Is it possible to change the ports config dialog colours?

I used to have a custom .dlalogrc that changed the ports config dialog colours, but I get the feeling that /usr/bin/dialog isn't used any more by ports (maybe?).
The man page for ports-mgmt/portconfig tells me I can use NO_COLOR=1 which is an improvement (for me), but is there a way to keep the dialog colourised but with colours of my choosing?
It looks like portconfig uses bsddialog(3), which has some support for themes, but quick glance over man pages doesn't look like there is easy method to pass user preferences to the underlying library.
Thanks for confirming all.

Does the lack of customisability (other than B&W) raise accessibility concerns?
Does the lack of customisability (other than B&W) raise accessibility concerns?
The first (oldest) default of ports-mgmt/portconfig when it landed on ports tree was much worse than current one, at least for cataract eyeballs. Current one is fine.
And in my humble opinion, ports-mgmt/portconfig should be merged into base like in-base bsddialog(1) in the future. Re-adding theme (color scheme) functionality with more flexible way (was just to select from a few candidates) would be nice before the merge happenes.