Help Understanding Zabbix proxy


Do I still need to have a Zabbix agent when running a Zabbix proxy?
I am not clear about the situation.

Thank you

Do I still need to have a Zabbix agent when running a Zabbix proxy?
I am not clear about the situation.

Thank you

Yes, the zabbix proxy primarily serves to either act as a collection point (reducing main server load for large installations) or as a forwarder (for when the proxy straddles two network segments that are otherwise not routed across). You don’t need a proxy if the agent and server can see each other on the network.

The agent is the primary source of per-computer metrics.
thank you all for the reply.
I have a bunch of server in datacenter1 and 2. The Zabbix server is located in Datacenter3.
In DC 1 and DC2, I installed 1x zabbix proxy.
Each DC has several servers all containing the zabbix agent.
Should the zabbix agent point to the IP of the zabbix proxy and should they all carry on pointing at te zabbix server?
In order to use the proxy, the Zabbix agent for each server must point to a Zabbix proxy.
Each Zabbix proxy must relay to the Zabbix server.

You don’t need a proxy if the agent and server can see each other on the network.

You mentioned that the servers with agents running are currently pointing directly to the Zabbix Server. If that is working, is there a reason you need to add a proxy? A proxy will help with large scale data collection and firewall/network access issues. If you have a reliable connection between data centers, and the agents can connect directly to the Zabbix server, you might not need to use proxies.