Solved how to dpms off with wayland compositors (especially hikari)

Is there any way to dpms off a monitor with wlroots based wayland compositor?
I found this but it did not work with hikari although it says it will work with compositor based on wlroots. Maybe, wlroots version hikari is based is rather old?

I do not want screen saver, but want to turn the monitor off when I am idle for a period.
Hi Mate, wlr-randr might be what you want its a wayland version of xrandr

sudo pkg install wlr-randr

wlr-randr-0.3.1                xrandr clone for wlroots compositors

wlr-randr -h
usage: wlr-randr [options…]
--output <name>
  --mode|--custom-mode <width>x<height>[@<refresh>Hz]
  --pos <x>,<y>
  --transform normal|90|180|270|flipped|flipped-90|flipped-180|flipped-270
  --scale <factor>
  --adaptive-sync enabled|disabled
Thank you, but...

% wlr-randr --output --off
compositor doesn't support wlr-output-management-unstable-v1

It seems I have to wait for the development of hikari, or switch to other compositor.
i use dwl which is a wayland version of dwm
another option is wayfire

i have made tutorials on how to install both dwl and wayfire
