Oh, that’s easy. It’s in the title banner at the top of www.freebsd.org.FreeBSD mottos
I recognise the phrase, but I can't recall when I last saw it.

Oh, that’s easy. It’s in the title banner at the top of www.freebsd.org.FreeBSD mottos
I recognise the phrase, but I can't recall when I last saw it.
Fair enough. My personal observations seem to be incomplete, or ill-informed, in a number of ways.Here's a voice that says: stop throwing wild statements around without any arguments to back up your claims.
I'd argue that one can run into sticky situations (by experimentation and/or stupidity) that cannot be resolved by just reading the docs. But yes, it can help greatly to know them, and you're right: there is a lot of helpful documentation.Lessee now... ports(7) which lists all build targets (you do realize that manual pages are actual manual pages on FreeBSD, right?), chapter 4.5 of the FreeBSD handbook (which even mentions Portmaster for crying out loud!) which obviously brings me to: portmaster(8) (remember my comment about manual pages?).
And about those binary packages: chapter 4.4 of said handbook.
This also brings us to pkg(8) which can refer you to pkg-install(8) and/or pkg-repo(8), if not from the command summary then surely from the SEE ALSO section.
Yes, there was a lot of documentation work. I was drawing incorrect conclusions from discussions here on the Forums.So that's why Git got mentioned in the handbook long before the whole transition had been finished.
That's true. I should have said "impossible to enter into development without git", because "serious work" can be anything. And yes, (re-)compiling the base system is a legitimate use for a compiler in base apart from development.I'm actually not too sure about this to be honest. From my point of view the only reason we have a compiler onboard is because src is a part of the whole distribution. When installing FreeBSD you can opt to have the Ports collection and source tree installed as well. But what good would those be without a compiler?[*]The base system is meant to provide the tools needed for development, which is why it contains a compiler for example. The project also went to great pains to banish GPL'ed code from the base system. And yet it's practically impossible to do serious work on FreeBSD without git, which is GPLv2, and therefore cannot be part of the base system.
And installing ports or building your own setup does not imply development.
In a world with unlimited time+energy for getting such things done, that's absolutely correct. Real-world constraints can, however, can make certain software solutions impractical, even if technically possible. By "being on your own", I meant: "not having anyone to consult with, or records of that thing having been done before".What accounts for "being on your own" anyway? I mean... all the documentation is there, you only need to check it out, read and learn and then do things your way.
Seriously, great work. I'll be sure to study that and see if it can replace poudriere for my setup.So all I did was check up with the Portmaster documentation, I studied pkg and learned about pkg-repo(8) and that resulted in my own "Poudrier & Synth"-free setup.
I even wrote a guide about that:
[Guide] Building a package repository with Portmaster
Hi gang! Editorial When it comes to maintaining a ports tree and setting up a package repository most people rely on software such as ports-mgmt/poudriere or ports-mgmt/synth. Interesting and definitely impressive projects for sure, but to be perfectly honest I never liked them myself. For the...forums.freebsd.org
FreeBSD is NOT about "either the devs way or the highway". Sorry, I personally find that comment borderline to insulting. But once again: that's me, myself and I again.
Fair point. One little paragraph in the 13.0 Releaes Notes is my work, more to come.Instead of throwing accusations around you'd actually make a difference if you'd provide examples. Tell us what documentation section is bad according to you, give us links and then we (= the community; those are all which matters) actually have something to work on. Then we can actually look at those links and improve them.
I can agree with your argument here as well, and I also want to applaud you for raising it.I'd argue that one can run into sticky situations (by experimentation and/or stupidity) that cannot be resolved by just reading the docs. But yes, it can help greatly to know them, and you're right: there is a lot of helpful documentation.
Feel free to drop me a PM if you want some help with that. I cannot guarantee a quick response (I'm on and off so to speak) but I can promise that I won't brush it off as I normally do with PM's asking for help. Fair disclaimer (no offense): I do need to limit this to the whole "package repository" setup, not because I don't trust you but because I don't know you. (= ask me about this topic in private and I'll help in private, ask me about how to build FreeBSD from source and I'll politely direct you to the appropriate documentation or suggest you start a public topic).Seriously, great work. I'll be sure to study that and see if it can replace poudriere for my setup.
