OK, it's rather good when started with a fresh profile -- as they, in fact, recommend. Everything is working except YouTube video.
OK, it's rather good when started with a fresh profile -- as they, in fact, recommend. Everything is working except YouTube video.
… I'll use firefox-esr (52 version should be supported untill 2018?) and …
Tried NoScript with FF 57. According to the description of its usage, given by somebody here, you use it to block ALL scripts on a page and then turn them ON one by one until the site restores such of its functionality that you need with all you don't need still left blocked. Well, this idea is clear and understandable.From the NoScript Options menu? It shows every site I've ever enabled scripting for, I don't see a way to remove any of them. Only change a site status (Trusted/Untrusted/Default) or change the permissions for the site by left clicking on the icon in the page.
The extensions are the main reason I use www/firefox, with NoScript being what I consider the most important one, for my purposes
I personally find umatrix to be a lot more useful than NoScript for most things. It's much more flexible and I don't have the same issues I had with NoScript having to go through and enable things that reveal other things.Tried NoScript with FF 57. According to the description of its usage, given by somebody here, you use it to block ALL scripts on a page and then turn them ON one by one until the site restores such of its functionality that you need with all you don't need still left blocked. Well, this idea is clear and understandable.
Evidently, then, this is NOT how the addon works now. There is NO option to allow scripts one by one, but instead it either BLOCKS or ALLOWS all scripts on a given page. Worst of all, even if you "whitelist" certain pages, they still remain broken and won't load normally. Well, maybe this is just default behaviour , which can be corrected via configuration options? If so, it evidently is not the best one to start with.
However, there is this page from the developer listing some of the hidden options and workarounds.
From the description sounds very promising. Will give it a try, thank you.I personally find umatrix to be a lot more useful than NoScript for most things. It's much more flexible and I don't have the same issues I had with NoScript having to go through and enable things that reveal other things.
Code:… pkg: No packages available to install matching 'qutebrowser' have been found in the repositories $
root@momh167-gjp4-hpelitebook8570p-freebsd:~ # pkg install qutebrowser-py36
Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue...
FreeBSD repository is up to date.
Updating area51 repository catalogue...
area51 repository is up to date.
Updating poudriere repository catalogue...
poudriere repository is up to date.
All repositories are up to date.
The following 22 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked):
New packages to be INSTALLED:
qutebrowser-py36: 1.0.4 [FreeBSD]
py36-qt5-opengl: 5.7.1_1 [FreeBSD]
py36-qt5-widgets: 5.7.1_1 [FreeBSD]
py36-qt5-gui: 5.7.1_1 [FreeBSD]
py36-qt5-core: 5.7.1 [FreeBSD]
py36-qt5-webkitwidgets: 5.7.1_1 [FreeBSD]
py36-qt5-webkit: 5.7.1_1 [FreeBSD]
py36-qt5-network: 5.7.1 [FreeBSD]
py36-qt5-printsupport: 5.7.1_1 [FreeBSD]
py36-cssutils: 1.0.2,1 [FreeBSD]
py36-pygments: 2.2.0 [FreeBSD]
py36-pyPEG2: 2.15.2 [FreeBSD]
py36-MarkupSafe: 1.0 [FreeBSD]
py36-qt5-qml: 5.7.1_1 [FreeBSD]
py36-yaml: 3.11_2 [FreeBSD]
py36-sip: 4.19.2,1 [FreeBSD]
py36-colorama: 0.3.7 [FreeBSD]
py36-attrs: 17.3.0 [FreeBSD]
py36-Jinja2: 2.10 [FreeBSD]
py36-Babel: 2.5.1 [FreeBSD]
py36-pytz: 2017.3,1 [FreeBSD]
py36-qt5-sql: 5.7.1_1 [FreeBSD]
Number of packages to be installed: 22
The process will require 69 MiB more space.
11 MiB to be downloaded.
Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y