Thunderbird and Firefox Replacement?

Librewolf is my choice and I'm happy it made it to the ports. But the buggers just won't listen. Check your browsers (, or maybe, feel free to expand this tiny list). I hope you don't mind your User-Agent string being reported as a Windows *whatever version. You want privacy? Checked. You want functionality at the same time? Checked. You want zero ads? Checked (uBo). The team behind Librewolf removed some of the cruft, but there is still a long way to go. That's a definition for a good start. Not advocating here, just saying.
Yep, just like Fennec on Android, it disables a layer of crap built onto Firefox (really shameful...) but no more.
FreeBSD handbook said Mozilla is a standalone browser too, does anyone know if it's still alive ?
I used to use Librewolf on FreeBSD, but I moved back to Firefox, I can't remember why...
www/firefox-esr weighs half a GB (511017732), and the cleaner www/librewolf — the whole of gigabyte (903353725) in .tar.gz… Why?
Well I guess it's because as I said the team disables elements, and does not remove them (for instance, you can enable FF Sync easily)... That's much of a Firefox where everything in about:config is properly set, but you can do it manually on Firefox.
Also, LTS trees are made for stability, so they won't add the most recent (and not stable) useless changes...
Nah, no way. These decisions are made on a whim by product managers. Sometimes they say the decision is "data driven", but they never reveal anything about how the data came together and was processed.
One of my more memorable career moments is when we had a company all-hands to discuss the horrific new website design. The head of marketing made the unfortunate decision to say that it was the result of user studies. Our CEO was a Stanford linguistics professor who did statistical language research, and absolutely hated the new design. He immediately demanded to see the data and analysis. There was none, of course. The real story is our marketing chief had hired some buddy of his to do the redesign, and the new hotness at the time was the color Orange. One of my colleagues accurately described it as "technicolor vomit."

Working at another place, I noticed constants called "RADIANT_FING_ORCHID" with the expletive spelled out all over the code. You may not know that Radiant Orchid was the Pantone color of the year in 2014. I sure didn't, but boy I got an earful when I asked about it in 2017. A long-gone hotshot designer had decided that color had to be used everywhere at that time. Needless to say this decision and its results were not popular with the rest of the company even several years later.
Bullshit stinks! Obviously I think Mozilla was not pursuing a UI redesign task with this Supernova. They were pursuing a different goal. My guess would be they're building an "embeddable" messaging client, and/or repositioning it to touchscreen devices.
This thread triggered the [tadaa]

2023rd Annual End of Year Tryout of Browsers

So far I tried www/falkon and www/dooble. Both are nice, Dooble is rather swift and a nice discovery. Minor PITA is that they don't save site passwords, or like Falkon, save some and some not.

So up to here, I'll stick to www/luakit for the www protocol, and mail/mutt for email.

Just see if I can get to the end of this year neglecting the so bewondered and disgusted program abbreviated as 'FF'.


PS: www/surf, did I mention surf? No frills, no tabs, no buttons, just a rectangle with www content. And it remembers my passwords on sites!
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I do remember now, as I ran it on another computer earlier todau... That's just because Librewolf breaks extensions ! I always use uBlock and NoScript, but there's no way to display the settings...!
Sorry, what? uBlockOrigin comes as default, and for the settings, just hit the hamburger(?) menu, top-right. Unless I am missing something.
Well, I don't know why, but I can't display the extensions settings. Even worse, it does break the browsing. I was supposing it came from my setup but it does the exact same thing on my other computer with a very different hardware (HP Prodesk).
Maybe related to XFCE ?
Are there any alternatives to Firefox and Thunderbird? Did pkg upgrade and ended up with the new versions with updated UI. I can't f#@%ing stand them. Literally the worst UI redesign since the history of personal computing. Are people jumping the ship, and if so, where do we go?
Fully agree for Thunderbird. Very bad UI but cannot find alternative client. Windows Live Mail was good (for Windows). Outlook Express was similar or better. Unfortunately they both were discontinued for unknown reason.
I intend to give Falkon a try. Any thoughts for or against ?

I aimed to progress the report yesterday. Five more screenshots to add there, the most recent shot is attached here. In a nutshell: things worsened as a result of yesterday's tests, it's no longer possible to restore a session or start a new session.

⋯ curious as to how Firefox can be ruined by a UI redesign

Curiosity wins. Neither Firefox nor Thunderbird is ruined. I'll share a shot of Thunderbird.

Because some hotshot just out of college with a design degree says "It's better".


These decisions are made on a whim by product managers. ⋯


Bullshit … My guess would be they're building an "embeddable" messaging client, and/or repositioning it to touchscreen devices.

I can find the truth, and share it privately away from cries of bullshit.


  • 2024-01-01 15-53-44 start new session.png
    2024-01-01 15-53-44 start new session.png
    65.4 KB · Views: 55
I can find the truth, and share it privately away from cries of bullshit.
To be honest, I am now browsing this thread trying to find what I reacted on with that post, and I couldn't. I think it was related to somebody's else post, but the context evades me. I was not trying to imply anything, and I do apologize if this seemed to be out of line and misdirected - that was not my intention.