tweak firefox?

is there a way to tweak firefox in order to make it less slow on my stupid machine 13.1-RELEASE w/ 2GB RAM. Can I make firefox start less prozesses?
You can take a look here:

However it could bring instability, on a ARM SBC that I use daily, with only 2GB of Ram, this is my strategy to avoid excessive consume of RAM:

  1. about: preferences#privacy Custum setting all enable
  2. Ublock Orign
  3. Decentraleyes
  4. Privacy Badger
  5. Auto Tab Discard
You may try LibreWolf (Firefox Fork) which should have disabled a lot of telemetry stuff.
You can limit the amount of RAM that the user "exoflux" uses, because Firefox and other user applications are under it. It helps by allowing root and system users which aren't exoflux to have dedicated RAM. Your user, uses the most RAM. I wonder why Xorg is run as exoflux and not root on yours, maybe it was started on the command line.

Thread limiting-and-dedicating-memory-cpu-usage.89545 is what I started with.

There's no user group related to Firefox in /etc/group. Firefox's group could be manually changed to accomplish this, but it won't remain in that group after port/pkg updates. Firefox is under the wheel group, but not sure if there will be significant benefits to limiting RAM to this group.

I'm wondering if RAM or thread access per WM_Class can be limited. renice can lower priorities manually after running Firefox and finding the system id's, however, a way to do that automatically for WM_Class would be wanted. xprop can be used to find WM_Class.