You've got a list of changed ports and you've got the port itself (which has the version number). But I'll think about it.
I know ... but i need to take a look to each Makefile to see the version/revision. Thanks to think about it !
You've got a list of changed ports and you've got the port itself (which has the version number). But I'll think about it.
rm <package>.txz
)? poudriere pkgclean
, but that allows you to list package files you want to keep, instead of files you want to delete.garry, this could help:
1) turn off ncurses mode from configure
2) exec commandenv WHYFAIL=1 synth .....
If it really does think GHC is always bad, at least we'll know which dependency it doesn't like.
synth prepare-system
env WHYFAIL=1 synth rebuild-repository
Scanning entire ports tree.
lang/ghc package has less dependencies than the port requires (5)
Query: converters/libiconv:libiconv-1.14_9
<<<blank line?>>>
ghc-7.10.2.txz failed dependency check.
Local repository successfully rebuilt
pkg upgrade -f
then it lists things like this: gpgme-1.6.0 [FreeBSD]
gnupg-2.1.8 [Synth]
fdk-aac-0.1.4 [FreeBSD]
expat-2.1.0_3 [FreeBSD]
en-aspell-7.1.0_1 [Synth]
duplicity-0.6.25 [Synth]
I think this is related to the CONSERVATIVE_UPGRADE option. From pkg.conf(5) :If I had to guess, pkg goes to the repo where the last package is from.
There was also this discussion on GitHub.CONSERVATIVE_UPGRADE: boolean
Ensure in multi repository mode that the priority is given
as much as possible to the repository where a package was
first installed from. Default: YES.
ports-mgmt/synth: Yet another release candidate
Unfortunately, there's been a bit too much change since 0.99_6 to
confidently release version 1.00, so another release candidate is
necessary. Both new features and bug fixes were added.
New features:
* Provide ability to define environment variables in a profile
* Support fetching by proxy using these environment variables
* Add zsh and bash completion scripts
* Accept port origins with trailing file separators (so people
using completion scripts don't have to backtrack to remove them)
* In text (non-curses) mode, output the current package build
tally every 200 seconds (approximately)
Bug fixes:
* Fix support for system roots that don't match host (e.g.
* Fix ABI check for system roots that don't match host
* Remove effect of system /etc/make.conf (originally seen when
MAKE_JOBS_NUMBER was defined there and disabled synth)
root@bclinton:libc++# pkg info libc++
pkg: No package(s) matching libc++
root@bclinton:libc++# uname -a
FreeBSD bclinton 10.3-BETA2 FreeBSD 10.3-BETA2 #0 r295581: Fri Feb 12 13:54:41 PST 2016 toor@bclinton:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC amd64
root@bclinton:libc++# pkg info synth
root@bclinton:synth# tail devel___libc++.log
========================< phase : package >========================
===> Building package for libc++-208080
actual-package-depends: dependency on /usr/lib/ not registered (normal if it belongs to base)
file sizes/checksums [237]: ... done
packing files [237]: ... done
packing directories [0]: . done
Finished: Friday, 12 FEB 2016 at 00:00:39 UTC
Duration: 00:00:10
garry@, if I had to bet money, I think Line 83 is the culprit,My guess is you can comment that out and it won't rebuild anymore.Code:LIB_DEPENDS+=${PORTSDIR}/misc/compat9x
On my system Synth keeps rebuilding devel/libc++ because it fails dependency. What does it mean? I don't have libc++ package installed:
That seems right and I had to excuse for some statements above.Synth has been finding bugs in the port system due to this strictness
portsnap fetch update
and presto - Synth says 200+ need to be rebuilt. So my question is why? What log can I look at to determine why? Please note ports like www/webkit-gtk3, www/firefox and editors/openoffice-4 are usually always rebuilt. OpenOffice was last updated Jan 29th, and Firefox was updated 9 Feb. Both of these were rebuilt a few days ago, and yet synth is telling me its going to do them again. portsnap fetch update
.This is not bad news. pkg(8) only replaces what clearly is obsolete. Synth (and Poudriere) rebuild even when a LIB/RUN dependency fails, no matter how low. When they rebuild, pkg(8) might not see a difference. You could argue, "but then why did I have to rebuild?" Because you can't know beforehand and even pkg(8) perhaps needs to update but it can't detect that it does.... newly built packages meaning only 6 or ports were actually upgraded.