FreeBSD on Intel Compute Stick ???

This sort of stuff triggers me - they are giving their time and valuable skills freely, so there's not really any "should" here.

I too donate what I can - like you, it's going to be money rather than any code - but feel it must be annoying for open source developers to be told what they "should" do. That's just my feelings, I don't claim to have any inside knowledge or speak for anyone other than myself. I know, I know, it is just a word.

Sorry, very OT. ?
I had a bad choice of words. I only meant that I am encouraged to hear that there are talks going on in regard to driver cross sharing within the BSDs and I appreciate all the hard work that the devs do in all the BSD projects. The amount of hardware and software support that exists is incredible. I just get excited seeing all the hard work and accomplishments happening and hope the sharing efforts are successful to the benefit of everyone.

EDIT: I honestly do understand how frustrating it is to have users request code changes and expect it to be easily accomplished and a fast process. It's actually infuriating. Especially for a single dev it can take months for a feature addition or change because every change requires an unknown amount of additional changes that are effected by upstream or downstream. And there's testing etc etc. .But, I didn't intend my comment to be demanding. Just hopeful for successful efforts in collaboration.
Well, there are cases when just one well-thought-out, well-placed line of code fixes bugs and doubles the performance of the whole program. I just recently saw a Phoronix news item about that. And then there's gigabytes of stuff that needs to be installed, compiled, whatever, to do exactly what? turn off the pulsating backlight on the keyboard? Ppl who don't know how to code at all, they have unrealistic view of what it takes to write code, true. But unless they're marketers who promise the moon to others and expect coders to deliver, not knowing how to code is OK... just my 2 cents.
Well, there are cases when just one well-thought-out, well-placed line of code fixes bugs and doubles the performance of the whole program. I just recently saw a Phoronix news item about that. And then there's gigabytes of stuff that needs to be installed, compiled, whatever, to do exactly what? turn off the pulsating backlight on the keyboard? Ppl who don't know how to code at all, they have unrealistic view of what it takes to write code, true. But unless they're marketers who promise the moon to others and expect coders to deliver, not knowing how to code is OK... just my 2 cents.
Yeah that's why I was so surprised to see that OpenBSD was on 6.1 drivers. I can't even imagine the work that went in to that. What magic are they doing over there?

EDIT: to specify drm-kmod drivers