For what's it worth I gained more respect for your stance. I still don't agree with your opinion (obviously) but I also think you raised some good points.See above. I didn't mean to say: "another way of using the system is impossible/forbidden/discouraged".
Bear in mind that I am not part of any official team or project or such. What you see there is me, as a person, trying to make a better place of this forum. It has nothing to do with the FreeBSD documentation project.Posted yesterday:
– understood. It was a generic Documentation subheading (not to imply FreeBSD Documentation Project) but I see that it could have been taken out of context.… nothing to do with the FreeBSD documentation project. …
If you have not already done so, please subscribe to freebsd-announce – messages deemed important to ALL FreeBSD users. Thanks.… announcing) major changes like this. …
I'd put it that way: It's scheduled for deprecation, at least, that's what I take from the "heads up" posted on freebsd-ports@ by portmgr@. To make the deprecation official, I agree with you, at least an official announcement would be necessary. All we can take for now is that deprecation (and later removal) probably will happen eventually.Portsnap will continue to be supported. It is deprecated, but it will continue to work for several years, probably. Note that FreeBSD 13 ships with portsnap, too (and it’s even still in 14-current).
portsnap update
does not yet provide the most recent updates (post-transition updates, I guess): root@mowa219-gjp4-8570p:~ # date && grep coturn /usr/ports/MOVED && portsnap update && grep coturn /usr/ports/MOVED && freebsd-version -kru && gitup ports && grep coturn /usr/ports/MOVED
Sat Apr 10 15:31:02 BST 2021
root@mowa219-gjp4-8570p:~ # date && grep coturn /usr/ports/MOVED ; portsnap update && grep coturn /usr/ports/MOVED ; freebsd-version -kru && gitup ports && grep coturn /usr/ports/MOVED
Sat Apr 10 15:31:26 BST 2021
Ports tree is already up to date.
# Host: git.freebsd.org
# Port: 443
# Repository: /ports.git
# Target: /usr/ports
# Want: 67227bea67da9c164fefcf30fa8b540e2b080f46
# Branch: main
# Action: clone
* /usr/ports/.gitignore
* /usr/ports/CHANGES
* /usr/ports/MOVED
- /usr/ports/x11/xmon/pkg-plist
net/coturn|net/turnserver|2021-04-09|Remove duplicate port: coturn is another name for turnserver
root@mowa219-gjp4-8570p:~ # date
Sat Apr 10 15:49:37 BST 2021
root@mowa219-gjp4-8570p:~ #
Portsnap and new git ports tree
<https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-questions/2021-April/293732.html> (2021-04-07):
❝Work is in progress to convert the portsnap build infrastructure to git. The changes are just about ready for testing, but it will probably be a couple of days yet before it is deployed.❞
May I please ask: What is his definition of: "soon"? The Branch still does not exist.Code:16:28:35 <@lwhsu> Zirias: it will be addressed soon
Above:Will the source tree /usr/src migrate to Git from SVN? …
– src was the second.… [FreeBSD-Announce] FreeBSD-doc Subversion to Git migration – "… the first transition from Subversion to Git, …"; ports is the third.
freebsd-update fetch install
portsnap fetch extract
portsnap fetch update
is much clearer to a non-developer than git clone
.In several fields, deprecation is the discouragement of use of some terminology, feature, design, or practice, typically because it has been superseded
Personally, I have moved my machines to net/gitup and must confess that it is working.When I want to use a box for dev purposes, git is something that'll be on there, but for the umpteen webservers I maintain, having git installed, along with all its dependencies, is a security risk and nothing more. Something like gitup would be a decent alternative, the speed penalty described in this thread doesn't bother me, if it gets too bad, it goes in a nightly cron job.
