# portsnap fetch update
Looking up portsnap.FreeBSD.org mirrors... 6 mirrors found.
Fetching snapshot tag from ec2-eu-west-1.portsnap.freebsd.org... done.
# pkg version -vIL=
ffmpeg-3.2.3,1 < needs updating (index has 3.2.4,1)
$ doas synth status
Querying system about current package installations.
Stand by, comparing installed packages against the ports tree.
zip-3.0_1.txz failed option check.
libogg-1.3.2_2,4.txz failed option check.
check-0.11.0.txz failed option check.
libvorbis-1.3.5_1,3.txz failed option check.
bison-3.0.4,1.txz failed option check.
binutils-2.27_5,1.txz failed option check.
ncurses-6.0_3.txz failed option check.
cmake-3.7.2.txz failed option check.
ninja-1.7.2,2.txz failed option check.
Scanning existing packages.
libdrm-2.4.75,1.txz failed option check.
help2man-1.47.4.txz failed option check.
giflib-5.1.4.txz failed option check.
yasm-1.3.0.txz failed option check.
gmake-4.2.1_1.txz failed option check.
adacurses-20150808_4.txz failed option check.
bash-4.4.12.txz failed option check.
python27-2.7.13_1.txz failed option check.
libgpg-error-1.26.txz failed option check.
nasm-2.11.08_1,1.txz failed option check.
jpeg-turbo-1.5.1.txz failed option check.
m4-1.4.18,1.txz failed option check.
libXpm-3.5.12.txz failed option check.
readline-6.3.8.txz failed option check.
texinfo-6.1.20160425,1.txz failed option check.
libtorrent-0.13.6_1.txz failed option check.
chrony-3.0.txz failed option check.
mksh-54.txz failed option check.
ini_file_manager-03_2.txz failed option check.
cdrtools-3.01.txz failed option check.
libgcrypt-1.7.6.txz failed option check.
libxcb-1.12.txz failed option check.
gtk2-2.24.29_3.txz failed option check.
dejavu-2.37.txz failed option check.
fontconfig-2.12.1,1.txz failed option check.
autoconf-2.69_1.txz failed dependency check.
automake-1.15_1.txz failed dependency check.
libtool-2.4.6.txz failed dependency check.
libxslt-1.1.29_1.txz failed dependency check.
xcb-proto-1.12.txz failed dependency check.
libX11-1.6.4,1.txz failed dependency check.
libXext-1.3.3_1,1.txz failed dependency check.
python2-2_3.txz failed dependency check.
libXfixes-5.0.3.txz failed dependency check.
py27-setuptools27-32.1.0.txz failed dependency check.
scons-2.5.1.txz failed dependency check.
libXt-1.1.5,1.txz failed dependency check.
libXdamage-1.1.4_3.txz failed dependency check.
libXrender-0.9.10.txz failed dependency check.
libXv-1.0.11,1.txz failed dependency check.
libXvMC-1.0.10.txz failed dependency check.
libglapi-13.0.4.txz failed dependency check.
libXi-1.7.9,1.txz failed dependency check.
glib-2.46.2_4.txz failed dependency check.
libXxf86vm-1.1.4_1.txz failed dependency check.
libxkbfile-1.0.9.txz failed dependency check.
libXmu-1.1.2_3,1.txz failed dependency check.
mpfr-3.1.5_1.txz failed dependency check.
xcb-util-0.4.0_2,1.txz failed dependency check.
libGL-13.0.4_1.txz failed dependency check.
xcb-util-renderutil-0.3.9_1.txz failed dependency check.
cairo-1.14.6_1,2.txz failed dependency check.
gbm-13.0.4.txz failed dependency check.
libXinerama-1.1.3_3,1.txz failed dependency check.
libXrandr-1.5.1.txz failed dependency check.
xkbcomp-1.3.1.txz failed dependency check.
libXft-2.3.2_1.txz failed dependency check.
gobject-introspection-1.46.0.txz failed dependency check.
libEGL-13.0.4_1.txz failed dependency check.
