PuTTY showing square instead of < and >


I am running FreeBSD 13.2 amd64 and I always to PuTTY to SSH the box. Locale and translation in PuTTY are all also UTF-8. When I do man pkg, it shows square instead of < and > as attached. I tried many other codepages but it only make thing worse. Can someone kindly point me to the right direction?


  • Snipaste_2023-10-06_09-50-30.png
    14.9 KB · Views: 74
Thanks SirDice.

# locale

#env LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 man pkg produces same as my previous screenshot however.
Did a few quick tests and I'm getting them too. Seems to be on the pkg(8) man page only, can't find another man page that has the same issue.
Do you know any other man pages that contain < & >?
Not from the top of my head, no. I've been randomly looking at man pages, looking for something similar but haven't found anything yet. It only appears to go wrong in the SYNOPSIS section, other parts, with < & > characters,. of the man page look fine.
Interestingly, if I open Alacritty on Windows and ssh(1) into my server the pkg(8) man page looks fine. It might be a bug in PuTTY.
Right, so they've used an alternate unicode character. Still doesn't explain why it's not showing properly. At first I thought it was a font issue (character not defined in the font). But I get it with several different fonts (even ones I'm certain are good). And using a different terminal (alacritty, conemu) with the same font does render the character correctly.
So far it's only PuTTY that doesn't seem to render that character correctly. Every other terminal I've tested renders the character properly.
You can also test all special characters with man mandoc_char there's double UTF-8 conversion happening between the ssh in putty under windows and mdoc.
If i'm using native ssh client in windows it's also doesn't render the mandoc correctly. If i ssh from FreeBSD to the other FreeBSD it works.
Just for giggles I installed MobaXterm, pkg(8) looks good, but mandoc_char(7) shows various other characters not rendering properly. Alacritty or ConEmu and a windows ssh client (not sure which one this is; OpenSSH_for_Windows_8.1p1, LibreSSL 3.0.2) renders mandoc_char(7) perfectly.