I recopied my FreeBSD 11-Current image to the microSD card and gave it another try. This time it worked. I realized what probably happened before was FreeBSD turns off the Pi's external light while Raspbian leaves the light on, so it looks like the Pi is powering off. It takes a while for my montor to detect a signal from the Pi when its running FreeBSD too, so the combination of a blank monitor and no light make it seems like the Pi wasn't on-line. So the first time around I probably interrupted the Pi's power while the file system resize was in progress.
Anyway, I got the Pi running, set up an account I can ssh into and things seem to be running smoothly.
At this point the one thing I feel I am missing is ZFS. When the Pi is running Raspbian, I can access my ZFS-managed devices. It seems the FreeBSD 11 image doesn't include a ZFS module or the kernel source code.
Does anyone here know if the FreeBSD ZFS module will build on the Pi? Or if there is a repository where I can download a pre-built ZFS arm module? I'd rather not have to rebuild the kernel from scratch on the Pi.
I'd like to head off any comments about ZFS not working well with the Pi's limited hardware. I've been managing 2TB of data on my Pi using Raspbian and ZFS for a month now without any problems.
Update: I was able to install the zfs module by downloading the FreeBSD source code and compiling the following modules in the sys/modules direcotry: opensolaris, zlib and zfs. Copying the resulting .k* files to the /boot/kernel directory allowed me to load the ZFS module and access my external hard drive that is managed by ZFS.
Further, I have discovered that while I can access this external drive, some copy operations cause my Pi to completely hard crash. For example, I can copy any one file I like, but copying a whole directory (ie cp * /to/destination/) brings down the operating system.
I'm also noticing sometimes files I create on the root partition (formatted with UFS) do not always survive the crash. Perhaps UFS isn't syncing in time to save its data before the crash happens. Still working on this.
Memory consumptionis fairly low, the whole Os, ZFS included, is using around 200MB of RAM.
Second update: I have found I am able to create/move/delete many files at once on either my ZFS volume OR the UFS partition. The crash only happens, it seems, when I try to bulk copy files from one file system to the other, in either direction. I can, for example, unpack the ports tree or copy the kernel source code around to various locations, so long as I stay within the boundaries of the respective file systems.