vbox Using desktop-installer on VirtualBox - artifacts in the console.

I aimed to run desktop-installer in a guest with 13.0-RELEASE. Problems with file systems before installation began:


After supposed repair: the bad file descriptor symptom recurred with the UFS boot volume, I couldn't enable soft update journaling.


FreeBSD bug 259090 – UFS: bad file descriptor: soft update journaling can not be enabled on the FreeBSD-provided disk image for 13.0-RELEASE – failed to write updated cg
I guess I didn't quite get the topic of this post right. Now I see that the problem is not related to the desktop-installer operation. The script works fine, but I had to give it up because some of the settings it makes, for me as a beginner, are not very clear. So I saved the contents of the master configuration files after it was done for further analysis and went back to manually installing it step by step.

And now, at the moment I have two options –

1) Using the VBoxSVGA adapter.

a) running KDE with sddm - getting a normal desktop and crooked tty

b) starting KDE using startx - all tty's look normal before starting startx, after starting startx I come to sub-option a)

2) If I switch to VMSVGA I get normal tty and a crooked desktop - black screen at first, and after installing xf86-video-vmware something like this -


The taskbar seems to move off the screen.

In the end, I have settled on option 1).a) for now. Now reading some posts on that forum and the manual, maybe some ideas will come, I'll try it out.
One thing has come to my attention. Here's more information about my host -



I see that the CPU supports VT-x, but there is no option in my motherboard BIOS to enable it, could this be the reason for the distortion on the tty0.
GVitaliy, try:

That setting will "switch to VESA BIOS Extension (VBE) frame buffer mode for console." - loader.conf(5).

dmesg(8) will print, if configuration is correctly set:
VT(vbefb): resolution 800x600

Eventually try together with different graphics controller (VBoxSVGA, VMSVGA).
GVitaliy, try:

When using this option I just get a black screen on all tty.

I was only able to get the tty look normal by removing everything from /boot/loader.conf.
But I can only use it normally under root, which uses the default localization. If I'm logging on as my user with the russian locale I specified when I created the user during the base system installation, I get "?" instead of russian characters -


Eventually try together with different graphics controller (VBoxSVGA, VMSVGA).
Attempts with VMSVGA I described above post #27.