No internet post install

this is wlan0, fresh from boot.
root@deilbox ~# ifconfig wlan0
wlan0: flags=8802<BROADCAST,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
ether 78:92:9c:05:f4:e4
groups: wlan
ssid "" channel 1 (2412 MHz 11b)
regdomain ETSI country GB authmode OPEN privacy OFF txpower 30
bmiss 10 scanvalid 60 wme bintval 0
parent interface: iwn0
media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet autoselect (autoselect)
status: no carrier
ifconfig wlan0

Compare with mine, if you like:

% ifconfig wlan0
wlan0: flags=8843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST> metric 0 mtu 1500
        ether ⋯
        inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
        groups: wlan
        ssid ⋯ channel 36 (5180 MHz 11a) bssid ⋯
        regdomain ETSI country GB authmode WPA2/802.11i privacy ON
        deftxkey UNDEF TKIP 2:128-bit txpower 17 bmiss 10 mcastrate 6
        mgmtrate 6 scanvalid 60 wme roaming MANUAL
        parent interface: iwm0
        media: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Ethernet OFDM/48Mbps mode 11a
        status: associated

Attention to the router. Try a different channel, temporarily changing the frequency range, and so on.
I understand it is another thing to try, but why should it be the router which has worked with all other devices, with no issues?
would upgrading to 14.1 help me in anyway. And, if so, what's my options to do this with current state of wifi?
No, in my opinion upgrading to 14.1 will not fix a thing with your present setup.

regdomain ETSI country GB authmode OPEN privacy OFF txpower 30
See authmode OPEN ? that means your vodaphone connection is not encrypted WPA wifi. Do not use WPA in the line
ifconfig_wlan0="DHCP" in the file /etc/rc.conf
I saw previously from the posting of the ifconfig wlan0 up scan list , that your Vodaphone is an Open Access (Not wifi encrypted) wifi access point. I suggested in a previous post to NOT USE WPA DHCP only DHCP in the rc.conf file.

You can test making the wifi connection with the first two commands ; the second 2 commands provide information about the wifi link or lack of a wifi link.
ifconfig create wlan0 wlandev iwn0 Just need to issue this command one time.
uname -A
which version FreeBSD and release number are you running?
killall dhclient #killall dhclient if it is aleady running? ps aux | grep -i dhclient ; wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf #oops forget to include this line, sorry. man wpa_supplicant # for manual page daemon wpa_supplicant details dhclient wlan0 ifconfig wlan0 ifconfig wlan0 up scan list

in file /etc/rc.conf , place these 2 lines for a VodaPhone Open (non encrypted ) Wifi Access Point
For an encrypted Wifi Access point connection, edit line in /etc/rc.conf file to:
ifconfig_wlan0="WPA DHCP"
You have to do this editing manually, when switching from an OPEN to an ENCRYPTED access point.
killall dhclient
#killall dhclient  if it is aleady running?  ps aux | grep -i dhclient ;
wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
dhclient wlan0
ifconfig wlan0

You can learn from typing the commands, using names as related to your Intel Wifi chipset. Use this as a template. Ie. type this command ; get that output. Both posts are slightly different and you can learn different techniques by reading both, even if you do not have a PCI or USB chipset interface. EdiMAX EW-7811un ver1 or ver2 PCI wlan commands example RTL 8188ce chipset.

FreeBSD does support RealTek rtl8192cu rtl8188ee rtl8188eu USB WIFI dongle chipsets, Atheros chipset is supported well. Yes, just hard to see what chipset to purchase in the market place.

Here is a GhostBSD forum post that had two conflicting drivers load iwl_wifi.ko and iwm,ko You can read and compare with your own iwn0 setup.

Some piece of information is not being looked at here?. Just not sure of which piece of data that is. OPEN AND ENCRYPTED use different contents inside the /etc/rc.conf file. The network tools do not connect to an OPEN NETWORK if use word 'WPA' inside the /etc/rc.conf file.
Took me 8 hours to find this little tidbit of useful information.
I find those GhostBSD Forum posts I made a while ago, helpful to me to compare output data against what you might see from issuing the same command sequence.

SROBB has a FreeBSD quickstart wireless that is helpful

Manually one time create iwn0 or have the line inside the /etc/rc.conf file
This seems to have changed in 12.x. Now the command, at least for my Intel card is :
ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev iwn0

What is your present contents for the following files, MaxRusse11 ?
file contents? What are the 2 lines in your

You should see that the device has been created. To make this happen automatically upon boot, add the following to

man wpa_supplicant.conf use -K command to issue debug output for the connection made -b to place command in the background
#killall dhclient if it is aleady running? ps aux | grep -i dhclient ;
wpa_supplicant -K -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

# Wildcard match for SSID (plaintext APs only). This example select any
# open AP regardless of its SSID.

Great examples from MIT of using

Yes, there is much reading to do for understanding this wifi connection. Enjoy the journey to a FreeBSD wifi connection