But it needs to be in base. If that means writing opengit, freegit or libregit so we can have a proper license, then that needs to be written.
gitup ports
does the same thing as portsnap fetch update
did.When I started with FreeBSD many, many years ago, the only way to get the ports tree was by using CVS. In fact, the only way to update the OS (even -RELEASE versions) was by checking out the source and building it. There was no freebsd-update(8), there was no portsnap(8). The old package format was horrible to use, you needed additional tools in order to get dependencies correct and yes, you had to install those separately from the OS. Yet, I still managed. We all did. New and old users alike.Requiring something from the ports tree in order to fetch the ports tree is, frankly, a good way to scare away new users. (and is generally called a catch-22)
Make sure of what exactly?which I often immediately rebuild after bootstrapping it, just to make sure.
Managing a bunch of servers through ports is not very efficient and rather error prone. It'll also easily lead to configuration differences and you get a whole bunch of, otherwise useless, build dependencies. How's that for a security risk? Set up your own repository, then you can build from ports and have the benefits of that (options, default versions, etc) while keeping the ease of management of packages. It might take you a bit of time to set it all up but once you do you will wonder why you haven't done it sooner.When I want to use a box for dev purposes, git is something that'll be on there, but for the umpteen webservers I maintain, having git installed, along with all its dependencies, is a security risk and nothing more.
Personally, I have moved my machines to net/gitup and must confess that it is working.gitup ports
does the same thing asportsnap fetch update
I started back in FreeBSD 3, I know what you mean. If I remember correctpy, csup or cvsup was part of base at some point, since you needed it to upgrade world, for example. We've come a long way, that's for sure. That's why I hope this doesn't become a step backwards from a usability perspective. I have fond memories of rebuilding world, but freebsd-update is infinitely more user friendly...When I started with FreeBSD many, many years ago, the only way to get the ports tree was by using CVS. In fact, the only way to update the OS (even -RELEASE versions) was by checking out the source and building it. There was no freebsd-update(8), there was no portsnap(8). The old package format was horrible to use, you needed additional tools in order to get dependencies correct and yes, you had to install those separately from the OS. Yet, I still managed. We all did. New and old users alike.
I know, I know. Problem is that the servers are spread over many locations and datacenters, so it would also require a (secure yet efficient) way to distribute the packages. And one of the reasons I don't use packages is that many of the servers have specific (differing) version requirements. I'll get around to it solving that problem someday. Hopefully.Managing a bunch of servers through ports is not very efficient and rather error prone. It'll also easily lead to configuration differences and you get a whole bunch of, otherwise useless, build dependencies. How's that for a security risk? Set up your own repository, then you can build from ports and have the benefits of that (options, default versions, etc) while keeping the ease of management of packages. It might take you a bit of time to set it all up but once you do you will wonder why you haven't done it sooner.
?? Beastie says:I'm reading the remarks about portsnap being deprecated in a future version with great fear and amazement.
That is not correct.Requiring something from the ports tree in order to fetch the ports tree is, frankly, a good way to scare away new users. (and is generally called a catch-22)
As I tried to point out: I'm not afraid of change. I'm afraid of all this talk of portsnap already being deprecated, despite there being no valid replacement.?? Beastie says:
- Many people are afraid of change. But change is the only way to progress.
- Many people are afraid of the unknown. But there is a simple remedy for this: learning.
But that snapshot can then not be reliably used as a base for either portsnap or gitup.
from a tarball (or installation media), and then run portsnap fetch update
, it will tell you that the ports tree wasn't created using portsnap, and to use portsnap extract
instead. Second, portsnap – even though deprecated – will probably stay for several years, and when it is finally removed, It’s safe to assume that there will be a replacement ready for use. That might be gitup (net/gitup) or something else yet to be written. Personally I think gitup would be perfect to go into base. It is BSD-licensed, dependency-free, and as easy to use as portsnap, while it supports more things than portsnap (i.e. it can download quarterly branches, and you can also use it to download a src or doc tree). Replacing portsnap with gitup is almost a no-brainer.
Put them on a VPS or some other server that's accessible over the internet. The server where you have to build ports will need to fetch their distfiles too so I assume it's not that problematic to have them fetch packages from a internet accessible host. If you sign your packages with a key you can be fairly sure it's your verified packages they're fetching.Problem is that the servers are spread over many locations and datacenters, so it would also require a (secure yet efficient) way to distribute the packages.
