals were filled with rock musicians, poets and artists who did not adhere to the party policy. In particular, the music of such “patients” was often angry, cynical, aggressive. Listen to the album “Nausea” (1989) by the group “Civil Defense”. The frontman of the group is a patient of a mental hospital of the 80s…