But not the distfiles...With this they have the ports collection as of the day 8.1.0 was released
What are the chances a 10 year old file exists.
But not the distfiles...With this they have the ports collection as of the day 8.1.0 was released
Easy, just direct a similar rant towards each and every upstream project ?But not the distfiles...
What are the chances a 10 year old file exists.
Some say "the internet never forgets". Try finding some old version of a long forgotten application and find out ?What are the chances a 10 year old file exists.
you can find a lotBut not the distfiles...
What are the chances a 10 year old file exists.
Thanks. So will this get me the source code to the O.S. or also to all the latest version of all the packages for optional software for that O.S. release? How do I build a package file on a development system to then copy over to the deployment system and use "pkg" to install it? Make install will install things on my development system but will not give me a package I can copy over to the deployment system and use the installer to install there (or indeed even just a tarball which isn't ideal anyway as it doesn't warn me about missing dependencies). It will also not build all the dependencies but I guess pkg will tell me about the missing dependencies once I try to install the package and I can build those, rinse and repeat.Let's say for example a person is running FreeBSD 8.1 (I know of a company, not mine, still running this version of FreeBSD and an old employer of mine was running 4.4.0 until recently). Let's say they want to install a port. They could,
git clone https://github.../ports.git
git checkout release/8.1.0 or git checkout release/4.4.0
With this they have the ports collection as of the day 8.1.0 was released. Just cd to the port and make install.
Anticipating someone saying, "but how do I git clone without git on the box?" Easy. Find a system that has git, Linux, FreeBSD or whatever, then ./configure and make. It's not hard to do.
Anticipating: "but that's too hard." Easy. Doing builds by hand, using ftp or schlepping files over the network should be easy for any sysadmin. When I switched careers from IBM mainframe to UNIX in 1992, all we had was ./configure, if even that. We made it work. When running old unmaintained software, these re the things a person needs to do.
As for maintaining an old EOL system, a system that will never receive security updates again on one's network. How's that secure? Think about that for a while.
As for maintaining old versions of packages for releases that are EOLed just in case some random person might want some random package years down the road is ridiculous. Think about that a little.
Anything before 9.0 won't support pkg(8) aka PKGNG. Those versions used the 'old' pkg_tools.How do I build a package file on a development system to then copy over to the deployment system and use "pkg" to install it?
Make install will install things on my development system but will not give me a package
make package
has existed since the dawn of time, or FreeBSD 3.0 in my case.There's alsoIt will also not build all the dependencies but I guess pkg will tell me about the missing dependencies once I try to install the package and I can build those, rinse and repeat.
make package-recursive
, which does what you would expect.I don't understand why you aren't storing those files yourself, if they're that important to you. Why are you relying on third parties to keep providing them?I will not use FreeBSD on new installs, because FreeBSD policy on deleting packages for EOL systems does not work for me. In the meantime, I do have to maintain my existing installations.
Before there was pkgng we had pkg, as in pkg_info, pkg_install, etc. Ports needed to be installed into /usr/local, then make package would create a tarball containing all the files in pkg-plist + install scripts + the plist itself. Packages were staged on a real live FreeBSD system on infrastructure called Bento. There was a site called redports that assisted developers with package testing. I assume they had real computers (for jail was still a gleam in someone's eye).Anything before 9.0 won't support pkg(8) aka PKGNG.
make package
has existing since the dawn of time.
Thanks, I'll try make package-recursive.Anything before 9.0 won't support pkg(8) aka PKGNG. Those versions used the 'old' pkg_tools.
make package
has existed since the dawn of time, or FreeBSD 3.0 in my case.
There's alsomake package-recursive
, which does what you would expect.
I don't understand why you aren't storing those files yourself, if they're that important to you. Why are you relying on third parties to keep providing them?
Because it works.Why run old software?
During my 40+ year career on mainframe, UNIX, FreeBSD, Linux, etc. Those who choose not to upgrade or not to patch are afraid their app will break.
I used to use portmaster when I was building things from sourcemake package
has existed since the dawn of time, or FreeBSD 3.0 in my case.
So, lots of words with not a single real answer. Well then, I guess we know what the answer is. Yes, fear is one component of it, I'll leave the others to the readers' conclusion...Because it works.
Much of this thread has been dominated by people like Beavis preaching to those trying to solve real world problems, delivering haughty sermons about what should and ought to be, in theory, while simultaneously demonstrating a comprehensive lack of knowledge or understanding of the real world or its constraints, or any respect for other people who have to deal with the said practical real world constraints. Is this another example of the same or do you know something the rest of us don't? I've never heard of Windows 3.3. There was 3.2 and 3.5 but AFAIK, there was no 3.3.I have a Windows 3.3 system but I can't find any application updates to run on it.
Keep whining. It's bound to work eventually.Much of this thread has been dominated by people like Beavis preaching to those trying to solve real world problems, delivering haughty sermons about what should and ought to be...
That's what those clients, said. Especially one of clients that got pwned. Their strategy to not update software resulted in a lot more pain than they had bargained for.Because it works.
Because sometimes you don't have a choice.
Because sometimes you just don't want to. Maybe the new version has some "features" you don't want on your computer. Maybe it contains spyware. Maybe it doesn't but you can't verify that. Maybe you've spent 3 years working around all the bugs in the old O.S. version and now things just about work, and you don't want to spend the next 3 years working around the bugs in the new O.S. version. And maybe you just don't want to - just because.
In my >40 years of using mainframes, Unix, FreeBSD, Linux, etc. I've found that the concerns of those who fear their app will break are often well justified.
As I said, each to his own. I'm not going to try to change your mind. I'm just trying to solve a problem.
I'm glad your way works for you. My way works for me too. I've never had a security breach in ~45 years so I think I'll keep doing what I'm doing, thank you. Even if I, unlike our friend Beavis, don't already know everything and don't have nothing to learn from anyone else.That's what those clients, said. Especially one of clients that got pwned. Their strategy to not update software resulted in a lot more pain than they had bargained for.
I told them two weeks before they got pwned what needed to be done (in this case a $50K firewall, O/S patching, and application patching and maintenance). They replied this would cost too many $$$. They didn't want to put the work in nor did they want to spend the $$$. Oh I get it alright. It's all about the work that might not need to be done and the $$$ that might be saved. When all was set and done they spent $50M on remediation from being pwned when in fact a few $ spent proactively on a firewall, O/S patching and application maintenance would have saved millions.
But as you said, "each to his own."
This attitude keeps people like me gainfully employed.
For the record, in my experience, performing regular software updates (= having a perpetually unstable software setup & not knowing what new bugs and security gaps and possibly even deliberate malware are constantly being introduced) is an extremely poor security practice.
The recent update to Firefox-102esr introduced two minor inconveniences:But JUST WHY are there always people insisting on running EOL systems? What's the deal? It's not like upgrading hurts or something. Especially talking about *minor* versions.
What software gets released in ports and packages IS under FreeBSD's control. The bug in Firefox-esr 102 was reported to upstream several months ago and was released to the unsuspecting FreeBSD user community in April. At that time 102esr was known to be broken and it was known that upstream was not going to fix it. So, why was it released? Why was it not simply skipped? Let me guess: security. Well, if one wants to prevent car theft then destroying the car is one way of securing it.What's done in third-party software isn't under FreeBSD's control
Restating the original issue is not shifting the goalpost. It simply brings the discussion back to the central question, the availablity of working packages regardless of the OS version.No, that's just shifting the goalpost. I won't bother any more...