Good day!
I want to ask, what do you think about such problem. Or maybe this is not a problem at all?
All we hear about Moore's law and it seems to work for current days. So from 90's to 2017 CPU performance, RAM capacity and HDD capacity grows in nearly 1000 times.
But why all today's desktop software needs more and more recources for his work?
Is it because IT-developers don't want to think longer for search more effective way for his task and prefer using various toolkits with reach functionality?
Is IT industry absolutely loose their creativity spirit, which was in early years?
There was a projects like Kollibri OS (operating system and software writtens in asm), Demoscene culture and more reliable projects like nginx, databases etc, which optimises continuosly.
Why it is impossible use for example PC Pentium 2 with 128Mb RAM for desktop needs?
I'm understand that commercial monsters like M$, Apple and of course hardware manufacturers interested in constant sales new OS'es, soft and hardware, but why opensource community with their original opposition to corporate interests, go in the same way?
- Want to start clean X server? Please prepare initialy 64+MB RAM and after 10 minutes of using much more... For what? Just for graphic mode?!!
- Browsers - just no comments
- DE possible to search minimalistic for recource, thanks to enthusiasts
- Media soft (video players) are more slow than early. I compare situation when in 2001-2002 I'm see DivX video on AMD K6-II 300Mhz, and my experience on using of FreeBSD and Gentoo on old PC's with hard frame dropping.
So question for discussion is why there is not todays enthusiasts who organize in groups for develope with manifest "Programming - can be beautiful"
I want to ask, what do you think about such problem. Or maybe this is not a problem at all?
All we hear about Moore's law and it seems to work for current days. So from 90's to 2017 CPU performance, RAM capacity and HDD capacity grows in nearly 1000 times.
But why all today's desktop software needs more and more recources for his work?
Is it because IT-developers don't want to think longer for search more effective way for his task and prefer using various toolkits with reach functionality?
Is IT industry absolutely loose their creativity spirit, which was in early years?
There was a projects like Kollibri OS (operating system and software writtens in asm), Demoscene culture and more reliable projects like nginx, databases etc, which optimises continuosly.
Why it is impossible use for example PC Pentium 2 with 128Mb RAM for desktop needs?
I'm understand that commercial monsters like M$, Apple and of course hardware manufacturers interested in constant sales new OS'es, soft and hardware, but why opensource community with their original opposition to corporate interests, go in the same way?
- Want to start clean X server? Please prepare initialy 64+MB RAM and after 10 minutes of using much more... For what? Just for graphic mode?!!
- Browsers - just no comments
- DE possible to search minimalistic for recource, thanks to enthusiasts
- Media soft (video players) are more slow than early. I compare situation when in 2001-2002 I'm see DivX video on AMD K6-II 300Mhz, and my experience on using of FreeBSD and Gentoo on old PC's with hard frame dropping.
So question for discussion is why there is not todays enthusiasts who organize in groups for develope with manifest "Programming - can be beautiful"