Excuse my English, I'm a French speaker.
First, I would like to thank you for Synth, is a great tool
But I have so many questions ...
1. How Synth scan the port tree ? I get the port with SVN from 2016Q1 branch. But it's missing
ports-mgmt/synth in it. So I put Synth manually in the port tree with a specific checkout from the head but I got the error when I execute
synth status
Scan of ports-mgmt/synth failed, it will not be considered.
2. Why Synth need to build so many ports when a package like
ftp/curl change. I have used
portmaster(8) since many years and it doesn't do this kind of rebuild. My FreeBSD server never broke. Maybe the way Synth works is the good one but I would like to understand. Maybe I was lucky with
synth status
shows that 3 ports need to be rebuilt but after the build/install process is complete,
synth status
show the same 3 ports with failed dependency check. How can I debug this situation ?
4. When Synth rebuilds the package repository, does it need to repackage all of them or only the ones who changed? On my old FreeBSD server this operation take approx. 30 minutes for 312 packages
5. Is the message "
<portname> failed dependency check" how Synth report that a package needs to be rebuilt or is it an error message?
I would like to make suggestions for improvements:
1. It's possible when running
synth status
to show from old version to new version each ports will be upgrade. Example:
databases/rrdtool (4.8.9_1 to 5.0.1)
2. If "
failed dependency check" is a normal message, is't a little bit scary. You should use a message like "<portname> is no more in sync with dependencies" (You are better in english then me!)
3. Could Synth keep old versions of a package (Configure could have a yes/no option and how many old versions to keep ). So if a user need to rollback a package it will be very easy.