Man page wpa_supplicant daemon has definition of -K print key debugging connection output and -B background from terminal.
Last edited:
it is the Intel Centrino n100 (in a 12 year old? laptop). Experience so far is, yes, pretty horrible. I've done the usb tethering thing via my phone, but it's not a preferred solution (data, battery on laptop). Do you recommend a particular USB wifi dongle, based on your experience?
Currently im using Netgear M1 as my main internet . 4G ( cost me 2 Euros a mont for unlimited data,msg,calls - have no idea why 2 euros :D as im using ordinary SIM card from my phone )
Currently i can get up to 80-90mbps ... did i mentioned 2 euros a mont ? bargain of the century. Battery is oky doky but if im not going anywhere im taking it out and using wired(power supply)
Never tried directly with ether cable to run on laptop , but my WS didnt accepted it so had to use router to get wired for my PC.
I would try to change wifi card to a bit better one ... ps. whats you laptop ?
Also if laptop would take it - you can get usb to wired.
Currently im using Netgear M1 as my main internet . 4G ( cost me 2 Euros a mont for unlimited data,msg,calls - have no idea why 2 euros :D as im using ordinary SIM card from my phone )
Currently i can get up to 80-90mbps ... did i mentioned 2 euros a mont ? bargain of the century.
Which operator? Is it available all over Europe?
my wpa_supplicant. Minus my keys obviously:




in that configuration, running these in sequence:
killall dhclient
wlan0 ifconfig
wlan0ifconfig wlan0 up scan list

is associating with an EE device. Which isn't mine.
Im residing in Europe/Lithuania my laptop came from outside EU and when i was installing FreeBSD i never changed REG domain or how it called. EEC or something else ( sorry, cant remember it ) and if i choose my country or Europe ( cant recall what options there ) - NO INTERNET - could not find any kind of WiFi etc. so i always kept it as it is only change locales if i want/need to.

my /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf



my wpa_supplicant. Minus my keys obviously:
Your access point is "OPEN" not "ENCRYPTED" DO NOT USE "WPA"

# ssid="ManoWiFi_5G"
# do not use this ---> key_mgmt=WPA-PSK
# do use key_mgmt=NONE
# test with wpa_supplicant
SROBB has a FreeBSD quickstart wireless that is helpful

Below is copied from web page.
Setting up the LAN device
First, one creates device wlan0. Assuming the card is iwn0, the command is
[ I changed iwm0 into iwn0 to match your intel card name ]

ifconfig wlan0 create wlandevice iwn0

This seems to have changed in 12.x. Now the command, at least for myIntel card is :

ifconfig wlan create wlandev iwn0

You should see that the device has been created. To make this happen automatically upon boot, add the following to /etc/rc.conf


Connecting to an open network
So, you live in NYC, and you're at the New York Public Library, which hasan open network called NYPL. (I think--I'm in the middle of writing this,and I'm not going downstairs to check right now---ahh, First WorldProblems). You've created your wlan0 device as described, so let's connectit to NYPL's network.

First let's get the name of the network.

ifconfig wlan0 up scan

This looks for available networks and will return a listing of them.In this case, we want to connect tothe NYPL network so we'll use

ifconfig wlan0 ssid NYPL
ifconfig wlan0 ssid vodafoneCCD803

Hopefully you will see that it's joined, and running ifconfig iwn0 will show that it's associated. Get an address.

#killall dhclient if it is aleady running? ps aux | grep -i dhclient ; use with -K -d options to debug; use -B option to remove from terminal and place in background daemon
wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
dhclient wlan0

You should see that it has an address.
Latest Post February 2024 tested with FreeBSD 14.0 kernel USB RTL8192cu Edimax ES-7811un Realtek device PCI RTL8188ce Realtek PCI device

I researched and wrote those forum posts to take some one who is a new user (like myself at that time) to FreeBSD / GhostBSD and find out what WiFi devices exist on their laptop or desktop and then manually go step by step with simple commands, until you have a working WiFi network connection using the same tools and programs that the NetworkMgr python application uses to make a network connection. I wrote these steps down based on reading many sources, Web URLS, and then testing step by step myself. I collected this information and wrote it down from beginning to end. The FreeBSD handbook is very useful, but starts in the middle and supposes you know what commands to use and in which order to configure your network, yet when you are a new user, you have no ideas on what command to use, nor previous experience in this "new to you" operating system.

Use the commands listed as a template and modify for your computer hardware situation. Basically edit 3 files:

and run about 4 commands:
ifconfig wlan0 create wlandev rtwn0
killall dhclient
wpa_supplicant -B -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
dhclient wlan0

# Include key information in debugging output. -K Testing key connection debugging output
# wpa_supplicant -K -d -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf

# Wildcard match for SSID (plaintext APs only). This example wpa_supplicant.conf file select any
# open AP regardless of its SSID.
network={ key_mgmt=NONE }

-B Detach from the controlling terminal and run as a daemon
process in the background.

-d Enable debugging messages. If this option is supplied twice,
more verbose messages are displayed.

-D Driver name (can be multiple drivers: nl80211,wext).

-f Log output to debug file instead of stdout.

-g Global ctrl_interface.

-h Show help text.

-K Include key information in debugging output.

YES, Much information to read. I wish you best of luck on making your OPEN Network WIFI connection. You are almost there, MaxRusse11.
Add to title to word 'SOLVED' when this wifi connection finally works for you. Do add the /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf file, /etc/rc.conf file , and /boot/loader.conf file that works for you. Do remove your private connection information from those files. replacesensitive information with '*****' asterisks
… choose my country or Europe ( cant recall what options there ) …

% grep rd\ id= /etc/regdomain.xml | sort
<rd id="apac">
<rd id="apac2">
<rd id="apac3">
<rd id="debug">
<rd id="etsi">
<rd id="etsi2">
<rd id="etsi3">
<rd id="fcc">
<rd id="fcc3">
<rd id="fcc4">
<rd id="gz901">
<rd id="japan">
<rd id="korea">
<rd id="none">
<rd id="row">
<rd id="sr9">
<rd id="xc900m">
<rd id="xr9">