A lot can already be archived through flavors. And when that's not good enough you can create multiple repositories quite easily (at least you can with poudriere). For a client I've set this up ages ago. We're currently migrating from the old Ruby 2.5 to Ruby 2.6 or 2.7 for example. So I have three repositories, one built for Ruby 2.5, one for 2.6 and one for 2.7. If I need to "switch" one of the machines to one version or another I simply change the repository and let pkg-upgrade(8) automatically figure it out. Only takes me a few minutes for each machine. Best of all, I'm in control of what, when and how.And one of the reasons I don't use packages is that many of the servers have specific (differing) version requirements.
That would be five years (FreeBSD supports a stable branches for a period of five years). That’s too much to ask for, in my opinion.As I tried to point out: I'm not afraid of change. I'm afraid of all this talk of portsnap already being deprecated, despite there being no valid replacement.
I'm fully onboard with replacing portsnap with something new, if needed. But that replacement should have been in base for at least a full version, in my opinion, before removing portsnap.
So the situation at least doesn’t get worse, since it’s not different with portsnap either, right?But that snapshot can then not be reliably used as a base for either portsnap or gitup.
So basically to use gitup you need to download the whole ports tree twice. Which can't be the intention.
[00:00:01] Creating the reference jail... done
[00:00:03] Mounting system devices for 12amd64-weekly-desktop
[00:00:03] Mounting ports/packages/distfiles
[00:00:03] Stashing existing package repository
[00:00:04] Mounting ccache from: /usr/local/poudriere/data/ccache/12amd64
[00:00:04] Mounting packages from: /usr/local/poudriere/data/packages/12amd64-weekly-desktop
[00:00:04] Appending to make.conf: /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/make.conf
[00:00:04] Appending to make.conf: /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/desktop-make.conf
/etc/resolv.conf -> /usr/local/poudriere/data/.m/12amd64-weekly-desktop/ref/etc/resolv.conf
[00:00:04] Starting jail 12amd64-weekly-desktop
[00:00:13] Logs: /usr/local/poudriere/data/logs/bulk/12amd64-weekly-desktop/2021-04-14_02h23m35s
[00:00:13] WWW: http://pkg.morante.net/poudriere/build.html?mastername=12amd64-weekly-desktop&build=2021-04-14_02h23m35s
[00:00:13] Loading MOVED for /usr/local/poudriere/data/.m/12amd64-weekly-desktop/ref/usr/ports
[00:00:15] Ports supports: FLAVORS SELECTED_OPTIONS
[00:00:15] Gathering ports metadata
[00:00:22] Warning: (databases/R-cran-DBI): Error: deps_fetch_vars: databases/R-cran-DBI already known as R-cran-DBI-1.1.1
[00:00:22] Warning: (databases/R-cran-RMySQL): Error: deps_fetch_vars: databases/R-cran-RMySQL already known as R-cran-RMySQL-0.10.21
[00:00:22] Warning: (databases/R-cran-RPostgreSQL): Error: deps_fetch_vars: databases/R-cran-RPostgreSQL already known as R-cran-RPostgreSQL-0.6.2_3
[00:00:27] Warning: (deskutils/affiche): Error: deps_fetch_vars: deskutils/affiche already known as affiche-0.6.0_11
[00:00:27] Warning: (deskutils/akonadi-calendar-tools): Error: deps_fetch_vars: deskutils/akonadi-calendar-tools already known as akonadi-calendar-tools-20.12.3
[00:00:27] Warning: (deskutils/akonadi-import-wizard): Error: deps_fetch_vars: deskutils/akonadi-import-wizard already known as akonadi-import-wizard-20.12.3