libglesv2-13.0.4_1.txz failed dependency check.
libXcursor-1.1.14_3.txz failed dependency check.
libXp-1.0.3,1.txz failed dependency check.
dri-13.0.4,2.txz failed dependency check.
libepoxy-1.3.1.txz failed dependency check.
xorg-fonts-truetype-7.7_1.txz failed dependency check.
libXaw-1.0.13,2.txz failed dependency check.
libXcomposite-0.4.4_3,1.txz failed dependency check.
xorg-server-1.18.4,1.txz failed dependency check.
sqlite3-3.16.2.txz failed dependency check.
mpc-1.0.3.txz failed dependency check.
harfbuzz-1.4.1.txz failed dependency check.
libXfontcache-1.0.5_3.txz failed dependency check.
atk-2.18.0.txz failed dependency check.
gdk-pixbuf2-2.32.3_1.txz failed dependency check.
gcc6-aux-20170202_1.txz failed dependency check.
shared-mime-info-1.5.txz failed dependency check.
libXScrnSaver-1.2.2_3.txz failed dependency check.
trapproto-3.4.3.txz failed dependency check.
font-cursor-misc-1.0.3_3.txz failed dependency check.
font-misc-misc-1.1.2_3.txz failed dependency check.
pango-1.38.0_1.txz failed dependency check.
desktop-file-utils-0.22_4.txz failed dependency check.
gtk-update-icon-cache-2.24.29.txz failed dependency check.
libXTrap-1.0.1_3.txz failed dependency check.
libXevie-1.0.3_3.txz failed dependency check.
libXres-1.0.7_3.txz failed dependency check.
libXtst-1.2.3.txz failed dependency check.
libXxf86dga-1.1.4_3.txz failed dependency check.
libXxf86misc-1.0.3_3.txz failed dependency check.
libdmx-1.1.3_3.txz failed dependency check.
liboldX-1.0.1_3.txz failed dependency check.
libxkbui-1.0.2_4.txz failed dependency check.
xauth-1.0.10.txz failed dependency check.
xinit-1.3.4,1.txz failed dependency check.
xinput-1.6.2.txz failed dependency check.
xkbutils-1.0.4.txz failed dependency check.
xmodmap-1.0.9.txz failed dependency check.
xprop-1.2.2.txz failed dependency check.
xrdb-1.1.0.txz failed dependency check.
xset-1.2.3_1.txz failed dependency check.
xsetroot-1.1.1.txz failed dependency check.
xf86-input-keyboard-1.9.0_1.txz failed dependency check.
xf86-input-mouse-1.9.2_1.txz failed dependency check.
xf86-video-ati-7.8.0,1.txz failed dependency check.
xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps-7.7.txz failed dependency check.
py27-sqlite3-2.7.13_7.txz failed dependency check.
autoconf213-2.13.000227_6.txz failed dependency check.
imlib2-1.4.9,2.txz failed dependency check.
libv4l-1.6.3_2.txz failed dependency check.
nss-3.28.1_1.txz failed dependency check.
hunspell-1.6.0.txz failed dependency check.
xmessage-1.0.4.txz failed dependency check.
xorg-apps-7.7_2.txz failed dependency check.
xorg-libraries-7.7_2.txz failed dependency check.
xorg-drivers-7.7_5.txz failed dependency check.
xorg-fonts-7.7_1.txz failed dependency check.
feh-2.18.txz failed dependency check.
mplayer- failed dependency check.
rtorrent-0.9.6_1.txz failed dependency check.
mdocml-1.13.4.txz failed dependency check.
firefox-51.0.1_1,1.txz failed dependency check.
rxvt-unicode-9.22.txz failed dependency check.
xorg-7.7_2.txz failed dependency check.
paratype-2.005.txz failed dependency check.
terminus-font-4.40.txz failed dependency check.
fluxbox-1.3.7_1.txz failed dependency check.
