Have you ever discovered software that you wished you found earlier?

Hey everyone,

As we navigate the world of technology, we often come across new software that can make our lives easier, more productive, or more enjoyable. But have you ever discovered a software that you wished you had found earlier?

Maybe you recently started using a FreeBSD (or found something else better than FreeBSD) that has significantly improved your OS options, and you wish you had found it years ago.

I'm curious to hear about your experiences with software. Have you ever come across a software that you wished you had found earlier? What was it, and why do you think you missed it before?

Share your thoughts and let's discuss how discovering new software can make our lives better.

PS: Reason for this thread: when I found out about FreeBSD I was using Debian for about 10 years before. I never thought it would be this much of a pleasure to maintain the server compared to my previous experience with Linux. But, I don't know what I don't know, so wanted to know what else is out there..?

PS2: For fun, I used ChatGPT to create this post - with some minor changes.
For fun, I used ChatGPT to create this post

I heard this on National Public Radio (NPR) and now the New York Times had an email story saying the same thing:

For most people, ChatGPT is more of a toy than a tool. You can ask it silly questions, but it’s not robust enough to write high-quality work memos or school essays.

In another thread, I said I see so many people state they asked chatgpt for an answer that didn't work or was wrong.
I navigate the world of technology mostly for getting the additional work done, that technology is burdening on me. What makes my live easier is finding software that can be used defending privacy. This is more and more important as new software has more the purpose of generating data for marketing than providing a use to the customer. So yes, I discover software that others use while being happy that I have avoided jumping on the latest new shit.

My experience with new software is, that it can be a source of wasting valuable lifetime. You get bugs for free and horrible usability. Trying to fix the latest you waste time that could be used for recreation.

After started using FreeBSD I got used reading https://www.freshports.org where I found “proxy-software” that helped me to avoid spreading too much bits to greedy commercial dataminers when surfing the Internet.

And yeah, I wished to have found Vim earlier.

PS: While texting this answer I had in mind that bots come around sniffing for text and other bits.
My experience with new software is, that it can be a source of wasting valuable lifetime. You get bugs for free and horrible usability. Trying to fix the latest you waste time that could be used for recreation.
Indeed, new software may be a waste of time, or exactly the opposite. And without learning the software,
you may not know it before. You invest time for learning if you will win or waste more time.

I never used tmux or screen, but I can imagine the win: switching buffers in emacs on a VT100 was for me
a big win when I began using emacs. Now I regret not learning vi before, and I never learned it 100%.

And I began using X11 later, that was also an error.

Learning to configure twm, that was always there, was a big win. I think, people normaly search for a
"Desktop Environment" instead of "wasting" time learning to configure twm.
Hey everyone,

As we navigate the world of technology, we often come across new software that can make our lives easier, more productive, or more enjoyable. But have you ever discovered a software that you wished you had found earlier?

Maybe you recently started using a FreeBSD (or found something else better than FreeBSD) that has significantly improved your OS options, and you wish you had found it years ago.

I'm curious to hear about your experiences with software. Have you ever come across a software that you wished you had found earlier? What was it, and why do you think you missed it before?

Share your thoughts and let's discuss how discovering new software can make our lives better.

PS: Reason for this thread: when I found out about FreeBSD I was using Debian for about 10 years before. I never thought it would be this much of a pleasure to maintain the server compared to my previous experience with Linux. But, I don't know what I don't know, so wanted to know what else is out there..?

PS2: For fun, I used ChatGPT to create this post - with some minor changes.

ChatGPT would be great if you didn't have to register
Login/password access

An Anonymous ChatGPT Service

Since this is not the case, I never use something like that in my life
google or other predators also allow anonymous searches

in the end, the new way of searching is the same as it used to be

can't you do something like that?

or am I misunderstanding something?

just looking for a new update:
it's about the search industry

an update can always do more than the old one

it is a search and offer wit.h the idea of selling what you are looking for

a sneaky new packaging.
The small business owner thinks
it can save staff or time

Register for free.

Finds out later that it brings little or nothing anyway

A lot of data migrates

You can't steal data more pathetically.
Nightmare. Lot of it about.

First they make it look handy and benign.

Then add the real weapons.

Who should I vote for, ChatGPT?
How else should you steal money. ?

We need an open source AI

Name: BitAI OpenScoure Engine

Alongside FreeBSD / Bitcoin / BitAI

That's how it goes....
I should have based my work on screen and tmux earlier than I actually did.
Talk about sysutils/screen?
I'm not sysadmin, is it for practicality or is there something else compared to fg/bg?
EDIT: I remember, separate the terminal from the program.

I forced myself to live for a while in CLI, mutt, lynx, screen and more, a decade ago.

I think the biggest thing I've learned at *nix is... Bash.