Share your wisdom of the day.

Sometimes, you will find yourself dealing with problems where you have hit substantial limitations on what you can do to tackle them by yourself. At that point, you have no choice but to trust others to do the right thing. When the stakes are high, the is helluva of a scary situation to be in.
You usually only find that out when you reach Management and see how things really work.

What looked so shiny and clean from a lower level is where all the dirt has collected, you just couldn't see from your previous position.

The Boobie Prize was called that because it was the 1 in a million that blew up in the face of the Boobie that picked it.

When that box is wrapped to attract and set to only blow up in the face of "bad people"?

Its a Character Test I use in life as a way to identify people of good Character from those who lack it. People who perceive me as someone they can outwit and take advantage of how they identify themselves unknowingly.

Booby Prize a mind game only played with Boobies, because only Boobies ask to play.

There are a disproportionate amount of bad people to good and the good suffer because of their actions. It festers and spreads through the ranks like cancer if gone undiagnosed, but don't worry. I'm a Doctor.

Further wisdom of the day of the back of mine! Interesting points to contemplate. Safe to say, I am not going for (or receiving) the "light hearted" wisdom.
Sometimes, you will find yourself dealing with problems where you have hit substantial limitations on what you can do to tackle them by yourself. At that point, you have no choice but to trust others to do the right thing. When the stakes are high, the is helluva of a scary situation to be in.
I completely agree - I'd also like to point out that this is life in tech support. Like asking someone (who's clearly not an expert in the subject matter) to set up Apache or Snort, and to follow industry's best practices, to boot.
There's a joke about the human body parts, all communicating, and they all say they're fine. Only the butthole complains, saying it doesn't feel like working. The moral of the story is that it just takes one a$$hole to wreck everything.
Similar to jammied's wisdom, but funnier, IMHO. :)

Or the late Norm MacDonald had a joke about his uncle. They're walking along and the uncle says, See that library, I helped build that. But they don't call it Jack's library, no one remembers. A little later, the uncle points to a barn with a similar comment. A little later, a hardware store, saying, That was mine, I built up the business, and now it's a success, but do people say, Look at Jack's hardware store. Nope, all forgotten.

But have sex with one goat....
(At that point Norm ends the story, but it's quite true. You're far more likely to be remembered for the bad things you've done. We don't think of rushing for an incredible number of yards when we think of O.J. Simpson).
If you don't know the context, statistics are meaningless.
-- Andrew Gelman (American statistician)
Yeah, like the "98% effectiveness of Covid vaccines". It merely means a 2% chance for a breakthrough infection, as opposed to a 4% chance with a different vaccine. Note that says absolutely nothing about actual transmission - only the chances of a resulting infection even manifesting itself to the point that it's possible to detect it.
1. Be optimistic and do your best to be nice and helpful to people. This
is especially true if you are a leader.

2. Learn to accept that you aren't always right. It is a valuable skill to admit
when you are wrong.

3. Learn to be decisive when you have very favorable odds. Bet hard when you
are certain that you will gain from it. Likewise, don't bet at all if the odds are
stacked against you. Be rational.

4. Start saving early for retirement, owning your home etc. But don't save too
much as it is important to enjoy your life as well. Spending money on things
that make you truly happy while spending less/nothing on things that doesn't
matter to you is probably the way to go.

5. Do not let other people dictate how you should live your life. Don't hurt
anyone and enjoy your life as you see fit.
As a public leader of children, I always lived by the giving others dignity, meaning, and a compassionate sense of community.
There are heretic movements that try to make indentations 4 (or even 2!)
characters deep and that is akin to trying to define the value of PI to be 3
-- Tuxedo's KNF
I read somewhere:-
- Whatever is not nailed down is mine.
- Whatever I can pry up is not nailed down.
*watch out security*