[00:00:29] Warning: (devel/9base): Error: gather_port_vars_port: Already had devel/9base (rdep=listed)
[00:00:29] Warning: (devel/ChipmunkPhysics): Error: deps_fetch_vars: devel/ChipmunkPhysics already known as ChipmunkPhysics-7.0.1_2
[00:00:29] Warning: (devel/ElectricFence): Error: deps_fetch_vars: devel/ElectricFence already known as electricfence-2.2.2_2
[00:01:08] Warning: (emulators/advancemame): Error: deps_fetch_vars: emulators/advancemame already known as advancemame-1.4_3
[00:01:08] Warning: (emulators/adamem): Error: deps_fetch_vars: emulators/adamem already known as adamem-1.0_4
[00:01:08] Warning: (emulators/advancemenu): Error: deps_fetch_vars: emulators/advancemenu already known as advancemenu-2.8_3
[00:01:25] Warning: (irc/bip): Error: deps_fetch_vars: irc/bip already known as bip-0.9.0.r4
[00:01:25] Warning: (irc/atheme-services): Error: deps_fetch_vars: irc/atheme-services already known as atheme-services-7.2.9
[00:01:25] Warning: (irc/anope): Error: deps_fetch_vars: irc/anope already known as anope-2.0.9_1
[00:02:02] Warning: (ports-mgmt/bsdadminscripts2): Error: gather_port_vars_port: Already had ports-mgmt/bsdadminscripts2 (rdep=listed)
[00:02:02] Warning: (ports-mgmt/chucky): Error: deps_fetch_vars: ports-mgmt/chucky already known as chucky-1.0_1
[00:02:02] Warning: (ports-mgmt/caronade): Error: gather_port_vars_port: Already had ports-mgmt/caronade (rdep=listed)
[00:02:14] Warning: (sysutils/3mux): Error: gather_port_vars_port: Already had sysutils/3mux (rdep=listed)
[00:02:14] Warning: (sysutils/3dm): Error: deps_fetch_vars: sysutils/3dm already known as 3dm-,1
[00:02:14] Warning: (sysutils/44bsd-more): Error: deps_fetch_vars: sysutils/44bsd-more already known as 44bsd-more-20000521_1
[00:02:38] Warning: (www/R-cran-RgoogleMaps): Error: deps_fetch_vars: www/R-cran-RgoogleMaps already known as R-cran-RgoogleMaps-
[00:02:38] Warning: (www/R-cran-bslib): Error: deps_fetch_vars: www/R-cran-bslib already known as R-cran-bslib-0.2.4
[00:02:38] Warning: (www/R-cran-Rook): Error: deps_fetch_vars: www/R-cran-Rook already known as R-cran-Rook-1.1.1_4
[00:02:53] Warning: (x11/3ddesktop): Error: deps_fetch_vars: x11/3ddesktop already known as 3ddesktop-0.2.9_14
[00:02:53] Warning: (x11/9menu): Error: gather_port_vars_port: Already had x11/9menu (rdep=listed)
[00:02:53] Warning: (x11/9box): Error: deps_fetch_vars: x11/9box already known as 9box-0.2.1_3
[00:03:00] Warning: (x11-themes/Kvantum): Error: deps_fetch_vars: x11-themes/Kvantum already known as Kvantum-qt5-0.19.0
[00:03:00] Warning: (x11-themes/adapta-gtk-theme): Error: deps_fetch_vars: x11-themes/adapta-gtk-theme already known as adapta-gtk-theme-
[00:03:00] Warning: (x11-themes/adapta-backgrounds): Error: deps_fetch_vars: x11-themes/adapta-backgrounds already known as adapta-backgrounds-
[00:03:03] Error: Fatal errors encountered gathering initial ports metadata
[00:03:03] Cleaning up
[00:03:04] Unmounting file systems
# poudriere ports -l
default portsnap 2019-01-08 23:54:32 /usr/local/poudriere/ports/default
monthly portsnap 2020-07-07 20:11:39 /usr/local/poudriere/ports/monthly
weekly svn+http 2021-02-19 04:04:42 /usr/local/poudriere/ports/weekly
# poudriere ports -l
default portsnap 2019-01-08 23:54:32 /usr/local/poudriere/ports/default
monthly portsnap 2020-07-07 20:11:39 /usr/local/poudriere/ports/monthly