These are the ports that would be built ([N]ew, [R]ebuild, pgrade):
R => devel/gmake
R => misc/help2man
R => print/texinfo
R => devel/m4
R => devel/readline
R => lang/python27
R => devel/autoconf
R => devel/automake
R => devel/libtool
R => security/libgpg-error
R => security/libgcrypt
R => devel/check
R => textproc/libxslt
R => x11/xcb-proto
R => x11/libxcb
R => x11/libX11
R => x11/libXext
R => devel/bison
R => lang/python2
R => x11/libXfixes
R => devel/py-setuptools27
R => devel/scons
R => devel/cmake
R => x11-fonts/fontconfig
R => x11-toolkits/libXt
R => x11/libXdamage
R => x11/libXrender
R => devel/ninja
R => x11/libXv
R => x11/libXvMC
R => graphics/libdrm
R => graphics/libglapi
R => x11/libXi
R => devel/glib20
R => x11/libXxf86vm
R => x11/libxkbfile
R => x11-toolkits/libXmu
U => math/gmp (5.1.3_3 => 6.1.2)
R => math/mpfr
R => x11/xcb-util
R => graphics/libGL
R => x11/xcb-util-renderutil
R => devel/binutils
R => devel/nasm
R => graphics/cairo
R => graphics/gbm
R => x11/libXinerama
R => x11/libXpm
R => x11/libXrandr
R => x11/xkbcomp
R => x11-fonts/libXft
R => devel/gobject-introspection
R => graphics/jpeg-turbo
R => graphics/libEGL
R => graphics/libglesv2
R => x11/libXcursor
R => x11/libXp
R => x11-fonts/dejavu
R => graphics/dri
R => graphics/libepoxy
R => x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-truetype
R => x11-toolkits/libXaw
R => devel/yasm
R => x11/libXcomposite
R => x11-servers/xorg-server
R => databases/sqlite3
R => math/mpc
R => print/harfbuzz
R => shells/bash
R => x11-fonts/libXfontcache
R => accessibility/atk
R => graphics/gdk-pixbuf2
R => lang/gcc6-aux
R => misc/shared-mime-info
R => x11/libXScrnSaver
R => x11/trapproto
R => x11-fonts/font-cursor-misc
R => x11-fonts/font-misc-misc
R => x11-toolkits/pango
R => archivers/zip
R => audio/libogg
R => devel/desktop-file-utils
R => devel/ncurses
R => graphics/giflib
R => graphics/gtk-update-icon-cache
U => multimedia/ffmpeg (3.2.3,1 => 3.2.4,1)
R => x11/libXTrap
R => x11/libXevie
R => x11/libXres
R => x11/libXtst
R => x11/libXxf86dga
R => x11/libXxf86misc
R => x11/libdmx
R => x11/liboldX
R => x11/libxkbui
R => x11/xauth
R => x11/xinit
R => x11/xinput
R => x11/xkbutils
R => x11/xmodmap
R => x11/xprop
R => x11/xrdb
R => x11/xset
R => x11/xsetroot
R => x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard
R => x11-drivers/xf86-input-mouse
R => x11-drivers/xf86-video-ati
R => x11-fonts/xorg-fonts-miscbitmaps
R => audio/libvorbis
R => databases/py-sqlite3
R => devel/adacurses
R => devel/autoconf213
R => graphics/imlib2
R => misc/ini_file_manager
R => multimedia/libv4l
R => net-p2p/libtorrent
R => security/nss
R => textproc/hunspell
R => x11/xmessage
R => x11/xorg-apps
R => x11/xorg-libraries
R => x11-drivers/xorg-drivers
R => x11-fonts/xorg-fonts
R => x11-toolkits/gtk20
R => graphics/feh
R => multimedia/mplayer
R => net/chrony
R => net-p2p/rtorrent
R => shells/mksh
R => sysutils/cdrtools
R => textproc/mdocml
R => www/firefox
R => x11/rxvt-unicode
R => x11/xorg
R => x11-fonts/paratype
R => x11-fonts/terminus-font
R => x11-wm/fluxbox
Total packages that would be built: 137
The complete build list can also be found at: