Solved RPi4 Status and sysutils/rpi-firmware

More of a PSA than actual thread. Read the following links and share your thought.
This matter is near dear to my heart. Also if you have specific technical suggestions
please, head over the mailing list, and share your opinion by reply/email over there.

Quote the TL;DR from the original email, posted by "Emmanuel Vadot"
Over the past years I've handled the update of the sysutils/rpi-firmware and sysutils/u-boot-rpi* ports. For that I've bought a lot of different RPI to ensure that we could boot on all different models that the RPI Foundation folks deliver to us.
I won't do anything anymore on the rpi-firmware port and we need a maintainer for this platform.

Main topic:
* RPi4 Status and sysutils/rpi-firmware |

Related links:
* sysutils/rpi-firmware |
* start4.elf does not properly clear xHCI Controller [...] |
* Follow up on original tweet |