type 16 bytes 64 bytes 256 bytes 1024 bytes 8192 bytes 16384 bytes
a55@2.1 aes-256-cbc 174558.93k 456667.71k 764271.62k 919834.62k 977731.58k 982144.34k
rpi4@1.8 aes-256-cbc 33608.78k 35309.12k 35981.14k 36135.59k 36203.18k 36203.18k
rk3566@1.6 aes-256-cbc 142233.28k 365520.18k 603167.13k 719767.55k 761723.25k 767933.08k
The 'numbers' are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.
first 2 run some version of linux (first is aml905x3)
last runs freebsd 14 openssl 1.1 package
openssl speed -elapsed -evp aes-256-cbc
this should use hw accel with default package on freebsd and linux
Checking AEAD ciphers, payload size: 16384
AES-128-GCM 33.84 MB/sec
AES-128-CCM 42.23 MB/sec
CHACHA20-POLY1305 0.22 GB/sec
Checking cipher-MAC combinations, payload size: 16384
SALSA20-256-SHA1 116.62 MB/sec
AES-128-CBC-SHA1 57.49 MB/sec
AES-128-CBC-SHA256 52.40 MB/sec
GOST28147-TC26Z-CNT-GOST28147-TC26Z-IMIT 22.61 MB/sec
Checking MAC algorithms, payload size: 16384
SHA1 0.20 GB/sec
SHA256 150.58 MB/sec
SHA512 0.23 GB/sec
GOST28147-TC26Z-IMIT 69.98 MB/sec
GOSTR341194 29.06 MB/sec
STREEBOG-512 37.06 MB/sec
Checking ciphers, payload size: 16384
3DES-CBC 11.77 MB/sec
AES-128-CBC 79.27 MB/sec
AES-128-XTS 73.59 MB/sec
AES-256-XTS 56.38 MB/sec
SALSA20-256 0.26 GB/sec
NULL 8.36 GB/sec
GOST28147-TC26Z-CNT 33.42 MB/sec
Checking AEAD ciphers, payload size: 16384
AES-128-GCM 0.74 GB/sec
AES-128-CCM 0.63 GB/sec
CHACHA20-POLY1305 0.41 GB/sec
Checking cipher-MAC combinations, payload size: 16384
SALSA20-256-SHA1 0.37 GB/sec
AES-128-CBC-SHA1 0.83 GB/sec
AES-128-CBC-SHA256 0.85 GB/sec
GOST28147-TC26Z-CNT-GOST28147-TC26Z-IMIT 31.89 MB/sec
Checking MAC algorithms, payload size: 16384
SHA1 1.43 GB/sec
SHA256 1.48 GB/sec
SHA512 0.38 GB/sec
GOST28147-TC26Z-IMIT 99.15 MB/sec
GOSTR341194 46.23 MB/sec
STREEBOG-512 71.30 MB/sec
Checking ciphers, payload size: 16384
3DES-CBC 19.05 MB/sec
AES-128-CBC 1.91 GB/sec
AES-128-XTS 0.76 GB/sec
AES-256-XTS 0.65 GB/sec
SALSA20-256 0.48 GB/sec
NULL 13.24 GB/sec
GOST28147-TC26Z-CNT 47.05 MB/sec
Will try this weekend is the weather is rainy.D43399 review, use patches 36431, 37878, 37879 patches, but not 43399 patch Can those with Rpi5 hardware, check if the 3 review patches for BCM2711 VCHIQ hardware 36431, 37878, 37879 make HDMI Audio output work on the Raspberry Pi 5 BCM2712 hardware?
https://reviews.freebsd.org/F75131370 more writeup and explanation of VCHIQ patches.
Let us know of HDMI audio and 3.5mm plug analog audio work for your on the Raspberry Pi 5. Glad JSM got the SD card working.
https://ghostbsd-arm64.blogspot.com/2024/01/hdmi-audio-sound-patches-into-ghostbsd.htmlMy GhostBSD-Arm64.blogspot.com writeup of using the 3 patch files.
