Life without FreeBSD Forums is hard!

Of course it is. Hiding vulnerabilities doesn't help with credibility and trust.
It causes concern that there isn't a statement from the foundation yet.

It may not only a problem with the forums but the whole infratructure may be compomised.
What about the packages? Are they clean? Do i install a trojan if i upgrade them?
OK, let's focus on the forums for now. I am in fact happy that they're back online. That means that power got restored in some places in North Carolina. Sometimes, you gotta stay on the topic if you want effective problem resolution.
Let's pretend, for a moment, that the cause was a vulnerability. Should the administrators now shout "HERE'S A VULNERABILITY"?
We obviously wouldn't do that until after we made dead sure that hole has been plugged. There's obviously a limit to what information we can give out, at a certain time, but I do agree with eternal_noob, openness is important.

The home page ( was down too for a short time.
That appears to be just coincidental.
Don't know the exact time and duration. When i noticed the forums went down, i wanted to check the home page if there was a notice. But it was not accessible.
I am nice. I just say the it helps with credibility and trust if the foundation publishes a statement asap.

For 3 days? I guess not.
They did in fact lose power.
I can't access that site:
Sorry, I didn't see that coming. In any event, the awful weather on US east coast should be in EU news by now. And yes, it's bad enough to cause major disruptions to the infrastructure. Major highways seeing accidents, power outages all over the place, local authorities declaring state of emergency - it's all there. Just google 'Power outages North Carolina', and you'll get news hits from the last 3 days, easy.
You can have your solar panels
and your turbines on the hills;
You can use the warmth of sunshine
to reduce your heating bills.

You can dream you’re self-sufficient
as you weed your veggie bed;
As long as you make sure to keep
A diesel in the shed.

--author unknown
The same time the forums went down for the first time. I am in UTC + 1.

Thanks. No time zone on this graph, which covered a period ending 10:42, but it was posted at 10:59 UTC:

I couldn't access the forums from my computer. I'm unsure if I accessed and the forums from my phone though.

I thought it was on my end, because in the past, it was the DNS server settings on my computer conflicting with the ones in the router, or it working on either IP4 or IP6. Which my DNS settings were made to work before an upgrade.
The foundation gets millions of donations and you tell me they chose a hosting company which can't afford UPSs?
What hosting company is it anyway?
eternal_noob : Chill, we're back, and it's all good. Also, even if that datacenter did have back-up power to keep the servers running, the data still needs to be delivered through outside points before it gets sent to EU or wherever. The power outages have affected most of NE United States. Even New York was affected, and if you recall, it's the terminus for transatlantic cables that deliver data from American datacenters to EU. ?