linux-steam-utils question

I had install linux-steam-utils.When start steam I get errors:
Please make sure the following requirements are satisfied:

* linprocfs mounted at /compat/linux/proc
* linsysfs mounted at /compat/linux/sys
* tmpfs mounted at /compat/linux/dev/shm
* procfs mounted at /proc
* fdescfs mounted at /dev/fd

How to mount?mount in fstab?
While I haven't used games/linux-steam-utils myself I am fairly sure that it uses the Linux compatibility layer.
As such, after installing the corresponding packages you'd be informed about the extra steps needed (those mounts).
You can use pkg info -D <package> to get that message re-printed (although I'm not sure which of the packages would print this).

The handbook also explains this in detail - including an explicit example of etc/fstab:
sysrc linux_mounts_enable="YES"
I did not know about that - seems handy!
Where is that coming from? I assume this is an rc.d script provided by one of the emulation/linux-* packages? Or is it provided by base?

EDIT: Never mind... the handbook has spoken :D
It's a fairly recent addition, it was added to the /etc/rc.d/linux boot script. Before that you had to add those entries by hand to /etc/fstab. Now it can be done "automagically" :D

        if checkyesno linux_mounts_enable; then
                linux_mount linprocfs "${_emul_path}/proc" -o nocover
                linux_mount linsysfs "${_emul_path}/sys" -o nocover
                linux_mount devfs "${_emul_path}/dev" -o nocover
                linux_mount fdescfs "${_emul_path}/dev/fd" -o nocover,linrdlnk
                linux_mount tmpfs "${_emul_path}/dev/shm" -o nocover,mode=1777
I edit fstab add follwing:
devfs      /compat/linux/dev      devfs      rw,late                    0  0
tmpfs      /compat/linux/dev/shm  tmpfs      rw,late,size=1g,mode=1777  0  0
fdescfs    /compat/linux/dev/fd   fdescfs    rw,late,linrdlnk           0  0
linprocfs  /compat/linux/proc     linprocfs  rw,late                    0  0
linsysfs   /compat/linux/sys      linsysfs   rw,late  
proc       /proc                          procfs       rw                       0      0
failed at boot, /compat/linux/dev/shm can't be found
This is the default value, actually.
You are correct. I had linux_enable="YES" on my system but those filesystems never mounted until I added linux_mounts_enable="YES". The default may have changed at some point in time, and my setting in rc.conf is now superfluous.
devfs on /compat/linux/dev (devfs)
fdescfs on /compat/linux/dev/fd (fdescfs)
linprocfs on /compat/linux/proc (linprocfs,local)
linsysfs on /compat/linux/sys (linsysfs,local)
There's no entry for /compat/linux/dev/shm.

Did you manually add the necessary entries to /etc/fstab? If so, you're missing at least one.
You might want to consider using the new auto mounting feature mentioned further above.
I've just updated my system from manually listed entries in /etc/fstab to the "new" automatic method and it works like a treat :)
I'd like to install Steam on my environment, but I have /compat/ubuntu set up with the focal installation which facilitates Google Chrome in a jailed environment. Is there a way to install Steam to use this same enviroment? If I try to chroot into that environment and install the steam_latest.deb as per the normal Linux installation, it wants to install X server and all that, which I'm guessing is not what I want.

Is there anyway around using the linux-steam-utils package to install another chroot environment just for steam?