weekly git+https 2021-04-14 01:35:19 /usr/local/poudriere/ports/weekly
[00:00:00] Creating the reference jail... done
[00:00:02] Mounting system devices for 12amd64-monthly-desktop
[00:00:02] Mounting ports/packages/distfiles
[00:00:03] Stashing existing package repository
[00:00:19] Mounting ccache from: /usr/local/poudriere/data/ccache/12amd64
[00:00:19] Mounting packages from: /usr/local/poudriere/data/packages/12amd64-monthly-desktop
[00:00:19] Appending to make.conf: /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/make.conf
[00:00:19] Appending to make.conf: /usr/local/etc/poudriere.d/desktop-make.conf
/etc/resolv.conf -> /usr/local/poudriere/data/.m/12amd64-monthly-desktop/ref/etc/resolv.conf
[00:00:19] Starting jail 12amd64-monthly-desktop
[00:00:19] Logs: /usr/local/poudriere/data/logs/bulk/12amd64-monthly-desktop/2021-04-14_02h50m52s
[00:00:19] WWW: http://pkg.morante.net/poudriere/build.html?mastername=12amd64-monthly-desktop&build=2021-04-14_02h50m52s
[00:00:19] Loading MOVED for /usr/local/poudriere/data/.m/12amd64-monthly-desktop/ref/usr/ports
[00:00:21] Ports supports: FLAVORS SELECTED_OPTIONS
[00:00:21] Gathering ports metadata
[00:00:27] Warning: (databases/R-cran-DBI): Error: deps_fetch_vars: databases/R-cran-DBI already known as R-cran-DBI-1.1.1
[00:00:27] Warning: (databases/R-cran-RMySQL): Error: deps_fetch_vars: databases/R-cran-RMySQL already known as R-cran-RMySQL-0.10.21
[00:00:27] Warning: (databases/R-cran-RPostgreSQL): Error: deps_fetch_vars: databases/R-cran-RPostgreSQL already known as R-cran-RPostgreSQL-0.6.2_3
[00:00:30] Warning: (deskutils/affiche): Error: deps_fetch_vars: deskutils/affiche already known as affiche-0.6.0_11
[00:00:30] Warning: (deskutils/akonadi-import-wizard): Error: deps_fetch_vars: deskutils/akonadi-import-wizard already known as akonadi-import-wizard-20.12.3
[00:00:30] Warning: (deskutils/akonadi-calendar-tools): Error: deps_fetch_vars: deskutils/akonadi-calendar-tools already known as akonadi-calendar-tools-20.12.3
[00:00:30] Warning: (devel/9base): Error: deps_fetch_vars: devel/9base already known as 9base-20170701
[00:00:30] Warning: (devel/ElectricFence): Error: deps_fetch_vars: devel/ElectricFence already known as electricfence-2.2.2_2
[00:00:30] Warning: (devel/ChipmunkPhysics): Error: deps_fetch_vars: devel/ChipmunkPhysics already known as ChipmunkPhysics-7.0.1_2
[00:00:48] Warning: (emulators/adamem): Error: deps_fetch_vars: emulators/adamem already known as adamem-1.0_4
[00:00:48] Warning: (emulators/advancemenu): Error: deps_fetch_vars: emulators/advancemenu already known as advancemenu-2.8_3
[00:00:48] Warning: (emulators/advancemame): Error: deps_fetch_vars: emulators/advancemame already known as advancemame-1.4_3
[00:00:56] Warning: (irc/bip): Error: deps_fetch_vars: irc/bip already known as bip-0.9.0.r4
[00:00:56] Warning: (irc/atheme-services): Error: deps_fetch_vars: irc/atheme-services already known as atheme-services-7.2.9
[00:00:56] Warning: (irc/anope): Error: deps_fetch_vars: irc/anope already known as anope-2.0.9_1
[00:01:13] Warning: (ports-mgmt/bsdadminscripts2): Error: deps_fetch_vars: ports-mgmt/bsdadminscripts2 already known as bsdadminscripts2-0.3.0
[00:01:13] Warning: (ports-mgmt/chucky): Error: deps_fetch_vars: ports-mgmt/chucky already known as chucky-1.0_1
[00:01:13] Warning: (ports-mgmt/caronade): Error: deps_fetch_vars: ports-mgmt/caronade already known as caronade-0.4.0
