How to set the default group for Firefox downloading

Hi, I installed www/firefox and set the default download directory to /home/usr0/down/:
% id
uid=1001(usr0) gid=1001(usr0) groups=1001(usr0),0(wheel)
% ls -ld ~/down
drwxr-xr-x  4 usr0  usr0  512  Apr 30 01:23 /home/usr0/down

When I used the built-in function to download a file named FILE, the group is wheel instead of usr0:
% ls -alo ~/down/FILE
-rw-r--r--  1 usr0  wheel  - 1234  Apr 30 01:23 down/FILE
But when I used an extension like DownThemAll! to download this file, the group is usr0:
% ls -alo ~/down/FILE
-rw-r--r--  1 usr0  usr0  - 1234  Apr 30 01:23 down/FILE

So how to set the default group to the user's default group like usr0 rather than wheel?

The file should always be saved using the primary group, which in your case is usr0.
The file should always be saved using the primary group, which in your case is usr0.
Yes, I see. I think the owner should be usr0:usr0, but actually the owner is usr0:wheel if it's downloaded by the built-in function.

> chown myuser:myuser ~/downloads
> chmod -R 700 ~/downloads/
Works here.
Thanks, but no effect.