It's already included and can't be included twice.Also, even if check is not required, I don't understand why .include <> upsets poudriere.
It's already included and can't be included twice.Also, even if check is not required, I don't understand why .include <> upsets poudriere.
But where ?! I quoted Makefile.It's already included and can't be included twice.
That's the first. Where is the second ? I quoted Makefile that throws error.Just after CMAKE_ARGS and before PKGMESSAGE.
# ls -1 /tmp/shm/*
#curl -d "username=somebody&password=mypassword&action=login&view=console" -c /tmp/cookies.txt http://myzm/index.php
#curl -b /tmp/cookies.txt -XPOST http://myzm/api/monitors/2.json -d "Monitor[Function]=Monitor&Monitor[Enabled]=1"
#cat zmwatch.log
08/13/17 09:41:50.160670 zmwatch[81702].ERR [Memory map file '/tmp/shm/zm.mmap.2' does not exist. zmc might not be running.]
08/13/17 09:41:50.161066 zmwatch[81702].INF [Restarting capture daemon for Camera-2, shared data not valid]
08/13/17 09:41:58.617506 zmwatch[81520].INF [Restarting capture daemon for Camera-2, shared data not valid]
08/13/17 09:41:58.621416 zmwatch[81521].INF [Restarting capture daemon for Camera-2, shared data not valid]
08/13/17 09:41:58.927755 zmwatch[81521].INF [Restarting capture daemon for Camera-1, shared data not valid]
08/13/17 09:41:58.929024 zmwatch[81520].INF [Restarting capture daemon for Camera-1, shared data not valid]
08/13/17 09:42:09.198986 zmwatch[81521].ERR [Memory map file '/tmp/shm/zm.mmap.1' does not exist. zmc might not be running.]
08/13/17 09:42:09.199464 zmwatch[81521].INF [Restarting capture daemon for Camera-1, shared data not valid]
08/13/17 09:42:14.272303 zmwatch[81521].ERR [Memory map file '/tmp/shm/zm.mmap.2' should have been 896 but was instead 0]
08/13/17 09:42:14.272720 zmwatch[81521].INF [Restarting capture daemon for Camera-2, shared data not valid]
08/13/17 09:42:14.538649 zmwatch[81521].ERR [Memory map file '/tmp/shm/zm.mmap.3' should have been 896 but was instead 0]
08/13/17 09:42:14.539052 zmwatch[81521].INF [Restarting capture daemon for Camera-3, shared data not valid]
08/13/17 09:42:15.329443 zmwatch[81520].ERR [Memory map file '/tmp/shm/zm.mmap.1' does not exist. zmc might not be running.]
08/13/17 09:42:15.329909 zmwatch[81520].INF [Restarting capture daemon for Camera-1, shared data not valid]
/usr/local/libexec/mysqld, Version: 5.6.37-log (Source distribution). started with:
Tcp port: 3306 Unix socket: /tmp/mysql.sock
Time Id Command Argument
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 20G
innodb_data_home_dir = /var/db/mysql/innodb
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /var/db/mysql/logs
innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:128M:autoextend
innodb_flush_method = O_DIRECT
innodb_log_file_size = 256M
innodb_log_buffer_size = 16M
innodb_write_io_threads = 8
innodb_read_io_threads = 8
innodb_autoinc_lock_mode = 2
innodb_file_per_table = off
zfs set primarycache=metadata tank/db
zfs set atime=off tank/db
zfs set recordsize=16k tank/db/innodb
zfs set recordsize=128k tank/db/logs
zfs set sync=disabled tank/db
Is zms and zmc daemons continue to run in this state? I observing this issue from time to time, but found no clue yet. ZM web page shows stopped state, but other stuff continue to operate.the web page indicates that Zoneminder is stopped
root@NVR:~ # ls -1 /tmp/*
code is unreliable. You can't killall
perl scripts by name, their names are perl At least under FreeBSD, not sure about Linux, maybe systemd cleans them.sub killAll
my $delay = shift;
sleep( $delay );
my $killall;
if ( '@HOST_OS@' eq 'BSD' )
$killall = 'killall -q -';
} elsif ( '@HOST_OS@' eq 'solaris' ) {
$killall = 'pkill -';
} else {
$killall = 'killall -q -s ';
foreach my $daemon ( @daemons )
my $cmd = $killall ."TERM $daemon";
Debug( $cmd );
qx( $cmd );
sleep( $delay );
foreach my $daemon ( @daemons )
my $cmd = $killall."KILL $daemon";
Debug( $cmd );
qx( $cmd );