January 19, 2024 Howto Download a Raspberry Pi 4B bootable image from http://ghostbsdarm64.hopto.org/packages/ The default operation is to download FreeBSD-14.0-RELEASE RPI image . XZ file , decompress that file and dd write to a USB flash drive at /dev/da1
https://ghostbsd-arm64.blogspot.com/2023/12/how-to-install-ghostbsd-arm64-into-usb.html This collection of shell script files will allow you to initialize a blank USB SSD (NVMe stick or SATA 2.5" SSD), create 7 partition, set /dev/da1p3 partition with the ZFS file system. Allow to copy files from USB Flash drive onto the USB SSD. Good Stuff. I would like someone to test scripts on Raspberry Pi 5 and let me know what I have to modify to support RasPi5. Fred
KERNCONF=GENERIC-VCHIQ file is created from the D37878 review patch file.Where does that KERNCONF come from? I do not see it in /usr/src/sys/arm64/conf
The SDIO support is in the FreeBSD code. The OpenBSD or NETBSD wifi driver for the 43455 chip has not been ported. Bhyve for ARM64, not tried nor tested. NGINX works, Poudriere works. Thunderbird email works. What package or application do you wish to see work?What's the status now? Can we boot a desktop environment? Bhyve for ARM? Wireless networking?
fetch http://ghostbsdarm64.hopto.org/packages/Ghost14_5g_selfbuilt_raspi4b_Jan22_0.img.xz
xz --decompress --keep --verbose Ghost14*.img.xz
dd if=Ghost14*.img of=/dev/da1 bs=1m conv=sync status=progress
gpart resize -i 3 -a 4k -s 80G da1 # resize the 3rd partition UFS type to 80Gbytes, or use -s 12G
growfs da1p3 # grow file size in expanded partition performed above
pkg install xorg xfce xfce4-goodies lightdm abiword dia tree
You can boot FreeBSD on the Pi 5 with: https://github.com/worproject/rpi5-uefi
Display, USB and SD work out-of-the-box.
su - # setup to be root user
cd /usr/src ; mkdir Patches
cd Patches
wget -c https://reviews.freebsd.org/file/data/cc5gnx6lx7pcvduupcbj/PHID-FILE-ombv7ctfqm3de2dyqgeq/D36431.diff
wget -c https://reviews.freebsd.org/file/data/bicc7vdmyzwnylvq5soa/PHID-FILE-wc6uoit423pb3lpagwsq/D37878.diff
wget -c https://reviews.freebsd.org/file/data/ln65jga5vwpz4j2ijmnx/PHID-FILE-cnp5deghq74u3kcfwtxs/D37879.diff
cd /usr/ghost14/ghostbsd-src # Now patch those files. for FreeBSD /usr/src
patch <../Patches/D36431.diff
patch <../Patches/D37878.diff
patch <../Patches/D37879.diff
su root
cd /usr/src
make installkernel KERNCONF=GENERIC-VCHIQ
make installkernel KERNCONF=GENERIC-VCHIQ
make installworld
pkg install mpg123
mpg123 *.mp3
Will someone use the 3 patch files to modify your /usr/src source code on FreeBSD and test with the Raspi5 single board computer to verify HDMI Audio sound works on a TV Monitor? D36431, D37878, D37879 (Do not use D43399, but a good write up to read how to use those 3 patch files. Also see F75181870 image writeup: https://reviews.freebsd.org/F75131370 ) for detailed step by step instructions.
Yes, not on your Agenda, Paul. I am glad for your postings about creating the boot files needed for Rpi5. Thank you for sharing those details that work for you in booting the Rpi5.Audio and kernel builds are not really on my agenda.
I noticed that `pkg` is not present, and when I tried fetching errored out, how do I fix that?
Is the base system good enough to run something like `KODI` ?
I also notice that the HDMI display (TV) is overscanned, is there a quick fix for that in some config file ..?
What givesRegarding the "pkg" error:
The error is: " certificate verification failed for /CN=pkg.freebsd.org"
I am running the latest snapshot of Version 15 .. (I did setup my timezone and enabled ntp, to see if that was the issue. I am in New Zealand )
Any idea's? Thanks
openssl s_client -connect pkg.freebsd.org:443 | openssl x509 -noout -dates
(I did setup my timezone and enabled ntp, to see if that was the issue. I am in New Zealand )
It wasn't set correctly the first time I used "pkg". Then I ran tzsetup and did the ntpd stuff and my time is now correct.Have a look at:
Solved - Repository FreeBSD has a wrong packagesite, need to re-create database
Hi, I upgraded from version 14.0 p6 to 14.1 release. Currently I can still browse the internet, work with the machine, do pings to Freebsd.org. No problem with network connections or my data. But I cannot upgrade any packages anymore: root@vm1:~ # pkg upgrade Updating FreeBSD repository...forums.freebsd.org
Exact same error. You did say about setting up the time, but was it definitely set correctly? Might be worth double-checking.