FreeBSD not boot on RPI4(Rapsberry PI 4) 8GB

Hi! i just start my journi in the FreeBSD world and i want to make some servers on my Raspberry pi, the problem is that the boot is stuck at the mighty Rainbow screen i try some fix on the net one of them was to replace some file start4.elf, fixup4.dat and u-boot.bin but it uas for an other FreeBSD version and i get an error about that, any ideea what can i do to boot from SDCard on RPI4?

i was try to install FreeBSD 13.2


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    Screenshot from 2023-08-22 14-06-44.png
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I stopped at RPi3 but I do read alot.
On Pi4 they added firmware to board. The firmware needs to be upgraded sometimes.

Here is another route to go.
Ditch u-boot and checkout EDK2 Firmware in ports.
It basically gives you a BIOS like regular boards on Arm.
For RPi4 try this: pkg install edk2-rpi4. It gets flashed to sd-card just like u-boot.
Don't worry about the OS just get this booting and the rest will follow.
After installation move to the installation directory
cd /usr/local/share/edk2-rpi4/
Roughly follow these instructions:
For FreeBSD create scheme, Make a FAT32 Partition and format.
Copy over RPI_EFI.fd.
At this point test it out. Remove card and test on RPi4.
See if you get past the rainbow screen and onto BIOS....

EDK2 port uses flavors so they don't show up as individual ports.
hmm i was try to do something but no use, i am not sure exactly how to make it, can you explain more please

this is what i try until now, put an freebsd on USB then insert in raspberry pi. still the same problem, is stuck at rainbow screen keyboard is flashing one time and then stay on nothing else.

i also try the firmware that open the "bios" but i was unable to find something that help there