Solved [Wayland] Unable to open lockfile...

It's probably silly but I couldn't figure out what to do. I am still pretty new to this. When I am trying start Wayfire, I am getting,

II 20-10-23 18:04:31.425 - [Wayland] unable to open lockfile /var/run/user/1001/wayland-xx.lock check permissions
remove the lock file and retry.
I did but same result.
what is the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR value?
what is the /var/run/user/1001/ directory permissions?
$ ls -ld /var/run/user/1001
ls: /var/run/user/1001: no such file or directory
Isn't setting XDG_RUNTIME_DIR supposed to automatically create 1001 directory and files?

Solution: Manual creation of 1001 with proper permission solved that issue.