[00:01:19] Warning: (sysutils/3dm): Error: deps_fetch_vars: sysutils/3dm already known as 3dm-,1
[00:01:19] Warning: (sysutils/44bsd-more): Error: deps_fetch_vars: sysutils/44bsd-more already known as 44bsd-more-20000521_1
[00:01:19] Warning: (sysutils/3mux): Error: deps_fetch_vars: sysutils/3mux already known as 3mux-1.1.0
[00:01:29] Warning: (www/R-cran-RgoogleMaps): Error: deps_fetch_vars: www/R-cran-RgoogleMaps already known as R-cran-RgoogleMaps-
[00:01:29] Warning: (www/R-cran-Rook): Error: deps_fetch_vars: www/R-cran-Rook already known as R-cran-Rook-1.1.1_4
[00:01:29] Warning: (www/R-cran-bslib): Error: deps_fetch_vars: www/R-cran-bslib already known as R-cran-bslib-0.2.4
[00:01:37] Warning: (x11/9menu): Error: deps_fetch_vars: x11/9menu already known as 9menu-1.10
[00:01:37] Warning: (x11/9box): Error: deps_fetch_vars: x11/9box already known as 9box-0.2.1_3
[00:01:37] Warning: (x11/3ddesktop): Error: deps_fetch_vars: x11/3ddesktop already known as 3ddesktop-0.2.9_14
[00:01:40] Warning: (x11-themes/adapta-backgrounds): Error: deps_fetch_vars: x11-themes/adapta-backgrounds already known as adapta-backgrounds-
[00:01:40] Warning: (x11-themes/Kvantum): Error: deps_fetch_vars: x11-themes/Kvantum already known as Kvantum-qt5-0.19.0
[00:01:40] Warning: (x11-themes/adapta-gtk-theme): Error: deps_fetch_vars: x11-themes/adapta-gtk-theme already known as adapta-gtk-theme-
[00:01:41] Error: Fatal errors encountered gathering initial ports metadata
[00:01:41] Cleaning up
[00:01:42] Unmounting file systems
portsnap fetch
Looking up portsnap.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 4 mirrors found.
Fetching snapshot tag from ipv4.aws.portsnap.freebsd.org... done.
Fetching snapshot metadata... done.
Fetching snapshot generated at Wed Apr 14 02:09:41 CEST 2021:
0b344cd7869783c8d72504314f54f27b9ac6225ce21fae 88 MB 161 kBps 09m23s
Extracting snapshot... done.
Verifying snapshot integrity... done.
Fetching snapshot tag from ipv4.aws.portsnap.freebsd.org... done.
Fetching snapshot metadata... done.
Updating from Wed Apr 14 02:09:41 CEST 2021 to Wed Apr 14 09:06:50 CEST 2021.
Fetching 5 metadata patches. done.
Applying metadata patches... done.
Fetching 5 metadata files... /usr/sbin/portsnap: cannot open a26ff8dcc066fedb59483514c8c5b17b8de665b8508bf0e74c1a171bf6c53c55.gz: No such file or directory
metadata is corrupt.
I've run into that every now and then. Just delete the portsnap cache and try again.I have the same metadata problem using portsnap:
Code:portsnap fetch Looking up portsnap.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 4 mirrors found. Fetching snapshot tag from ipv4.aws.portsnap.freebsd.org... done. Fetching snapshot metadata... done. Fetching snapshot generated at Wed Apr 14 02:09:41 CEST 2021: 0b344cd7869783c8d72504314f54f27b9ac6225ce21fae 88 MB 161 kBps 09m23s Extracting snapshot... done. Verifying snapshot integrity... done. Fetching snapshot tag from ipv4.aws.portsnap.freebsd.org... done. Fetching snapshot metadata... done. Updating from Wed Apr 14 02:09:41 CEST 2021 to Wed Apr 14 09:06:50 CEST 2021. Fetching 5 metadata patches. done. Applying metadata patches... done. Fetching 5 metadata files... /usr/sbin/portsnap: cannot open a26ff8dcc066fedb59483514c8c5b17b8de665b8508bf0e74c1a171bf6c53c55.gz: No such file or directory metadata is corrupt.
Any ideas how to solve this?
mv /var/db/portsnap /var/db/portsnap.broken
portsnap fetch extract