Well, you can do your research... but based on what I know about FreeBSD, I think you may be stuck compiling the stuff yourself.Restating the original issue is not shifting the goalpost. It simply brings the discussion back to the central question, the availablity of working packages regardless of the OS version.
FreeBSD does have a git repo that goes way back, so you can get the source code, some instructions, and compile stuff yourself.
I don't think it's out of question that someone, somewhere does have an archived repo of old stuff that you need. If someone like that shows up on these Forums, and you're lucky enough to spot that info - that would be nice. This scenario has the best chance of materializing here on these Forums - rather than anywhere else on the Internet.
Officially, though - it's far easier to find up-to-date stuff. The FreeBSD Foundation is not going to invest effort into maintaining out-of-date software, esp. many versions - that's just too much work, nobody does that, not even Microsoft and Apple.