Searching: users, and search numbers

Spun off from a post about someone's use of operating systems

Oops! We ran into some problems.​

This member limits who may view their full profile.

The search above works because a user's ID number is persistent (exceptions includes people who choose to delete their accounts, and so on).

The address to which it redirects will be of limited use; I expect the 354407 part of <> to expire.

A user may limit who can view their profile but you can still see their posts. For example

354383 probably expired.

Hint (two steps)​

First, point at the number of posts:


– then use the context menu to copy the link:

Originally, I assumed that numbered searches e.g. 354383 would expire if not frequently used.

bakul your guess seems likelier.

A numbered search (with a predictable set of results) working for one person but not another does make sense, from a privacy perspective. I'll mark this as solved again.
Sorry to continue this thread but IMHO this XenForo feature breaks POLA (principle of least astonishment) and can be considered a bug. *Normally* if you want to share a webpage, you just copy its URL and pass on to others and it should just work for them. I assumed this is how it worked (just as I can share any experimental code I write on by sharing a URL that can get you there). Privacy doesn't come into such sharing since if I don't want people to know what I searched, I don't have to share that URL!
From <>:

  • Workaround for an XF bug where the cached search results for a member search could be directly shared with a guest
    • Non-visible items on the result page where not rendered, but this does leak that there are hits in not viewable to guests areas.


Thanks, I get "No results found." for <>.

– more accurately, anyone can get five pages of results.

It's a bug, but the type of bug that I'd treat as negligible for The FreeBSD Forums.
UI/software designers don’t have to know acronyms but should be aware of and care about design principles.

On the whole I like the XenForo forum design. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have bothered pointing this out.